Developmental psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), observes that the mother-son relationship is associated with the worship of Satan. In Revelation, the red dragon waits to devour the child of the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, the New Redeemer who...
For God and Satan
Jesus was tortured to death because he preached of `God`s love`. At his death after the crucifixion his side was pierced by the spear of Longinus, and the Paraclete emerged therefrom as the `Second Eve` to be the `tutelary guide` that would be Woman`s Revelation,...
Entering Mars Orbit
In Egyptian mythology, the figure of Osiris is the incarnation of the sun god Ra, and he is dismembered by Set, `the evil`. Isis, the goddess, puts the parts of Osiris back together. It`s a myth that describes how a collective consciousness of individual egos that know...
Cage, Gee! Bee
Miley Cyrus is an American pop superstar. For her song Can`t Be Tamed, her video advisers give her the character of a `shill`, to announce her:
`Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the museum. Tonight we are proud to reveal our greatest exhibit yet. A creature so rare it...
But I Thought the Old Lady Dropped it into the Ocean at the End?
Britney Spears Oops I Did It Again is interesting in mythic terms as a science fictional essay. Her cryptic remark about the Old Lady when the astronanut gives her the boxed gift is a reference to the `heart of the ocean`, a...
Britney`s Woman
Oops I Did It Again is Britney Spears `Lamaze clock` in which she appears as the Woman of Revelation `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` that gives birth while the red dragon waits to devour the New Redeemer. The spaceman who arrives is suspended over her as...
At the close of the New Testament of the Bible, the `woman clothed with the sun and with moon at her feet` gives birth to the New Redeemer while the red dragon of Revelation waits to devour the child. It`s a metaphor for how men as a parasitical virus uses Woman as a host...
Woman Piercing
Taking a woman`s virginity requires the correct functioning of the equipment applied to the task. There is a little blood, and the woman is pierced. It is a salutary lesson in the goodness of God. Both of you now proceed towards fulfilment; in orgasm; in life, and in...
Virus as 21st Century Paradigm
In Revelation the coming of Jesus with the Sword is preceded by 7 plagues (Rev: 16. 2-17), which are reminiscent of the AIDS virus that is the paradigm of the 21st Century insofar as God destroyed Sodom in the Bible (Gen: 16,19) and AIDS is perceived as a...