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01/01/2012 15:45
Kore   Developmental psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), observes that the mother-son relationship is associated with the worship of Satan. In Revelation, the red dragon waits to devour the child of the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, the New Redeemer who...

Guy Forks

01/01/2012 15:40
Guy Forks                                                                                  ...

For God and Satan

01/01/2012 15:38
For God and Satan   Jesus was tortured to death because he preached of `God`s love`. At his death after the crucifixion his side was pierced by the spear of Longinus, and the Paraclete emerged therefrom as the `Second Eve` to be the `tutelary guide` that would be Woman`s Revelation,...

Entering Mars Orbit

01/01/2012 15:35
Entering Mars Orbit   In Egyptian mythology, the figure of Osiris is the incarnation of the sun god Ra, and he is dismembered by Set, `the evil`. Isis, the goddess, puts the parts of Osiris back together. It`s a myth that describes how a collective consciousness of individual egos that know...

Cage, Gee! Bee

01/01/2012 15:32
Cage, Gee! Bee     Miley Cyrus is an American pop superstar. For her song Can`t Be Tamed, her video advisers give her the character of a `shill`, to announce her: `Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the museum. Tonight we are proud to reveal our greatest exhibit yet. A creature so rare it...

But I Thought the Old Lady Dropped it into the Ocean at the End?

01/01/2012 15:30
But I Thought the Old Lady Dropped it into the Ocean at the End?   Britney Spears Oops I Did It Again is interesting in mythic terms as a science fictional essay. Her cryptic remark about the Old Lady when the astronanut gives her the boxed gift is a reference to the `heart of the ocean`, a...

Britney`s Woman

01/01/2012 15:26
Britney`s Woman   Oops I Did It Again is Britney Spears `Lamaze clock` in which she appears as the Woman of Revelation `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` that gives birth while the red dragon waits to devour the New Redeemer. The spaceman who arrives is suspended over her as...


01/01/2012 15:19
Bio-degradation   At the close of the New Testament of the Bible, the `woman clothed with the sun and with moon at her feet` gives birth to the New Redeemer while the red dragon of Revelation waits to devour the child. It`s a metaphor for how men as a parasitical virus uses Woman as a host...

Woman Piercing

01/01/2012 15:14
Woman Piercing   Taking a woman`s virginity requires the correct functioning of the equipment applied to the task. There is a little blood, and the woman is pierced. It is a salutary lesson in the goodness of God. Both of you now proceed towards fulfilment; in orgasm; in life, and in...

Virus as 21st Century Paradigm

01/01/2012 15:10
Virus as 21st Century Paradigm   In Revelation the coming of Jesus with the Sword is preceded by 7 plagues (Rev: 16. 2-17), which are reminiscent of the AIDS virus that is the paradigm of the 21st Century insofar as God destroyed Sodom in the Bible (Gen: 16,19) and AIDS is perceived as a...
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