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Arrow Guns and Arrogance: what is wrong with the American Dream?

01/01/2012 11:06

Arrow Guns and Arrogance: what is wrong with the American Dream?


In the Gulf War (2001-03) the US 7th Cavalry were supported by helicopters named for North American Indian tribes. It is a symbolism meant to unify the nation and it did. Saddam Hussein (1932-2009) was projected as the bad guy by the cowboys and the indians won. Much like the Washington Redskins defeating the Dallas Cowboys in the Super Bowl. Noone minds who despatches the villain as long as the good guys win.

 Good is an important notion here. God is good and the best team always wins because they are the greatest good. However, it is important to remember that the North American indian tribes under the leadership of Sitting Bull defeated the US 7th Cavalry with arrows while the 7th had rifles. Superior numbers won. The leader of the Sioux nation and the combined might of the other Indian nations crushed the 7th at the battle of the Little Big Horn (June 25-6 1876).

 Saddam Hussein was annhihilated by superior might and, though we may not think of him as General George C. Custer (1839-76), the principle is the same. He was projected as the bad guy and  the indians won. The Americans created him and his army, much in the fashion that they created the military strength of Iran when they supported Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the Shah (1919-80) until his dethronement in 1979. Saddam was, therefore, a cowboy who was beaten by our indians. His weapons were good but not good enough, and so were his army.

 Our indians, of course, were highly efficient with oodles of technology, and Saddam had arrows (scuds) in comparison with the USS New Jersey`s cruise missiles. But it was Saddam`s Little Big Horn and he was defended by his troops to the last. Paradoxically, then, he had the George C. role, and the US Army had the role of the North American Indian Nations with George W. as Sitting Bull.

 The North American Indians have a tradition of the Spirit of the Great White Buffalo, which is the Spirit of God within the land and its people.1 In curious fashion, therefore, the Spirit of America has triumphed in the Gulf War and the indian nations have again emerged victorious.

 The prevailing view, naturally, is that Saddam was just another indian that the cowboys dealt with: `A good injun is a dead injun.`2 This is arrogance, and neglects to perceive the difference between the arrow and the gun, that is, arrogance is based on the arrow-guns conceptualization in which arrows are necessarily inferior to guns. The battle of Little Big Horn disprove this for all time. Superiority won.

 The Little Big Horn is an American mythical event, which transposes into legend and partakes of what is called the American Dream and Manifest Destiny. God is good and God is great and God goes on forever. It represents the victory of the Americans; not the European settlers who arrived with Columbus in 1492, but Sitting Bull and the indians. Paradoxically, the defeat of the cowboy Saddam is the American Dream. Cowboys only existed for a brief period of history in the 1800s. The dream of the New Frontier - and its infinite expansion - comes from the settlers` desire to move ever Westwards into the continent, that is, from the East Coast, New York, to the virgin territory of the West Coast, California.

 The dream gathers epic propesity in, for example, Star Trek (1965-), Babylon 5 (1993-99), Stargate (1994-) and Dune (1965) that is, science fiction extravaganzas that partake of the sweeping grandeur of the vision that is Manifest Destiny, which is innocent progress and development in God without the threat that the gunslingers represent. That is why Saddam is a cowboy, because arrows are only for hunting animals and so are guns. The USA is about readiness to do battle on behalf of freedom, which is the basis of the American Dream: `life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness`.3 But it accepts that innocence is threatened, which is why it maintains defensive/offensive capability. Without a threat, there is no need to maintain a defense, and the American Dream is therefore the Will of God and Manifest Destiny, that is, recognition that God is not determined but that God has the power because God is omnipotent.

 Egoism is about the will, and God does not have a will to power, but is power and is omnipotent power for good, that is, innocence without poisonous evil in the shape of bullies such as Saddam that would seek to burn our farms, rape our women, and murder us. That is why Saddam was a cowboy, because he was a gunslinger, and was defeated by indians with arrows (cruise missiles).

 Tomahawks are not primitive weapons. The USA declared war on terrorism with the symbol of the `warhammer`, an indian weapon. Saddam was hammered by the tomahawk cruise missiles. The tomahawk, as the hammer of God, therefore represents, not God`s determination or will, but God`s power.This is translatable as the Shall of God because God has the power. It is the American Dream, together with their belief and faith, that God`s power shall be their Manifest Destiny as the vehicles of God`s Shall.

 The symbol of the 7th Cavalry are Spears and the Spear of Destiny is that with which the Roman soldier Longinus pierced Jesus` side at the crucifixion (Matt: 27.54. Jesus is Custer from an indians` point of view; a brave man who fought to the last. The name of God in Hebrew is Eloah, )in Aramaic Elah, and in Arabic Ilah (Allah), whereas the tetragrammaton, the secret name of God in Hebrew, YHWH is pronounceable as yellow, which corresponds to the name, Yellow Hair, by which the indians `christened` Custer. In other words, Custer, recognized by the indians as having the spirit of God in him, was their Jesus, and the spirit of God in the Will of the American People prevailed in the Gulf War when Satan was defeated by George W. as the representation of George C. Jesus.

 The Glory of God is the Shekinah in the Bible, as described in the Song of Songs: `A garden inclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed.` (Song: 4.12)  and she corresponds to the Holy Spirit of Christianity, which is the Paraclete or `teacher` sent to Earth after Jesus` Ascension (1 John: 2.1) to further those who accept Jesus` teachings and safeguard their redemption; which is the knowledge that they are saved and therefore their path to God is certain. Those who deny the Holy Spirit are doomed to unendurable eternal pain, which is the hell the Christians are to fear; as it is written and as it is to be revealed -  according to the Bible.

 In iconographical terms, Yellow Hair (YHWH), that is, General George C. Custer, represnts the Holy Spirit as the Shekinah (Ps: 37.3), which is the Glory of God, and that is the reason the flag of the United States is known as Old Glory because she is Custer. She is also Eve , who was born from the side of Adam (Gen: 2. 21-2), and that which the Roman soldier was looking to see if he could dislodge from the side of Christ when he penetrated it with his spear. The Woman that is by the side of Adamic Man and can never be taken from there because she was given by God.

 In the Book of The Revelation of Saint John The Divine, `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` (Rev: 12. 1-18) gives birth to a child that will `rule the nations with an iron rod` and whose birth is threatened with devourment by the serpent. She is depicted as hiding upon the Earth while her child is ruling, which suggests that there is a problem in the way in which Woman is perceived upon the Earth because she is both Custer and Jesus. Figures who represent a `last stand` and victimization, that is, sadism. This is the basic difficulty for Christianity. Jesus is perceptivally distinguished as a masochist and his tormentors are sadists. Custer, on the other hand, is a hero, but a Christ-like figure in the sense that he is equatable with `the blood of the lamb` (Rev: 12.11) or redemption through heroism on the part of God. This burgeoning of the Church Military, is fulfilled, as it were, in the Gulf War against Saddam (sadism) who is neither Jesus nor Custer. His `last stand` and execution are therefore a part of the victory of God over Satan.

 The `blue bird of happiness` appears in the movie the Song of the South (1946) and `life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness` are intrinsic to the American Dream. Sad Dam is therefore interpretable as the dam of sadness, that is, Saddam would have brought sadness to the world - and sadism - but his dam was breached and `life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness`, together with the fulfilment of the American Dream, shall progress and develop in unthreatened innocence, which is the Manifest Destiny of the USA.

 The danger arises when Woman is equated with Custer and Jesus, because from a sadist`s point of view, those who died in the Gulf War – all of them – died for them. Woman shouldn`t want to. But because Jesus, Custer, and even Saddam represent the victory of the sadist, Woman is the target.

 `I`m Miss American Dream since I was seventeen.` Britney Spears (1982-) sings in Piece of Me (2007), and this `yellow hair` is bravely challenging her enemies: `You want a piece of me?` She is the Shekinah, in everything but name, that is, she represents Custer`s `last stand` and Jesus` victimization by the sadists who want to keep her from happiness and feed like vampires upon her sadnesses, her video – as another Shekinah blonde Lady Gaga (1986-) also depicts her enemies – as paparazzi.

 It is about image and ideal. It is superstition that, to have one`s image stolen (by photographer, for example), is to lose one`s soul. Jesus` and Custer`s soul are clearly the Shekinah. Jesus` because God says so, and Custer because the indians, naming him Eloah or YHWH (yellow hair) say so. Britney Spears is, therefore, the image of the Shekinah, which is an ideal. If one`s image is poisoned, as occurred when the serpent persuaded Eve to eat of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (i.e., Evil; because all of the other fruit in the Garden of Eden was good), then one`s ideal is also threatened, which is a threat to the American Dream and Manifest Destiny. Not only that, but it indicates that 21st Century culture is based on the principle that Woman, whose soul is taken everywhere, is to be a victim of a `last stand` against – sadism. This is what it says in Revelation:


`They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.` (Rev: 16.8)


It could be argued that these are masochists; but Jesus and Custer – our  heroes – are not. One represents Betrothal to God or the Shekinah as Eros (love), and the other represents Logos taught by the Shekinah as Holy Spirit, or the Word of God as Sword. Masochism represents the danger of identifying oneself with the sadism of the sadist, that is, accepting one`s determined status as victim, which is what Woman has been trained to do. The sadist, moreover, with the knowledge that the Shekinah is God`s Glory, that is, the Holy Spirit, and that she is Woman, will seek to torture her both within and without, that is, within themselves (Man and Woman are created as One Creature in God in Eden and are therefore indivisibly united), and in the person of Woman who is the image of the ideal which is the Shekinah.

 The Book of Revelation therefore presents the folly of accepting sadism, because Woman was not created as a plaything of sadists and is not a masochist. That is why it is important to descry the parallels between Jesus and Custer. Neither are masochists and both were great. Nor were they sadists. Nor, as the indians are saying in their destruction of Saddam, were they sadists. But those who tortured were; the Romans, the Pharisees, Pontius Pilate, and Saddam. These are also cowards. Custer and Jesus fought to the last. Saddam hid behind his army, and so did Longinus. The indians and Britney Spears therefore represent the 7th Cavalry and the Spears of God. She, because she is Destiny as the Shekinah and Everywoman, which is the Holy Spirit that teaches us neither to give in to sadism nor to accept masochism as our lot.

 The lines from the song Piece of Me `I`m Miss American Dream since I was seventeen,` and the not-to-be-intimidated `You want a piece of me?` rhetoric are words sung in the defense of Woman, the American Dream and the Spears of Destiny, and are not to be trivialized. The image of Woman is what the paparazzi and photographers everywhere seek to steal and remake in their own image, which amounts to BDSM (bondage, dominance, sadism and masochism). It is not the ideal, which is the Shekinah as the Shall of God that partakes of God`s omniscience in the sense that Saddam`s downfall was `planned`, for example, by Sitting Bull at the battle of the Little Big Horn.

 Britney Spears represents the Spears of God as the Shalt, which is the command form of God`s powerful omnipotence. We must protect the image of Woman because she represents the ideal, which is the Glory of God. This does not mean that she is prissy. Woman is sexual but sado-masochism is not about sex, except and insofar as Woman is the victimized. Sadism is about sadness and the loss of innocence; innocence which is necessary for the fulfillment of the American Dream because it represents unthreatened progress and development in accordance with the Will of God.

 Sadists would have us confuse love with shock; horror at the sight of nudity for example: love-making represented as hateful and hate-filling when viewed or participated in. Woman`s imprisonment in video, magazine and cinema is a 21st century starting point. She hasn`t progressed, in significant media terms, since the silent film stars of the 1900s such as Theda Bara (1885-1955). Her image is still being tormented and abused while she accepts her role as the victim of the sadist who wants her to play the role of masochist to his psychic vampirism of elation at suffering others: this is Satan and Satanism.

 The aim of the sadist who is a Satanist is to torture God, and they do this by having you understand that Man and Woman are One Creature in God, that is, Man is God and Woman is God and both are One Creature in God. Sadists torture because they understand this. They are like child abusers returning to those they have abused when the abused think they are free of them, and then they remind you of their role as sadists and have created you in the image they want of you, which is the masochist. In other words, masochism is created by sadists and is not a perversion but a corruption. Masochists are corrupted in order to accept their role whereas sadists want to torture God as the `lamb of God`, as it were, who is meek, mild and humble as a young bride seeking to be faithful. Jesus and Custer, although they can be represented by sadism as victims, are not masochists, and Saddam Hussein is gone, which means that sadists (like Saddam) can be exterminated. It is the role of Jesus and Custer to represent what it is to refuse sadism, while demonstrating that what is done to them is what sadists do and – our heroes warn - DO NOT ACCEPT MASOCHISM!


`Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16.10)


 `We believe in God and you have to accept [the role of] Jesus.` is how evil sadistic parents fool their children into becoming masochists, and if they accept their domination, the promise that, having been submissive acceptably, they can be sadistic towards others. I am always reminded of Jesus` words in the Bible: `Suffer little children to come unto me.` (Luke: 18-16) which was often interpreted for me when I was a child as `children must suffer for Jesus`, which is bullshit. `Allow the children to be with me,` is what Jesus is saying.

 Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was similarly vilified for saying what amounted to the same thing and was crucified in media terms for it, being labeled as a pedophile and a pederast, which again is what sadists do; they attempt to create in their own image - as a means of torturing another human being - what they themselves want that person to be perceived as (and are sometimes successful at it). It is called `criminalization`, and `demonization`, to use Christian terminology: or photography and film-making.

 Stars are intelligent though, and like Jesus and Custer are able to present material that is educative. Lady Gaga in Bad Romance (2009) presents herself beringed my men who are clearly evil and concerned to do her harm. It is the sadists and she`s the non-masochist which they are determined shall be a masochist victim. She puts herself in the Custer and Jesus position and it is a dangerous thing to do. She is being the Shekinah, a Paracletian Guide to the `resistance movement`. But the danger is that young Woman will take such a stance as a recipe for behaviour and it is folly to posture tauntingly before men who are sadists. It is presenting young Woman with a masochist pose as a role model, which is what sadism wants.



Woman is a reproductive vessel and wants to be penetrated in order to receive the Holy Spirit of the Shekinah and produce more Glory of God, as it were. But evil men are sadists. That is what Satan and Satanism is. Woman is a vessel for them only insofar as she produces more innocent flesh for them to torture. More flesh, and flesh that is more innocent, that is. In Sophie`s Choice (1982), Meryl Streep (1949-) has to decide which of her children, the boy or the girl, she`ll keep when the Nazis offer her a choice at the gates of the concentration camp. Naturally she keeps the girl; because men are sadists.

 Sophie is being as good as she can be, but innocence has different problems. Innocence is good whereas people who encounter it find theselves being good with it, because it is unthreatened and non-threatening. They then find themselves in the position of not being innocent and good, but representing the threat because they are used to the poison within them working itself out - like a computer virus - as a threat. Feeling the menace in them, they become a threat to the innocent, because the virus is threatening. Education then consists in making the innocent be good rather than good, which is what Lady Gaga is doing in the Bad Romance video. She isn`t innocent, so she is being good and is representing herself as threatened innocence and good, which is true visually - and helpful because she, like Jesus and Custer, faces the problem; the evil men who would torment her and make her the focus of their sadism.

 Sadism is dependant upon the psychological mechanism of Woman. According to Carl Jung (1875-1961) every woman has an animus, which exists as an opinion-making component of the psyche that is her spirit. Taught that men are for her to choose from, she observes them all carefully like Scarlet O`Hara in Gone With The Wind (1939) surrounded by a supposedly admiring throng, but she is also taught that she will be asked, that is, she does not do the choosing but exists to be chosen: like Jesus or Custer.

 Jung posits the animus as perceiving itself at the centre of the arrangements with men around it, which is what Jesus and Custer are. They are victims, but paradoxically also heroes; or so we are taught to perceive them. The sadists do not, but view them as taught masochists and, therefore, useful as images to promulgate amongst what they conceptualize as further victims. They are assisted in this by the animus of woman which is concerned with creating a circle of `viewers`; like a television actress with an act to perform. The action goes on around the woman until she is chosen; like Jesus or Custer. The sadists turn upon her and she is doomed: it is what her animus is for – according to the sadists.

 In actuality, the animus is for creating what the Christians call Agape (1 Cor: 13. 1-8), which is an interlacing network of relationships that are not exclusively familial and are based on love. Unfortunately, large circles provide greater possibilities for sadists. That is why pop stars such as Lady Gaga seem preoccupied with looking good and being viewed. On the one hand, they are assured they are loved and, on the other hand, they are perceived as successfully created masochists by the sadists who think of the entire construct – the Jesus and Custer `system`, as it were – as their `operation`.

 Woman believes – or is taught – that love is important. Britney Spears` Hold It Against Me (2011) is an old chat up line: `If I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me?` But it`s also an appeal from the animus, which doesn`t want the woman to be attacked because she believes in love: `Don`t hold it against me.` Love is only important from the sadists angle, however, if it affords them more opportunity to inflict pain. A sharp sword held against the heart is what the animus can be construed as. Jung describes it as a woman`s cutting power, that is,. she has the illusion of discriminating between suitors whereas she actually has one chosen for her – by the sadists. It is their swords that she finds placed against her heart because they correspond to what the Bible calls faggots (Ps: 141.7); the dead wood that is destined by God for the fires of hell: a euphemism for the eternal unendurable pain that shall prevail as the Will of God for the evil throughout all eternity.

 Faggots that are already aflame we might think of as a virus that needs to be kept away from the faggots that aren`t yet ablaze, which is the woman`s animus recognition that she has to keep the faggots that surround her as sweet as she can or they will spontaneously combust and begin spreading their contagion like wildfire. This is faggotry.and, if we read the Bible correctly, it begins in Genesis, when the faggot in the tree, the serpent, suggests that it has poison and that the generations of Adam and Eve shall result in enmity (Gen: 3.15) between its seed (the boy-son`s) and hers, that is, the faggots will try to harm her and hers.

 Interestingly, the woman has seed, which suggests that she has a penis, and therefore her sword is real but not visible to men. In short, Woman is surrounded by faggots and doesn`t need them because she has a penis of her own, and it is this that they seek to conceal from her while they prepare their sadisms. She attempts to deploy love as a protective screen, but it becomes a device of the sadistic faggots who understand it. Woman is defenceless unless she can escape the evil enemies of God who are the homosexual faggots that represent hellfire and damnation for themselves and any they can train as masochists. Bible training then becomes the inculcation of the belief that, one day in the distant future, masochists – who are created by sadists (Jesus and Custer) will have power over sadists. But, in sadism,  heroes do not exist: it is their agitprop, that is, they see the Bible as propaganda.and they are agitating against it.

 The woman`s animus would be her `prop`, that is, her agitating propaganda. According to Jung, a woman`s animus represents her `poison of illusion`,4 which it does from the point of view of men`s psyche because her faggots are the poisonous (boy-son-us) relations she and her animus are perforce required by the sadists to delude themselves with. The problem for Woman is that, without knowledge provided by her own penis (sword of logic or discrimination), that is, understanding of her own penis and its existence – which is real – she will always see men as the centre of her world even though they surround her, which is how Britney Spears as Custer would have felt at Little Big Horn. She is attacked by these men (the Sioux and the combined nations of the original inhabitants of North America) but these other men that surround her are her men (the 7th Cavalry), whereas in fact they are all against her. Because they were not successful in the defence of YHWH, that is, yellow, which would be the opinion of the Shekinah as the Glory of God who is Eternal omnipresent Woman.

 `Cowardy cowardy custard,` is an English playground song which derives essentially from the notion that cowards are `yellow` because Custer had `yellow hair`, whereas yellow (YHWH) actually means God and the Glory of God that is the Shekinah. The perception is that Custer is Woman and she is a coward. Much as the English football terraces `anthem` goes: `Jesus Christ superstar, walks like a woman and he wears a bra.` Jesus and Custer are a part of the sadist syndrome. Jesus and Custer (JC) is the Woman`s animus, that is, the Shekinah is Old Glory because the animus of God is prepared to draw its sword in defence of Woman. Custer and Jesus are in the unique position of knowing what it means to be surrounded at the last by enemies and having only God. It is the position of Woman who sees her sword as the men about her; but in fact she suffers under the poison of their illusion: that she is protected. Jesus and Custer experience the same delusion: `My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?` (Matt: 27-46) They have been placed in the position of the woman to understand that Satan is a sadist. Woman`s problem remains this: that she does this. Jodie Foster (1962-) was lauded and applauded for acting the part of a rape victim in The Accused (1988). It is the role the animus keeps choosing for Woman because it has something to communicate. Either she accepts her role as a trained masochist – which is the poisonous illusion, because sadists create them in their own image and they are not created so by God –  or she changes.

 Woman`s sword is hidden; or has been so: by men. The sword of men is well known; it is their penis extension: their ICBMs and their B1s. Woman`s sword exists and would make men extinct because they are sadists and woman does not want to be a masochist. That is what Jesus and Custer are indicating. The Glory of God, the Shekinah that is the Eternal omnipresent aspect of God that is the Holy Spirit in each of us, prefers God and Woman and so does God and Woman. Men are for torture, murder and rape; so the cutting edge of woman`s sword of discrimination is preparing to cut them out of the equation and remove from them the possibility of continuing with their sadistic `game` in order to replace them with a more viable alternative.

 Men have shown that they court sterility. The A-bomb is nothing if not a sterility exercise. AIDS is a sterile`s disease passed from one monkey to another by means of shit, blood, urine and semen, because they`d rather put their penis in each other`s anus than reproduce with a woman. God has therefore, in God`s omniscience and omnibenevolence, prepared Woman as a producer of God`s good only. Her relationships shall never be sterile but always fruitful and she shall leave sadism behind with men. She shall never cast a glance backwards and never accept masochism because it is for men and Satan - and God does not want it.



 Sadists are Satan. It is what is represented by the image of Satan being cast out of Heaven by God and the angels (Rev: 12. 7-12). The angels with Satan are depicted as `fallen` but not in hell, which is the place God prepares for men who accept Satan. This is the place of unendurable eternal pain prepared by God for those who accept the sadism of Satan and all his angels, and also for Satan and all his angels. Because sadism is what Satanism is, Satanists seek victims and the Satanists are Satan to them. They want their victims to become evil in order that they also shall experience unendurable eternal pain. But they are sadists and their victims are not masochists; even though they may become embroiled in sadism.

 Satanists have more knowledge of what they are doing and masochists are created by them from the meekness, mildness and humility that is loved by God and connotes faithfulness to God in marital obedience. That is why the Christian Church is called the `bride of God` and Jesus is the `bridegroom` (Rev: 21. 1-2). Masochism is a marriage with Satan as sadistic Satanists who, although they may embroil you in sadism, are unable to put you in the place of unendurable eternal pain because their expertise precludes you from being aware of your part in their scheme.

 If you knew your role entire, you would be a sadist and they do not want you; you are their masochist: they have created you. If you had their power, you would be in a position to stop their sadism. Therefore you are always their victim because power for you is illusory. They are Satan and a victim is a victim; in whatever clever disguise they may appear to trap you. Jesus and Custer are not cowards; sadists are because they want to be the ones who have you helpless rather than the ones who are helpless. Consequently, paedophiles and pederasts are also sadists; because you are helpless to begin with. Only if you were able to take care of yourself as an infant would the sadists be unable to harm you. Evil parents who are paedophiles therefore posits God and God`s angels as the protectors; as is the case with the birth of Jesus Christ (Luke: 2. 1-20). In other words, God is the infant`s defense. Sadists, however, perceive that they have no defensive capability, and therefore infants are prized so they want more to be produced.

 Consequently, immortality is something that they hate; because a knowledgeable immortal would be able to take care of themselves. In the Bible Methuselah (Gen: 7.4) is old by 21st century standards (969) when he dies – and was wise presumably. But immortals measure wisdom in terms of development and progress, whereas sadists are interested only in inflicting pain, which is the end of development and progress in the shape of an A-bomb, for example. For sadists a life span of three score and ten is therefore acceptable, as is a retirement age of around sixty five; because it affords them enough opportuntity to torture and deceive the ephemeral innocents. Immortality is, then, something they don`t want for others. So they have developed a system that the Buddhists call karma, that is, `the cycle of death and rebirth` in which people have to repeat their lives. This is an opportunity for sadists to torture the reborn.

 In the Christian church one can be born in the spirit, and washed clean of karma, which is the promise of immortality in God. Consequently, Christians who are `born in the spirit from the water` are attractive to sadistic Satanists because they are immortal and saved. If they have been bound to the `karmic wheel` over many lifetimes, this would mean that what is saved is all of those lives and Satanists would have much to torture as sadists if they were able to.

 Born as One Creature renewed in God is the goal of redemption. E Pluribus Unum is the motto on the Great Seal of the United States of America, which means `the many and the one`. God is one and we are many in one. Similarly, to be `born in the spirit from the waters` is to save `the many and the one`, which is the saving of all those we have been, and saving them in God as `the many and the one`.

 It is the responsibility of the Shekinah or Holy Spirit as the Glory of God that is the omnipresent Eternal Feminine in each of us to effect this birth because men are evil enemies of God and Woman does not want to be one, and neither does Man. Men are definable as sadistic homosexuals who seek sterility rather than reproduction (which includes art, literature, music, and love) and immortal good with God. Therefore men shall be excluded from God and Woman shall be eternal with God. It is the fulfilment of the Virgin`s Assumption by God in which, after the sending of the Shekinah as the Spirit of Eternal Woman to be the Paraclete or `teacher` of Man and Woman in the path of the Glory of God (which she is), Woman is Assumed by God to be eternally redeemed from the beginning of Creation as the Daughter of God.5 Man as Adam was created in the image of God, but image is not ideal. God appears from the side of Adam and says that Eve is his wife. She is Adam`s ideal, because she is God. Consequently, God and Man are Woman because Adam and Eve are One Creature in God. The promise is the reappearance of Man with Woman in the shape of Woman as Man, which shall be eternal and God forever.

 The role of the Shekinah is, therefore, to engineer a redemption from the poison of the serpent and she teaches as the Holy Spirit what that is to be. That is why stars like Lady Gaga and Britney Spears (Do Somethin` [2005] for example) agitprop in their music and videos (Britney declared herself Antichrist after shaving her head to `improve` her image, but she clearly meant to agitprop for her ideal).6 Consequently, although Woman appears in a plethora of multiplicity in the media that are available, this suggests that man does not want men; or be them either. It is the absence of men from God - who refuse to change and prefer the karmic `wheel of torture` - in recognition of which the 21st century begins. The solution is Above and the `final solution` is below. The unendurable eternal pain that is awaiting the evil for making the penis taboo and, thereby, making Woman`s own invisible and unattainable to her, is real – and justifiable.



2 Cavanaugh, J. M. Congressional Globe, 28 May, 2638, 1868.

3 Continental Congress The United States Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

4 Jung, C.G. Aion, Collected Works, Vol. 9, Part II, P.338.30.

5 Pope Pius XII Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus, November 1, 1950.

6 Spears, B.J. Promises Clinic, Malibu, California The Daily Telegraph, London, March 5, 2007, 12.00am.

Animus and Animation

01/01/2012 10:39

Animus and Animation


The spirit of animation is what moves, and the spirit that moves is God`s, which is the Holy Spirit or Paraclete`s. In the psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the animus is the `spirit` of each woman, which is definable as surrounding her with men`s point of view as she endeavors to adjust herself to please. Consequently, a woman is animated within her environment to deal with the male threat. Although it`s what a woman strives for, `You can please some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time`. The phrase was first used by the USA`s 16th American President, Abraham Lincoln (1809-65), and is what women attempt to achieve, while attacks upon her humanity are men`s `spirit`, which is confusedly described as her animus, because men`s spirit isn`t democratic but enslaving. As a futanarian species woman is 100% humanity capable of sexually reproducing with itself, whereas men can`t, so women are the enfranchisable vote in non-democracies where the split is 50/50 between the human race and its parasite.

 According to parasitology, the host is devoured by parasites in a final parasitoid stage. A woman`s so-called animus is the perspective of the male `spirit` surrounding her that she`s to be devoured, which is what the alien creature seeks to do with the human race. Derided and goaded by the paparazzi and their photographers, Britney Spears, and more infamously, Princess Diana (1961-97), dead from a car crash after pursuit by photographers on motorcycles in the Pont D`Alma tunnel in Paris, France, is what the parasitoid devourer does:


`I`m Mrs 'You want a piece of me?'

Tryin' and pissin' me off.

Well get in line with the paparazzi

Who's flippin' me off.`1


 Colloquially `bread` is a term for `money`, and so `biting the hand that feeds` is apposite in describing the relationship between the parasite and its host which, perceiving women as an asexual resource, makes of her humanity `meat and drink`, and so humans are a species in danger of losing even the recipe for bread. As the cynosure of men`s eyes, woman becomes more animated, that is, she`s defined as `sin`, and the larger her circle of supposed admirers, the greater cynosure. Though `sin` is definable as men` `spirit`, which is confusedly described by psychology as women`s animus, it`s men`s `snuff movie`, a term used to describe recorded killing for entertainment, because that`s what the alien parasitoid devourer wants to see of the human species.

 Pornography featuring stills of women nude is defined as `softcore` if the relationship between parasite and host womb isn`t depicted as sexual intercourse, although stills of nude women in magazines like Playboy or Penthouse, represent the desire of the parasitoid devourer that the food remain still, while the absence of futanarian `woman`s seed` from mainstream pornography, that is, God`s `foot`, according to the Bible, is because women are perceived by the parasitoid devourer as `food` and `bread`, rather than as the separate futanarian species of humanity. Consequently, women`s sin is that she`s animated, that is, although Jungian psychology perceives men as having an anima or soul, in fact theirs is the spirit or animus falsely attributed to women, which requires repentance from the sin of non-acceptance of `woman`s seed` if Redemption is to occur.

 In Eden God told Eve she`d have `enmity` with the serpent`s `seed`, although Redemption would occur, but Adam must labor, while Eve would experience labor pain after expulsion from Eden for accepting slavery in ephemerality to Satanism rather than God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality. Movie stills of screen goddesses, like sex symbol Marilyn Monroe, reflect the common supposition that movie idols are `still alive`, although Marilyn`s life was mysteriously snuffed out in 1962 when she was found dead in the nude: `Your candle burned out long before your legend ever did.`2 Pop star Elton John`s song, `Candle In The Wind` (1973), was originally written about Marilyn, although it was used as a lament for the death of Princess Diana in recognition of the `snuff movie` that life has become for humans. Male braining produces a single creature wearing each others` clothes in transvestite `TV` killing itself for the entertainment of the alien parasitoid devourer in the wars it promotes on Earth. Consequently, movie `stills` or pornographic representations of women in magazine `stills` depict a dead penisless race for men to ejaculate over in masturbatory triumph over a species` upcoming extinction:


`All of the boys and all of the girls

are begging to F-U-C-K me.`3


 In the lyrics to the single release,`If You Seek Amy` (2007), from the Blackout album, Britney actually sings, `All of the poisoned hollow of the girls are begging to f*u*c*k me.` Although the colloquial `fuck` meaning `sexual intercourse` has been widely recognized as the `hidden` context for `if you seek Amy`, the reference to boy sons as the girls` poisons, because the human race has been hollowed out to be filled with HIV/AIDS, hasn`t. Poison is what boy sons become if they`re poisoned themselves; for example, `lead poisoning` from bullets is how men make `stills`, that is, death from life, but it`s also how they make poison shells, that is, instead of Venus rising from the half shell as `the pearl of great price`, which is heaven, according to the Bible, women as a now penisless race are `reincarnated` to be the shells of men`s boy sons. If the Roman guard Longinus` spear had been that of a boy son, that is, poison, instead of a man able to perceive the meaning of the Judeo-Christian futanarian tradition of `woman`s seed` as the `chosen people` of the Bible, Jesus` Holy Spirit wouldn`t have been born: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54). All of the hollow girls containing the men`s boy sons are begging to fuck her, because they`re the species, and they can`t sexually reproduce as reincarnated `shells` without penis` semen of their own race to farther her.



 Britney is the `teacher`s assistant`, as it were, which means that she is God`s Spears born as the Paraclete from the side of Jesus` `Second Adam`, that is, a figure of the `tutelary spirit`, which promulgates the American Dream and Manifest Destiny of `life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness` until God`s promise to the elect of a new heaven and Earth is fulfilled.  On the cross on the cover of `Piece Of Me`, Britney`s a figure of the Holy Spirit of the Paraclete, that is, she`s symbolically God`s Spears, because the Roman guard Longinus` spear pierced the side of Jesus upon his death in what modern gynecology would call a `caesarian section` to release a child trapped in a womb. Jesus` teaching was that a Holy Spirit would teach after him, and as the `Second Adam` he was expected to birth the `Second Eve` from his side as Eve had been created from the rib of Adam by God in Eden, which is what Britney Spears symbolizes. The birth of `woman`s seed` from the side. Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, was uncontaminated by male semen, which is why she`s depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her `foot` in Christian iconography, because women`s futanarian humanity have their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of `woman`s seed` with each other. Consequently, women have the brainpower potential to defeat Satanism, which grew according to the Bible, from Eve`s encounter with the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent by God and placed in the heaven on Earth that was Eden for rejecting God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) God`s promise to Eve of Redemption after the serpent, Satan, tempted her to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, was that futanarian `woman`s seed` would rise to the planets and stars of heaven above to escape slavery in ephemerality to the `serpent`s seed` who`d promised her and Adam, the first man: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Immortality conferring medical science and permanent memory for the maintaining of the technology of labor-saving and escape was denied `woman`s seed` in host womb parasitism to men. Consequently, Britney Spears` place upon the cross of Jesus` crucifixion as a `dissident` against the male brained Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine symbolizes the power of the Holy Spirit to teach of human brainpower through `woman`s seed` to defeat Satanism.

 Just as Satan betrayed the human host because he didn`t want it to be greater than the angelic and so escape the slavery he`d planned for it, so Jesus` `Last Supper at which the human host gave `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` is a figure of betrayal in Satanism. His disciple Judas who was known for stealing from the collection plate after a sermon spied a woman anointing Jesus` feet with the expensive perfume, `spikenard`, and when Jesus rebuked him for suggesting that the oil be sold to raise money, Judas planned to betray `woman`s seed` so that it would never reproduce and be a threat to the male brained Empire of Roman `TV`. Selling Jesus to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, for `thirty pieces of silver` as a `dissident`, Judas` treachery saw Jesus given over to the Romans who took him to the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem where they nailed him to a cross of wood and left him there to die but he had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`.

 Begging is what we are taught to do by the gun`s bullets from the shells of the boy sons of men, so Britney Spears` `Piece Of Me`, where `piece` is a colloquialism for a gun, and `If You Seek Amy`, where `Amy` is depicted as `schizophrenic`, are correlated. Guns aim to make beggars, whereas praying for forgiveness to God for metanoia, that is, brain conversion from men`s sinful parasitoid nature, is what Christianity advocates. Consequently, Amy is a figure of Everywoman because she can`t see a woman in the mirror of the mass media edutainment industry `blackout` on `woman`s seed`, whereas she perforce has to accept at the point of a gun men`s parasitism upon her human race as a hollowed out reincarnated shell of a former race killed and poisoned by men`s plague aims:


`I can`t get her off my brain.

I just want to go to the party she don` go.

Can somebody take me home?

Haha hehe haha ho.`


 She wants to go to the party `Amy` doesn`t go to, because her aim isn`t men`s, that is, Britney Spears` declared `bisexuality` means she wants her own species` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, although she`s prepared to accept that political parties have a role in men`s enfranchising as a redeemed aspect of nature arising from the host womb of the race: `Haha hehe haha ho.` Often depicted as brainlessly giggling `airheads`, without penis` semen of their own, and the consequent brainpower deriving from `woman`s seed`, women are cloned projections of the male brain, rather than the independent species they were before being shelled for whatever the parasite wanted to move in when the original `spirit` was moved out by the bailiff, that is, if you pay, live, gunmen, who`re fuck and forget `woman`s seed` with their `rods of iron`, that is, the bullets from their guns, which produce more poisonous shells for the boys` owners to produce more boys` sons to produce more poisonous shells ad nauseam.

 The Paraclete seems designed to return to God after she`s learnt, which is why she`s multiple. In Egyptian mythology, Ra is God incarnate upon Earth and Isis, the Egyptian Paraclete, as it were, collects and remembers Osiris after he is dismembered by his evil brother Set, that is, after he becomes `schizophrenic`, he`s remembered and experiences rebirth as Horus, the `sky god`. However, according to Egyptian mythology, Horus dwells in the House of Hathor, symbolized by the mother goddess with the crescent moon horns of a cow, Hathor, while the hero has to prove he`s worthy to cross the Duat in order to live there, that is, it`s the equivalent of Jesus` teaching of brain transformation in rejection of men`s devouring parasitoid sinful nature in acceptance of `woman`s seed`. Jesus` torturers wanted him to beg whereas praying for metanoia isn`t begging for one`s life at the point of a gun. Contrariwise, God`s punishment upon gunmen is eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, whereas the good are promised a new heaven and Earth in which to dwell.

 Although `If you seek Amy` is interpreted as `f*u*c*k Amy`, it`s `fuck gay me`, because institutionalized host womb enslavement for homosexuality in pederasty and war against `woman`s seed` was established in ancient Greece, which was long held as the `model` for Western democracy,4 although the mass media `blackout` concerning `woman`s seed` reveals women`s disenfranchisement by her parasite is what `Greek democracy` actually means. Without penis` semen of their own to sexually reproduce women`s brainpower, women are `gay`. Redemption from those who `f*u*c*k gay me` is why there is `enmity` between the serpent`s `seed` and Eve`s (Gen: 3. 15) The homosexual assassin, that is, the ass-as-sin, who spies upon woman as the creator`s producer and product – civilization - in order to kill her, because such men are sterile, and sterility is death: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was prefer themselves as a parasitical virus, and by the late 20th century men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of women`s sexual reproduction was spreading an `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, as a `biological weapon` deployed against `woman`s seed` to keep her in fearful faithfulness to men`s monogamous ring slavery for the production of warfare against her species to maintain her in host womb parasitism to parasitoid devouring by her alien predator in the reality `snuff movie` it`s made of her race.

 In the Bible Onan (Gen: 38) is condemned by God for `spilling his seed` upon the ground, which is similar to homosexuality, because homosexual anal penetrations are sterile, although masturbation is often called `self-love`. Consequently, Onan is killed by God because `woman`s seed` isn`t present, that is, Onan`s refusal to impregnate Tamar is galling to God because her own species has been extinguished by men. Masturbation isn`t the issue, although blindness is. Traditionally blindness is associated with masturbation, because women can`t see without brains, and masturbatory aids for men like Playboy and Penthouse effectively celebrate women`s penisless extinction, which is doubly galling to God. Anal penetrations aren`t possible between women without a penis, and although the sexual desire of futanarian `woman`s seed` arising in so-called `lesbian` encounters is indicative of the normal course of human nature, the perceived aberration makes of women schizophrenics who berate themselves for being abnormally against the common course of parasitoid devouring nature.  Men`s sterile unions are productive of reality as a `snuff movie`, that is, human history, acted out by cloned projections of male semen`s male brain in war against `woman`s seed` for the `TV` entertainment of the species` killer.

 Democracy is the `average` or `mean` because male politicians need homogeneity to be accepted by `some of the people all of the time`, whereas humans need acceptance of the teachings of the Holy Spirit about `woman`s seed` and Redemption for otherwise irredeemable men through metanoia or brain transformation, which is that conversion from men`s sinful nature of repentance and acceptance of Jesus` Holy Spirit. Ascension through Redemption and Resurrection is what Britney Spears as a popular sex symbol represents: `I`m Miss American Dream since I was seventeen.` Men`s democracy`s disenfranchising of `woman`s seed` is `average` and `mean` towards humans, because `half of nothing is still nothing`.



 The Greek Homer`s Iliad (760-10 B.C.) is a poetic narrative of the abduction of Helen, `the world`s most beautiful woman` by the city of Troy`s Prince, Paris, who`s a non-Greek hero because he wanted the woman. The Greeks besieged Troy and captured the walled city by means of a `deceit`, a wooden horse containing warriors, which they left outside the city and the Trojans took it in, that is, they accepted the Greek `virus` as the US` immigration authorities accepted the `visitors` that subsequently hijacked civil airliners to crash into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, declaring themselves Al Qaeda terrorists operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan and led by the Saudi Arabian business heir, Osama Ben Laden. Because homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` is `Greek`, `rough trade`, that is, that `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty is why the World Trade Centre was chosen by the terrorists, because men are women`s `Trojan virus`.

 Although the `geek` successors to the `Greek` horse produce `bad machine code` described as `Trojan virus` their computer programer`s aim of crashing the system to prevent humans from having the memory storage capacity to remember and maintain an attained level of civilization is a slavers` standard methodology.  Often described as `the cradle of civilization`, Greece represents the `Trojan horse` concealing the fully grown dragon of Revelation, that is, the `serpent`s seed` of Eden who God told Eve would have `enmity` with `woman`s seed` as the creator`s producer`s product of human civilization, which is why the `red dragon` is depicted in Revelation as waiting to devour her child: `The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) It`s a paradigm of homosexual men`s `virus`, which seeks the destruction of woman and civilization, because `woman`s seed` wants itself and the virus doesn`t. Without women, men are sterile, and sterility and sterilization of the Earth is the aim of the virus` parasitoid nature.

 The remnants of Troy led by Prince Aeneas fled to Britain where, legend has it, they founded the British Empire, which applies a law based on common usage, that is, what`s usual, which is heterosexuality in sexual terms. However, although Prince Paris was a hero in defiance of Greece, because he preferred the woman, heterosexuality is a `TV` manufacturer`s mass production, where men and women are a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes for the entertainment of their species` killer.

 Homosexuality wants sterility, which is why HIV/AIDS is spread by it, and so all of the bars of the prison are gay. The leader of Al Qaeda, Osama Ben Laden, was the high `jackass` as sin, who made the prison stronger by precipitating war. US` deposing of the Afghanistan misogynist Taliban regime in December 2001 preceded invasion of Iraq in March 2003 after dictator Saddam Hussein evinced support for Al Qaeda. Although Saddam Hussein aspired to be Adam for who`s sane, because his name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`, that is the leading actor in the Middle East whose role it was to crush the head of Satan, support for Al Qaeda despised the US` myth of Johnny Appleseed,5 for whom the people of the `Big Apple` of New York symbolized a new Eden. The capital of the Persian Empire was Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), who was a woman of the Bible, who gave her name to the city, Babylon, while the district of Hollywood in the city of Los Angeles, state of California, on the west coast of the United States, was labeled `Babylon`, and Saddam Hussein could see its ancient ruins from his summer palace at Hillah, because Babylon means host womb slavery to men`s unredeemed parasitoid devouring nature: `Mystery, Bablyon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 `Man is the animal that laughs`, and laughter defies explanation, whereas explanation is what men require, because that`s how they define themselves as `serious`. Consequently, humans laugh, rather than men, because humanity doesn`t require an explanation. `Man is the animal that kills for pleasure` is another definition, that is, Jesus was killed because his was the uncomfortably human explanation that Rome was manufacturing the human species as a `TV` to watch kill itself, which wasn`t a satisfactory explanation from the killer`s point of view. The death of laughter is on the killer`s agenda because it defies explanation, which is why Jesus was killed. He was the archetypal victim of homosexuality. In ancient Greece host womb slavery of women for homosexuality in pederasty for war was institutionalized. As `the son of man` (Matt: 26. 64), Jesus was tortured to death because he lived amongst men, that is, his disciples, and was celibate. He didn`t kill, and he laughed, so he was explicably human, whereas the Romans wanted a `TV` that killed itself, so Jesus was tortured to death for being the leader of a Jewish movement resistant to homosexuals, whose explanation was that humans should be sad enough to kill themselves, that is, the alien is a sadist:


`Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do.` (Luke: 23. 34)


 Saddam Hussein`s name meant who`s sane`s Adam, that is, the era preceding the war against Iraq`s dictator represented a dam against what was sad, which is why the World Trade Centre was destroyed by homosexuals seeking to reestablish `rough trade`. At Guantanamo Bay in Cuba the US` response was to torture Moslem detainees with `waterboarding`, a form of drowning to the point of `blackout`, where the individual is made to feel they`re dying. Consequently, who`s sane`s Adam is Jesus, the `Second Adam`, because although he laughed he didn`t kill, whereas the sadist wants `TV` people who kill and don`t laugh. When the US` torturers began to employ drowning to terrify detainees at Guantanamo Bay the sad dam`s floodgates were open.

 Women are `camp`, because appearing serious amongst sadists is necessary in order to live with humor, that is, without showing resistance, while men`s humor is `death camp` sadism. In the movie Scream (1996) the audience laughs at the murder and the murdered, because that`s women`s `camp` seriousness for the `death camp` in which the human necessarily must humor the alien monster. The opening sequence to the science fiction `TV` episodes of Star Trek (1965-) featuring the voyage of the starship Enterprise contains the words: `It`s continuing mission, to seek out new lives and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.` Human interactions are entertainment, whereas men are sadistic. Because women are futanarian `woman`s seed`, men are explicable as their species` psychopath, which would make humans extinct if they didn`t need humanity for replicating their cancerousness. History reveals that men`s is a `death camp` pogrom in which laughter is a crime punished by the `TV` killer. Saddam`s name was a `complex` in psychological terms indicative of Sodom, which was the city of the plains, destroyed by God`s angels in the Bible for homosexuality (Gen: 19. 18), that is, sodomy, and so billions of people watched 9/11 `live on CNN` and other `TV` network news` channels, because sadism`s virus was spreading, and New York was homosexuality`s `city of the planes`. Britney Spears` Amy is sad, because she`s sad Amy, that is, she`s `woman`s seed` resistant to sodomy and sadism, which is the meaning of the name of Saddam who`s sane:


`Love me, hate me
Say what you want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls
Are begging to if you seek Amy.`


 Gunmen make you beg to fuck, because they`re humorless sadists who aren`t human, which is the meaning of women`s `camp` humor in the alien`s `death camp`. Men are an environmental hazard. They teach that sexual interaction with different women is forbidden, although `woman`s seed` is a single species that naturally wouldn`t naturally practice monogamous marriage, which effectively is ring slavery to an owner, as Jesus suggests: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Women elude species` extinction, whereas men seek to remain unconscious of their parasitoid nature and establish mass media `blackout` to keep humanity in ineducable unconsciousness and blind ignorant ephemerality without permanence, lest the enslaved victim become aware.

 The piercing of Jesus` side by the spear of Longinus at his death lifted woman`s veil, that is, the Paraclete emerged as the spirit of futanarian humanity`s Resurrection and Ascension. In Islam women are traditionally veiled because, like Judaism, in which a Jew can only be born from a Jewish woman, because women are Jews, theirs is a futanarian tradition. Judaism derives from its founder, Isaac, son of Abraham and Sara, who gave Abraham her maid, Hajer, when Sara was barren after Isaac`s birth. Hajer`s son Ishmael was the founder of Islam through his descendant Mohamed who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angelic host who`d been told by God that the human host was to be greater. To legitimize Ishmael`s birth Islam permits four wives, which affords the possibility of sexual reproduction between futanarian women within the Moslem family. Because the US mass media `blackout` promulgates the image of women as penisless, Moslem women veil themselves in fear of castration. In short, Jesus was killed because the Empire of Rome feared `woman`s seed` and the US` media Empire is the same:


`... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`6


 Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) established the `Hays code` in 1930 to ensure that futanarian humanity would be kept in ignorance of their identity as a species separate from men`s `death camp` alien. In science fiction, aliens are extrapolations of women; for example, in the promotional video for her song, `Oops! ... I Did It Again` (2000), Britney Spears appears in a red pilot`s suit on the red planet, Mars, the name of the Roman war god, where she suspends a spaceman above herself in a white bikini dress, because women reproduce with each other, and men are the psychopath that the alien killer of their species has manufactured as a `TV` to watch for its pre-recorded `snuff movie` entertainment.

 In Egyptian a `Ba` is the soul corresponding to the anima of Jungian psychology, which together with the `Ka`, spirit, represents `woman`s seed`, that is, the sexual desire of the woman`s penis for sexual intercourse with women. Consequently, Britney on Mars is a Ba,7 that is, a Mars `Ba`. Her spaceman is called `Mars lander` by his `Mission Control`, although the 2008 North American Space Administration (NASA) space probe was called `Phoenix`, which is `bennu` in Egyptian mythology, that is, Resurrection. In Islam, Hajer is the `Egyptian woman` and the Ka` Ba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, is the temple of Abraham, because it`s a symbol of futanarian `woman`s seed`, that is, Britney Spears` `Oops! ... I Did It Again` is a Ka` Ba.

 In Christianity acceptance of the teaching of Jesus` Holy Spirit is Redemption for men through the metanoia of brain transformation in repentance and conversion from the sinful nature of the parasitoid devourer through acceptance of `woman`s seed`, which seeks Resurrection and Ascension to colonize the planets amongst the stars, rather than be cancer of the colon, which is what men`s unredeemed devouring parasitoid nature represents for her. Isis` recollection and rememberment of Osiris in Egyptian mythology represents the difficulty women have in constructing an image of thsmelves which is uncontaminated. Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, is an attempt at such a construction. In the Egyptian myth Isis can`t find Osiris` penis, so she gives him a new penis, that is, she gives him hers.

 Egyptian mythology is a part of `Oops! ... I Did It Again`, because Islam arose out of the Jews` slavery in Egypt. Britney`s spaceman is an NASA sin, that is, an assassin, who were sent out by Afghanistan`s Old Man Of The Mountain, Hassan - i - Sabbah, during the rise of Islam in the Middle East drugged with marijuana and the promise that they`d have the paradise on Earth that the drug deluded them into believing in, if they successfully killed the opponents of Islam. Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon for the Apollo space program from the Apollo 11 spacecraft on July, 21, 1969 (UTC: 2. 56): `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.` However, Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s subsequent March 23, 2003, `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI) called Star Wars after the 1977 movie featuring a `Death Star` orbiting a planet to kill it, which sought the implementation of `ground and space based missile system` to ostensibly defend the Earth against rogue states deploying intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMS) armed with devastating nuclear warheads, actually represented men`s imprisonment of futanarian `woman`s seed`, that is, God`s `foot`, in their `death camp`:


`Violence, aggressive behaviors, and higher rates of suicide have all been associated with reduced brain levels of serotonin. Many people consume chocolate as a form of self-medication, whether they are aware of the fact or not. Chocolate’s serotonin elevating activity helps to modify mood in positive ways and acts as a sexual sweetener. These serotonin-related effects enhance the sense of closeness between lovers.`7


 As Venus on Mars, Britney is the antidote to the assassin`s boy sons, that is, the poisonous boys` owners,8 who want `TV war` with Mars, god of war, rather than chocolate, which produces a chemical effect similar to the feeling humans experience when they`re in love, according to biochemists.  Consequently, when Britney Spears winches her spaceman up above herself wearing a white bikini dress after placing a hook in his backpack so that `Mission Control` can film her, she somersaults through the air wearing her red pilot`s suit to stand in front of the NASA representative transformed in a white top and black boots, because she`s an advertisement for the chocolate confection, Mars Bar, that is, the `Ka` Ba`, which is `Oops! ... I Did It Again`, represents the transformation men and women have to undergo in order to accept futanarian `woman`s seed`. Women`s sexual desire for their own species is the `Ka` spirit,9 in Egyptian terms, while the `Ba` is the soul receptacle for the woman`s semen, which men have to accept or they`ll be irredeemably parasitoid devourers. In her red pilot`s suit Britney represents `woman`s seed` waiting to leave while an assassin (NASA`s sin) seeks to place his foot on her neck preparatory to using his chopper to keep the human race brainless.



 In her red pilot`s suit, Britney Spears represents woman`s lament at the cancellation of the X-15 spaceplane program to fly to the moon, because pilots experienced `blackout` at high altitude as a direct concomitant to their lack of human brainpower deriving from `woman`s seed`. For men to have Redemption from their irredeemable state as parasitoid enslavers and devourers of `woman`s seed`, they`d have to accept that their mass media `blackout` of women`s capacity for independent sexual reproduction, which would confer a voting majority upon the human species of `woman`s seed`, is evil, and requires repentance and conversion from that sin through the metanoia of brain transformation represented by Britney`s advocacy of the Mars Bar chocolate as she adopts costume change identifying her with the red, white and black colors of the Mars Bar confection, rather than the prison bars of Earth and a new `death camp` amongst the planets and stars for her human race.

 During the 1930s the elected German National Socialist (Nazi) Party implemented pogroms against `ethnic minorities`, for example, the Jewish futanarian `chosen people`, who lost 20, 000, 000 in `death camps`, because homosexuals want homogeneity. In simple terms, `woman`s seed` is culturally diversified, adapting to environmental factors, for example, Arctic igloos, and desert tents, whereas men want men, rather than culture. As a homosexual parasitoid devouring nature in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed`, the boys` owners that are the poisonous men of HIV/AIDS keeping women in fearful faithfulness to ring slavery, don`t want civilization. In the Bible Cain is depicted murdering his brother, Abel, because Abel is able to cook, and so represents culture and civilization. Thermonuclear war is men`s cooking, which is why the Jews were cooked in ovens in Belsen and other `death camps` throughout Europe, because futanarian humanity is the `food of the gods` so far as men`s history is concerned, which is why Satan tempted Eve with the words: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)

 Although the `business suit` is promulgated as the visible sign of `civilized`, it`s the nullification of difference and the identification of women as the enslaved `alien`, which is what alcohol and bars represent. In Islam alcohol is forbidden or haraam, while Algol is the name of a demon that is a ghoul. Consequently, bars where alcohol is sold represent the prison where Algol arranges catastrophes to enjoy as the species` killer. Or, in other words, inside the bars of the prison Algol wears a business suit. The bars of the prison where Algol is available denote homosexuality`s training of its boy sons, that is, the spreading of the boys` owners HIV/AIDS and its attendant plague aims, to believe in the drug paradise offered by Hassan - i - Sabbah to the assassins of `woman`s seed` spreading their `virus` of death and destruction on woman`s Earth, so that she can`t escape. Although monotheism teaches that goddesses and gods are anathema to God, goddesses (Venus) denote the love of women, while gods (Mars) represent homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed`. Consequently, the repression of `woman`s seed` by the followers of Mohamed in Islam, when the worship of the goddesses of Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat were forbidden, denotes the belief in men as gods rather than the love of women, which appears as worship but is simply love for `woman`s seed`. In Judaism the Asherah pole was similarly repressed as a form of irreligion, whereas the pole symbolized the love of `woman`s seed`, which appeared variously throughout the Middle East as Ishtar, and Ashteroth, while Easter is a similar Christian appellation, because it`s the period celebrated for the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus as `woman`s seed`.

 Women are everywhere as the Holy Spirit, but look different depending on the culture. Britney Spears` single, `If You Seek Amy`, is `if you see, game me`, because the Holy Spirit will help you to see more if you have a woman by your side. The reference is to monogamy, which is serious for men`s sinful nature needing to be redeemed, but a `game` for women who`re not men`s species. Consequently, Pope Pius XI made the doctrine of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary dogma in 1950, because `woman`s seed` is for heaven, whereas men`s sinful parasitoid devouring nature isn`t assumed as being for heaven. Britney Spears` `If You Seek Amy` is `aim me`, because she`s Spears, that is, it`s the aim of the Holy Spirit, which was  released by the Roman guard Longinus` spearing of the side of Jesus upon his death, to teach men Redemption, though women are redeemed eternally by virtue of the fact that they`re enslaved by an alien parasitoid devouring nature.

 The science fiction `TV` series Star Trek is `camp` because it fosters the illusion that men want love, whereas theirs is `death camp` history. Consequently, they don`t want children, although their fiction is that children are most important, whereas they`re slaves in ephemerality. In the Greco-Roman tradition, the Greek god Chronos devours his son, Zeus, and the Roman god, Saturn, devours his son, Jupiter, corresponds to Satan in the Judeo-Christian tradition, that is, the red dragon of Revelation waiting to devour the Earth child, who will `rule the nations with an iron rod`, which is Jesus` law of love for `woman`s seed`, whose futanarian Holy Spirit has been fostering men`s progress to conversion and Redemption since Eve emerged from Adam`s side in Eden.

 In psychological terms men`s spirit is women`s animus which deludes her into believing she`s loved while war against `woman`s seed` is waged. American culture envisons superheroes to fight crime, for example, Batman, while Catwoman is a supervillain, who appears as `softcore porn` to men in the late 60s `TV` series, Batman And Robin, for example. Defined as a `sex object`, Catwoman is `camp`, because children don`t know. As a villain, Catwoman`s an archetype of woman`s ani-mussed, that is, she`s made to dwell in the underworld, as the Greek goddess Persephone was, amongst the shades in the god Pluto`s Hades, and who remerged in Spring, because she`s  a metaphor for the `remnant` of the human race harvested by the alien parasitoid devourer.

 Men`s argument is that penisless women belong in hell, because they`re shades, while men are women`s fertilizer, that is, men`s parasitoid devouring is for the production of more fertilizer, which is why the human race is ephemeral in slavery to parasitism. It`s a self-eater producing fertilizer from food, rather than futanarian brainpower to help it run and escape from Satanism through the capacity of `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce independence for her race. From men as slavery`s perspective women are shouldn`t wish for immortality by promulgating acceptance of the teachings of Jesus` futanarian Holy Spirit and Redemption. 

 Women`s animus seeks to persuade women to be reproduced and consumed, because women`s animus is men`s spirit, although Jungian psychology attributes the animus to women`s spirit, whereas she more properly corresponds to what Jung ascribed to men`s soul, that is, the anima, which functions as a guide to individual growth, rather than parasitoid devouring by an alien nature. In men`s myths Persephone will always live a penisless existence in the underworld, because she`s a shade in hell who can`t reproduce, whereas without men`s cancer colonizing her she could look forward to a future of colonization amongst the planets and stars.

 Murdered by his `evil brother`, Set, a `supervillain` in underworld terms, Osiris is celebrated in Egyptian mythology as resurrected when the corn grows along the river Nile. Osiris` parts were collected, that is, remembered, by his wife Isis. Osiris was resurrected as the `sky god`, Horus, whereas women who accept sundering of the human species of `woman`s seed` are `asset strippers`, where `asset` can be understood as Asset, which is an alternate name for Isis, that is, . that is, women denuded of their penis are harvested by men waging warfare against the human race as a `TV` snuff film documentary of the degeneration of a species enslaved for slow death in torment by men`s worship of an alien parasitoid devour that`s demoniacally possessed the human race:


`I'm Mrs most likely to get on the TV for strippin' on the streets when gettin' the groceries, no, for real are you kiddin' me?`


 Men are ghouls to think of themselves as brave while waging war against `woman`s seed`. Britney Spears` `Piece Of Me` mocks the American judiciary system, which denied her custody of children, Sean and Jayden, for allowing Sean`s cap to fall off as she was running for a car surrounded by paparazzi near Central Park in New York city. In the movie Sophie`s Choice (1982) actress Meryl Streep as Sophie is asked by a Nazi to decide which child to leave in the `death camp`, and she chooses the girl, because `woman`s seed` isn`t aware of Judaism`s tradition that women are the species, which is why a Jew can only be born from a Jewess, and Jesus was born from a virgin, that is, they`re futanarian `woman`s seed`. In short, Britney was denied custody of her children because the American judiciary were Nazis, who wanted to appear brave, whereas they torture women.

 It`s only possible to be a Jew from your `mother`s side`, as it were. The female spirit of God, the Shekinah, who is `tranquility` in Islam, dwelt in the place where the law of Judaism was kept, which suggests that the Shekinah was the futanarian Holy Spirit of `woman`s seed`, who emerged from the side of Jesus as the `Second Eve` from the `Second Adam` after Jesus` side was pierced by the Roman guard Longinus` spear.  Jesus was the butt of Roman `camp` humor, because ghouls laugh at others` deaths on the assumption that they`re sharing a vision, which is what the alien parasitoid devourer persuades others of when watching the human species die as `TV` entertainment for its killer`s perspective. Mocking a woman`s struggles to keep her child, because she dropped his cap, resembles Nazism`s anti-semitism against Jews wearing the Kipa cap being logically extended to women and their children by misogyny:


`The name of the small cap male Jews wear is called a Kipa (dome or covering) or Yarmulke. This head covering was meant to signify recognition that God is present above oneself.`10


 Britney`s Persephone`s humor isn`t `camp`, although in `Oops! ... I Did It Again` she`s an alien, like E.T. in the movie E.T. The Extraterrestrial (1982), able to `phone home about men`s true intentions towards `woman`s seed`, their victim, because hers is a survival act after her children and fortune`s loss. The underworld is where the homosexual ass-as-sin in pederasty dwell, who don`t want `woman`s seed` as anything other than a shade for a 40 watt light bulb doomed to flare but briefly before being dim forever. Those who use the gun to rule are those who use their rod to make us drool, because homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` isn`t for sexual reproduction of human brainpower to escape from slavery in parasitism to an alien parasitoid devourer.

 Men murdering naked women until their fingers bleed from pulling the triggers on their guns is the devouring parasitoid`s sinful nature, that is from the point of view of `woman`s seed`, men`s monogamy is: men ogre me. Because the human race is a clone manufactured by men`s semen as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism, it`s a projection of the male brain. In `snuff movie` terms, humanity`s imagination centers have been connected to an imager to create a material manifestation that`s real, so that the alien parasitoid devourer in misogyny can murder `woman`s seed`, which is a `plague game system` developed by men developed in blind unconscious ignorance through mass media `blackout` of any edutainment possibility for `woman`s seed`, that is, the victim.

 From men`s perspective, 9/11 was a harvesting, that is, homosexuality in pederasty chose the World Trade Centre because `rough trade`, that is, the `brutality and violence` associated with men paying boys and men, was being reestablished as the global paradigm in defiance of `woman`s seed` represented by the city of New York known as the `Big Apple` of Eve`s descendants. For homosexuality in pederasty`s war against `woman`s seed` in Satanism, the `Big Apple` corresponds to the `pig apple`, which it`s traditional to place in the mouth of the pig before it`s eaten, that is, for Satanism the US isn`t `Uncle Sam`, the colorful character depicted in war time as a recruiter for the conflict, but uncle`s ham, the salter of the pig to be eaten. The biological apparatus that assists humans in swallowing is called the epiglottis, that is, the `Adam`s apple`, so the misogynist strategy was that New York city wouldn`t be able to choke down its emotion and war would ensue against a culture, Islam, in which the sexual reproduction of human brainpower for liberation through Moslem four wife families remained possible, and pigs are haraam or forbidden, which is also true of Judaism. The terrorist demolishing of the WTC by hijacked civil airliners crashing into the Twin Towers was air AIDS, that is, the brainpower of `woman`s seed` would be extinguished in warfare against her. Though calling the US `the Great Satan` in Islam is perceived by many as hyperbole, America taunts the Earth with nude penisless women, who aren`t women, because women have penis of their own. Consequently, it seems unlikely that rich Saudi Arabian business heir, Osama Ben Laden, leader of Al Qaeda operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan, typified the Moslem position, because Al Qaeda`s attitude towards `woman`s seed` is characteristic of the Western democracies where there aren`t any women although female nudity is supposedly common.

 Acceptance of the Holy Spirit ostensibly includes Jesus` Redemption for the species` murderer, although that seems unlikely if God`s punishment is eternal unendurable pain for men who embrace an irredeemably evil parasitoid devouring nature as their own. Prior to 9/11 New York city represented maturity, but the Roman underworld of the god, Dis, wants the murderer Cain, rather than Abel, that is, Dis` Abel rather than able, so HIV/AIDS` `biological weapon` and the successors to the Greek homosexuals in pederasty and warfare against `woman`s seed`, that is, the `geek` programer`s `bad machine code` of the `Trojan virus`, were deployed to disable humanity and its technology to prevent the race from running. The bombing of the Boston Marathon where the 9/11 planes were hijacked underlined the plan. In the science fiction movie, Logan`s Run (1976), `runners` were killed by `sandmen` trying to escape their society`s rule that those who were over 21 years had to die. The bombing of the Boston Marathon run on April 15, 2013, underlined misogyny`s position at the beginning of the 21st century that `woman`s seed` shouldn`t run.

 Britney Spears symbolizes the new fruit of paradise, that is, Britney`s pears, rather than Eve`s `Big Apple`, because women don`t want to be a `pig apple`. Married in 2004 to Jason Alexander, it lasted 55 hours, and because women are monogamous by law, a second marriage to Kevin Federline occurred before divorce in 2007, whereas women are a single species, which is why Jesus said women won`t be `given in marriage` in heaven, that is, monogamy`s ring slavery is an illegal system. Jesus was killed because Judas didn`t want `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce, that is, monogamous marriage for women is a way of men`s to kill `woman`s seed`. Consequently, monogamy is a killer`s methodology:


`You're toxic I'm slippin' under

With a taste of a poison paradise.`11


 Images of Britney Spears in the video to the song `Toxic` (2004) in which she searches for an antidote to a poison reflect upon images of her in games` system `shoot `em ups` that reinforce the killer`s method and the boys` owners plague aims of poisonous contamination of those who aren`t psychopathic. In `Hold It Against Me` (2011) Britney`s surrounded by pre-recorded screened images of her video personae while she engages in a `game` of Mortal Kombat with herself, because that`s what men want `woman`s seed` for, `TV` entertainment as a `snuff film`:


`Hate to stare. But you`re winnin` and they`re playin` my favorite song.`12


 The Holy Spirit is `bisexual` in the knowledge that she`s Redemption for `woman`s seed`, that is, she`s futanarian, which is why Britney Spears` description of herself as `bisexual` is comprehensible. The dictionary defines an earthbound  spirit as a `daemon` of place, whereas the Holy Spirit is defined in contrast to demoniacal possession, that is, `daemon` and `demon` are unlike, because bisexuality isn`t futanarian `woman`s seed`. Consequently, demons promote bisexuality in women, whereas the Holy Spirit promotes futanarian `woman`s seed`. To accept Jesus` teaching of Redemption is to be `lesbian` for a woman, if she can`t be futanarian: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12, 31) Woman`s bisexuality is the valence that assists her to have sexual intercourse with her own species of `woman`s seed`, whereas men are the demons that would prevent her.

 Women don`t actually need men, because she can reproduce without men`s semen, which is the meaning of Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary. Moreover, in socio-economic terms women are made to beg for men`s penis` semen, although women`s species has natural socio-economic independence through biology, and the capacity to outvote men`s inability to reproduce without women. Consequently, women are slaved at the point of a gun, because women as a single species prefer their own `seed`. The gun has often been associated with the penis of men, for example, `love gun`,11 because it`s how the killer replicates:


`No place for hidin' baby

No place to run

You pull the trigger of my

Love gun, (love gun), love gun

Love gun, (love gun), love gun.`13


 The `spirit` of evil is that of a homosexual in pederasty for warfare against `woman`s` seed` producing her as a cloned projection of male semen for killing as `TV` entertainment for its devouring parasitoid alien nature`s assuaging. Using the anus as the `seedbed` of its alien nature, it`s an ass-as-sin, which possesses the brain and eyes of its host and kills `woman`s seed` in the wars men wage against her.

 In a new Jungian psychological perspective, the soul of `woman`s seed` is the anima, and the animus is the spirit of men`s `snuff film`, while the spirit of evil, which produced HIV/AIDS, is men`s semen used to clone humans as projections of the male brain to be snuffed out like the ephemeral light from a candle for the entertainment of the devouring parasitoid killer. Redemption is psychological and physical bisexuality through futanarian `woman`s seed`, although the US` standard practice of surgical intervention in hermaphroditic births to determine the gender of the child supports the contention that America is `the Great Satan` Islam believes it to be. Mankind may have a chance at Redemption before `woman`s seed` leaves, but it`s surely perdition for those who`ve accepted the spirit of HIV/AIDS from the assassins, rather than the Holy Spirit, which is God`s woman`s.



1 Åhlund, Klas, Christian Karlsson Pontus Winnberg, Britney Spears `Piece Of Me`, Blackout, Jive, 2007.

2 John, Elton (music), and Bernie Taupin (lyrics), `Candle In The Wind`, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, MCA, 1973.

3 Kotecha, Savan, Alexander Kronlund, Max Martin, Shellback, Britney Spears `If You Seek Amy`, Circus, Jive, 2008.

4 Gay Customs, .

5 Johnny Appleseed (September 26, 1774 – March 18, 1845), born John Chapman, was an American pioneer nurseryman who introduced apple trees to large parts of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. He became an American legend while still alive, largely because of his kind and generous ways, his great leadership in conservation, and the symbolic importance he attributed to apples.

6 TV Tropes, `Foot Popping`, .

7 Kilham, Chris, Fox News, `Chocolate: The Love Drug . . . And Why It's Good for You`, February 8, 2011, .

8 Cole, Juan History News Network `Did Saddam Gas The Kurds?` 2-04-03, .

9 Ka' Ba, .

10 Signal, .

11 Dennis, Cathy, Henrik Jonback, Christian Karlsson and Pontus Winnberg, Britney Spears, `Toxic`, In The Zone, Jive, 2003.

12 Billboard, Dr Luke, Max Martin, and Bonnie McKee, Britney Spears `Hold It Against Me`, Femme Fatale, Jive, 2011.

13 Stanley, Paul, Kiss, Casablanca, `Love Gun`, Love Gun, 1977.

Animosity Towards Women

01/01/2012 10:28

Animosity Towards Women


The animus is the spirit of a woman, according to the psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), whereas the anima is a man`s soul and his contrasexual component, as the woman’s animus is hers. While a man’s is male, the soul is female, and it’s that which attracts the man’s ego to the woman who, in terms of the corresponding image represents what is sexually desirable. For Jung women were opinionated, that is, their spirit/animus is. A woman`s direction is the result of men`s opinions, rather than her own, as she’s directable. Jung describes her animus as being at the center of a group of men, that is, she’s surrounded by opinions, which force her acceptance.

 Surrounded by men, her choices are those that support her spirit, that is, the animus, which corresponds to the image of men, who then constitute the opinions she’s able to have. However, as the spirit of God, according to the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, which is the Torah and Talmud, that is, the history and law of the Jews, the Shekinah (Ex: 40.35), which the New Testament of the Christian Bible, after the teaching of Jesus, ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, calls the Paraclete (1 John: 2.1), that is, the ‘Holy Spirit’, is the creator, ‘God`s love` (Luke: 10. 27). In corresponding to the anima or soul that attracts a man to a woman sexually, the Shekinah corresponds to the feminine spirit of God, which is women’s.



 Irrespective of what men are, women are the spirit of God, for example, in the paradise of Eden, according to Jewish Mishnah, Adam, the first man, was a hermaphrodite, that is, the woman, Eve, created from the rib or side of Adam, was a euphemism for hermaphroditic self-fertilization and birth. When the women, Eve, was given the ‘fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, by the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, God’s expulsion of Eve and Adam from Eden for rejecting the ‘fruit of the tree of life’, that is, immortality, was qualified by the promise to Eve that her ‘seed’ would prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) In other words, that which is against women, for example, misogyny, is bruising to a woman’s heel, which is what demonic spirits are for, that is, men’s possessing women through their animus. In short, as the hermaphroditic futanarian species of women’s seed is sexually attracted to their own race, Jung’s understanding that the collective of men, defined as women’s animus, is actually men’s demonic influence upon the seed of God, which the serpent’s seed have castrated to ensure its slavery as a host womb to their parasitism.

 Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus was Eve’s seed. When a woman was allegedly accused of having been caught in adultery, Jesus’ response was, ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8. 7) The species of women’s seed is adulterated by men of the serpent’s seed, that is, as a separate independent futanarian race, women can’t be adulterous. What the story in Genesis means is that women were castrated by something able to breed with them, but it’s a local phenomenon, that is, women are star seed, whereas Earth’s a small planet in an infinite universe.  Jesus’ mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, as Jesus was executed by the Romans then occupying Jewish Palestine in the name of the Emperor, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), after Jesus’ disciple, Judas, told the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, Jesus had been with a woman, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood where he died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed, that is, the serpent can only bruise the heel of a woman, as colonization of the planets amongst the stars are her immortal destiny. Those who accept the Paraclete as `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`, that is, the feminine spirit of God, which is women’s seed, are redeemable, whereas misogynists aren’t.

 For ‘the father of psychoanalysis’, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), civilization was ‘nothing but’ penis repression, which misses the simpler argument that the ‘id’ that Freud argued was the human unconscious mind containing everything that the conscious mind repressed, represents disease, that is, the rocket ships of US’ science fiction, for example, in Robert A. Heinlein’s novel for juveniles, Rocketship Galileo (1947), and which Freudians associate with penis repression, because of the phallic shape, symbolize the need to cure AIDS, for example, and/or escape from death.

 God’s pupils have our eyes, taught by the spirit of God, through the lens, corresponding to that of a camera, although the recorded memory of the brain isn’t so easily recognizable to the human mind as the photography of film, which awareness contains the barely perceived suggestion that the pupils of our eyes are not ours, but rather that which is ‘other’. In Egyptian mythology, the `throne of the eye` belongs to Osiris, the reincarnation upon Earth of Ra, god of the sun, whose wife, the sun goddess, Isis, collects his bodily parts to remember him, after his evil brother, Set, has dismembered him. As the name of the Egyptian deity, Iris, the `messenger`, is `rider of rainbows between heaven and Earth`, so `the Iris’ is the colored part surrounding the pupils of the eyes, where the signs of the effortfulness of our learning, as we grow older, are like the wrinkles of skin about our eyes, though as the slaves of the alien that’s entertained as our pupils, that’s the significance of our death, while the film, which is the Egyptian myth of Ra, Osiris, Isis, and Iris, etc., continues with each succeeding generation of humans.

 As Isis is the desirable wife of Osiris, Iris, ‘the rider of rainbows’, connects, as a bridge between heaven and Earth, which is imagery used by English writer, D. H. Lawrence, in his novel, The Rainbow, as an indicator of the importance of human relationships. When Osiris` body is remembered by Isis, after his evil brother, Set, dismembers him, he’s Horus, ‘the sky god’, that is, as human eyes are the pupils of ‘TV’ Set, Horus is the watcher who’s remembered, not the human. However, whereas Iris corresponds to Christianity’s tutelary spirit, Jesus’ teaching suggests women’s seed won’t have pupils, as they aren’t the lens of an alien camera, at the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.’ (Matt: 22. 30) They won’t have pupils, as they won’t be relationships watched by aliens, whose only recollection will be of themselves as TV Set, watching bombs being guided to their targets on Earth from the sky, God, by satellite.

 Osiris’ dismemberment is the result of premeditated violence, which corresponds to an individual’s being disremembered by a group, for example, Pharaoh Akhenaten (c. 1353-1336), who established a form of monotheism in ancient Egypt, was disremembered by subsequent Pharaohs reestablishment of pantheism, who had stone masons efface signs of his reign from city buildings. Although the crucifixion of Jesus was meant to be a similar disremembering, that Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension is celebrated annually in the spring, like Osiris’ rememberment, during the growing season by the river Nile in Egypt, suggests that group minds are collectives that have a tendency towards human sacrifice, which always serves the sacrificers in war, for example, where the sacrificed are assured of always being remembered by the sacrificers, as sacrifices presumably, as there aren’t any resurrectee celebrations reported in the media, or else it’s a secret society of sacrificers and sacrificed, corresponding to the illegal snuff movie entertainment industry, where the cameras film killings, as cigarette smoke signals between the wealthy and those injuns, like William Blake, who in 1804 wrote the poem that became the hymn ‘Jerusalem’ (1916), with music by Sir Hubert Parry, amongst the writers of imaginative fiction who can still be read:


‘And did those feet in ancient time,

Walk upon England’s mountains green:

And was the holy Lamb of God,

On England’s pleasant pastures seen!


And did the Countenance Divine,

Shine forth upon our clouded hills?

And was Jerusalem builded here,

Among these dark Satanic Mills?’1


 London is called the big smoke, as it’s a snuff mill for pagan pigs, who sacrifice their people in wars to line their pockets, which helps them to recover themselves, while building tremendous monuments to their sacrificing of their victims, called cenotaphs, in every place where the English have cultural antecedents. Christianity preaches forgiveness, after Jesus’ teaching, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) Animosity is the basis of vendetta, that is, mafia camorra, which is a homonym for Gomorrah in the Old Testament of the Bible, a ‘city of the plains’, along with Sodom, known for homosexuality in pederasty, which is why God’s described as having destroyed them, because sterility made of homosexuality an enemy of women’s seed, who became pederasty’s host womb slaves for war against women’s futanarian path of civilizing animal nature so that the ‘foot’ of God might live as a species.

 In the latter part of the 20th century homosexuals were discovered by Africa’s DR Congo to have sexually transmitted a mutant variant of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) by mixing blood, shit and semen in each other’s anuses, resulting in the human immune deficiency virus (HIV) becoming an ‘incurable killer disease’, described by Jesus’ disciple, John, in his apocalyptic New Testament vision of the future, as ‘blood plague’ (Rev: 11. 6), collapsing the organs of the body and killing the brain, as homosexuality in pederasty’s undeclared ‘biological weapon’, launched against the Earth’s futanarian remains, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war against the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) Corresponding to men’s collective opinion about women, the animus is the source of their animosity, which as a castrated species is difficult for women’s seed to rid their race of psychologically, for example, although Jung perceives the anima as the image of a woman existing in men to attract them sexually, in fact it belongs in the psyche of women, as their attraction for each other, which means women are surrounded by their predators, ‘The dragon stood before the woman about to give birth so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) For Jung, the human unconscious was full of developmental archetypes, for example, the anima and animus, but a more careful analysis of dreams, art and the imagination, suggests it’s the corruption of women’s development as a species, represented by what Jung described as the archetypes of what is in fact women’s collective unconscious. What AIDS meant was that the pupils of human eyes became monitors, like closed circuit television cameras (CCTV), monitoring the possibility of contamination, representing a further dismembering of the ‘remnant’ of women’s seed, replacing healthy social awareness with suspicion and fear of betrayal, as Judas’ treacherous kiss, full upon the lips of Jesus, signaled Judas’ decision to separate Jesus from the woman he was with, by having Jesus killed, and by doing so sterilize the future, preventing the seed of Eve from bearing Redemption’s fruit, preferring slavery for the host womb of the castrated species of futanarian women, as homosexuality in pederasty for war against women’s seed.

 In the absence of the feminine spirit of God, through adulteration, dismemberment of the human species of futanarian women’s seed results, as the mind of the race fragments, and the heavenly connection is lost, while gender issues threatening to human development and progress dominate. As the pupils of the eyes are no longer human, Iris, that is, the colored part that exhibits change as the brain endures, represents the rainbow ridden, as in the lyric to Deep Purple’s ‘Stormbringer’ (1974), because knowledge is absorbed through ego-consciousness, despite male braining, where the developmental archetypes of the collective unconscious of women’s castrated seed are displaced by the predatory evil of that which seeks to prey upon them:


‘Ride the rainbow, crack the sky
Stormbringer coming
Time to die.’2


 TV Set and the sky god, that is, warfare, represent the ascendancy of evil in the host womb slaving of women for homosexuality in pederasty, which the ancient Greeks, for example, institutionalized along with the host womb slavery of women to produce soldiers to engage in war (499 B.C. - 449 B.C.) with the Achaemenid dynasty of the Persian Empire of Darius I. As a symbol of God’s Covenant with the Jews on the way to the land God promised them in Palestine, during their exodus from slavery in Egypt to Pharaoh Thutmose III (1485-30 B.C.), the rainbow symbolizes Redemption, through the feminine spirit of God, dwelling in the tabernacle by the Ark of the Covenant, containing the tablets of the law, given to their leader, Moses, atop Mt Sinai by God, according to the Old Testament, and symbolically released from the side of ‘the Second Adam’, Jesus, by the spear of the Roman guard, Longinus, upon Jesus’ death at his crucifixion, as the Holy Spirit, that is, ‘the Second Eve’ of the New Testament, which would teach the ‘remnant’ of women’s seed, after Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, ‘Surely, this was the son of God.’ (Matt: 27. 54) Longinus’ spear, thereafter known as destiny’s, represents the futanarian human race of women’s penis’ semen, that is, God, the creator’s future producers of civilization, in spite of men’s, as the seed of the serpent, Satan, constant engagement in attempts to enslave and/or destroy.

 Though used to believing that the Holy Spirit of God`s love is male, like God and Jesus, it’s a homosexual delusion, as she’s the archetype of women`s seed, in Jungian terms, corresponding to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, as it’s called in the Catholic church of Christianity, that is, women’s seed is assumed to belong in heaven, as Pope Pius XII, made clear with the church’s dogmatic acceptance in 1950 of the doctrine of the Assumption of Mary into heaven bodily after Jesus’ Ascension. Just as Isis recollects Osiris` cut up body parts to remember, but she has to `fashion anew` Osiris’ penis, Eve has ‘seed’ of her own, which indicates women’s problem is much more ancient than Abraham’s son, Isaac, envisaged, when he founded Judaism. In Revelation Jesus is `the marriage of the lamb` (Rev: 19. 7-9), as Isaac was the child God told Abraham to sacrifice, but Isac was saved by an angel of God. That God tells Abraham to kill Isaac, presumably as a human sacrifice, whereas animal sacrifice, for example, ‘the lamb’, is an established aspect of the worship of God in Judaism, is glossed over by biblical commentators as a test of Abraham’s obedience, but its similarity with TV Set’s dismembering of Osiris, is enough to suggest that the marriage of Jesus, as ‘the lamb of God’, with the church, represents the triumph of women’s seed over misogyny.

 Whereas Isaac was the son of Sara, wife of Abraham, Ishmael was the second son of Abraham, by Hajer, ‘the Egyptian woman’, who with Ishmael dedicated the shrine of Abraham, the Ka’ Ba, which in the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, became the center of the Moslem belief in the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated by the angels of God, to the descendant of Ishmael, the Prophet Mohamed. Islam, the religion founded by Abraham’s son, Ishmael, through Hajer and Mohamed, bears the signs of his Egyptian ancestry in that ‘Ka’ is the term for spirit in the ancient religion of Egypt, while ‘Ba’ is the term for soul, that is, Ka represents women’s seed and Ba their host womb. Although Judeo-Christianity accuses Islam of retroactively attempting to legitimize Ishmael’s birth, and therefore Islam, by permitting four wives to the Moslem marriage, as Hajer was an unwed concubine slave of Abraham, the Moslem marriage affords the possibility of women’s seed reproducing within the family, which is the marriage of Christ, the lamb, with his bride, the church, in Christianity.

 Redemption is the man who can accept that he is the woman; prefigured in the fact that Adam was a hermaphrodite. Jung’s studies of alchemy indicate that the alchemists’ complexio oppositorum of sun and moon is associated with the goal of their alchemical opus, which is immortality, as ‘the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet’, who gives birth to Jesus, in his ‘Second Coming’ to the Earth, that is, as ‘he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter’ (Rev: 12. 4), represent the defender of women’s seed, who weren’t the craterers of the moon, whereas men probably were, if the futanarian foot of God had been there first, before medical science was hijacked by homosexuality in pederasty’s host womb slaving of the human host womb to prevent their being immortal, through chemistry, which was precursed by alchemy, as men, with a base on the formerly inhabited, sterilized moon, kept humans as slaves in their captured Earth’s dark cages, whilst preparing to reap again what the perforce ephemeral rememberers of the past could sow of their once deathless future.

 Although Jung associated the sun with the male ego-anima, and the moon with the female ego-animus, as the archetypes properly belong to women, what the sun and moon represent is the loss of immortality through women’s seed, after the moon was devastated by thermonuclear weapons that cratered it, that is, as atomic energy was usually described as the harnessing of the power of the sun, the moon, which was destroyed by A-bombs, represents the reason for Jesus’ Advent, while Jesus’ prophesied ‘Second Coming’ prefigures a possible future for the foot race amongst the stars, as US’ astronaut, Neil Armstrong, first onto the lunar surface from Apollo 11’s spacecraft, on 21st July, 1969, UTC: 2. 56, said, ‘That’s one great leap for mankind.’ However, as women’s looks are diluted by being adulterated by men’s seed, their looks are no longer their own, that is, men and women constitute the manufacturing of a single, male brained, creature, wearing each other’s clothes in TV transvestism. According to Buddhism, as derived by Gautama Buddha (5-6th century) from the earlier Hindu (c. 1500-500 B.C.) Sanskrit Veda religion of the subcontinent of India, where Veda is linguistically rooted to video, looks can kill,3 which is important for cowards, psychopaths, and an understanding of English science fiction writer George Orwell’s 1984 (1948), with its basic political premise that ‘Big Brother’, who is a TV, is ‘watching you’, as it gives an excuse for killing anyone based on the intentionalist phallacy, that is, the understanding that a look was intended to kill. For the intentionalist, the false logic evokes their legitimate use of the interpretationalist phallacy, which is that a person can be killed for looking, as the person looked at knows what they meant; or, to conclude the sorites, those with eyes are to be killed, because they have eyes that see.

 Controversially to some commentators, Zen Buddhist, Linji Yixuan (d. 866 C.E.), said ‘If you meet the Buddha, kill him.’4 The meaning is that’s what people do, as others have eyes to see them with. Of course, such an approach towards others results in animosity, which is why Jesus said to Satan, `Avoid me` (Matt: 16. 23) Amongst Moslems it`s haram, that is, `forbidden`, to gaze upon a woman, and they wear a veil, publicly, so that only the killers they’re married to can see them, which is why there’re always lots of burka bags at MacDonald’s, as it’s meet for them to be there. In Christianity, the meaning of the name of the knight Perceval, in the Arthurian legends, is of ‘the veil piercer’, after Longinus’ piercing of Jesus’ side with his spear to release the feminine spirit of God, the Paraclete, from behind Jesus’ eyes, to become the teacher after him, rather than the butchered. Jesus` name means `God rescues`, so the Holy Spirit was Jesus’ `rescue vehicle`, while Ka, meaning spirit in the ancient religion of Egypt, translates as ‘car’, for example, US’ Ford Motors had a Ka range of `vehicles`.

 As Jesus’ death corresponded to a car break-in, that is, `grand theft auto` in US’ legal terms, Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension to heaven was in accordance with God’s law, although he was executed by order of the Roman judge, Pontius Pilate, under pressure from the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, after a member of the public accused him of working on the Sabbath, that is, the Jewish holy day, Saturday, citing Numbers, ‘While the Israelites were in the wilderness, a man was found gathering wood on the Sabbath day.’ (Num: 15. 32) Found guilty, ‘… the Lord said … “The man must die. The whole assembly must stone him outside the camp.”’ (Num: 15. 35) As in many cases, the terms ‘Lord’ and God are confused in the Old Testament, that is, a local headman isn’t God, although the Jews used the confusion as a means to kill Jesus. Acceptance of God`s love is Redemption, as the feminine spirit is heaven’s assistant, corresponding in Egyptian terms outwardly to Isis, as any anima-figure, and inwardly to Iris, as the tutelary spirit. Osiris’ name means `throne of the eye`, while he returns to heaven as the `sky god` Horus. However, there isn’t any surety that he’s the person dismembered by Set, that is, Ra is a god, who incarnated is Osiris, and corresponding to the pupils behind the eyes of the people, doesn’t necessarily represent Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in the same way as Jesus’, guided by the Holy Spirit.

 Jesus` breaking upon the arms of the cross is prefigured in Osiris` parts being hidden in the four corners of the Earth by dogs, after his dismemberment by Set. It`s an analogy of the way `the dogs of war`,5 as they’re called by the character of the Roman general, Mark Anthony, in English dramatist William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar (1601), tear apart their foes, before their bones are buried. The UK has army units called `death or glory`, that is, DOGs, with the pirates’ skull and crossbones as their emblem, representing the belief in burying treasure to be recovered later. Unfortunately, for the people that means burying them as well, which is where the term ‘sleeper’ comes from, as anyone who’s experienced the déjà vu phenomenon, this has happened before, or given thought to the meaning of pop singer Britney Spears’ ‘Oops! … I Did It Again’ (2000) video, knows:


`To lose all of my senses.

That`s so typically me.`6



 For Jung the four corners of the Earth are associated with the functions of consciousness, in undifferentiated/unconscious form, that is, `Sensation` (eyes), `Thinking` (ears), `Feeling` (mouth), and `Intuition` (nose, or sense of smell). Any unpleasing media event is an attack on ‘the eyes of the world’, for example, as the mouth is associated with `Feeling` and ‘freedom of speech’, the `Big Apple`, representing the ‘Adam’s apple’, which is the name given in human biology to the epiglottis, covering the pharynx, that is, the voice box, the events of September 11th, 2001, when Al Qaeda terrorists, operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist extremist Islamic Taliban regime of Afghanistan, hijacked civil airliners to crash into the Twin Towers of New York city’s World Trade Centre, Lower Manhattan island, weren’t only  an attack on speaking, but seeing, and hearing, as an aspect of competence. The Big Apple was chosen by Al Qaeda leader, Osama Ben Laden, as Eve’s seed was coming to fruition, that is, Saddam’s dog attacks Adam’s God was as prominent as a cartoon in Japanese Hentai; a country where the crippling ‘foot binding’ of women was traditional, and futanarian women’s seed was gaining acceptance. As gender assignment surgery (GAS) was the surgical norm for the US’ medical establishment, while TV Set saw service as the species’ poison gas chamber, where the boy sons of the serpent’s seed waged war on the race of women, such incompetence was what Al Qaeda aimed at maintaining in the West.

 9/11 was a `sneak attack`, that is, there wasn’t a smell of it before it occurred, which US’ defense analysts assumed meant that the nation’s ‘Intuition’ needed improving, for example, radar, as the US’ veil of secrecy, but the actuality was equivalent to killing the Buddha if you met him, that is, any intelligent person was a threat to the US, as the world watched nervously, while intellectuals, targeted again, remembered their cousins throughout the Earth, exterminated in concentration camps, by the Japanese, during World War Two (1939-45), after the US was brought into the war against the Axis powers, including Germany, Italy, and Iraq, in a sneak attack on the US’ Sixth Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7th, 1941. The facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, was only one of a number of ‘black sites’ used by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the US to detain suspected terrorists, for example, Saudi news journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, after he began contributing columns critical of Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman, killed on October 2nd, 2018, at Turkey’s Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, was intelligent.

 Although ‘touch’ is missing from Jung’s analysis, Khashoggi represents ‘being in touch’, while the Pentagon, Defense Department building, Arlington, Virginia, which had a wall breached by a further crashed terrorist hijacked airliner, representing ‘the five senses`, suggests ‘out of touch’, that is, another war on women’s seed wasn’t sanctionable. The `sixth sense` was absent from 9/11, in the same sense that the Japanese planned for the Sixth Fleet to be absent, after 12/7, 1941, that is, the quintessentials. Whereas there was animosity towards women aplenty, as the US dropped A-bombs on the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, from the B-29 superfortress aircraft, Enola Gay and Bocksca, respectively on August 6th and 9th, 1945, to conclude the war in the Pacific theater, the quintessence was that a lot of Japanese women were slaughtered in a country that insisted on crippling them with foot binding, as a metaphor for the fact that their species was crippled anyway by castration in misogyny and homosexuality in pederasty for producing soldiers to enforce host womb slavery for the production of more expensive weapons to attack women.

 In Jungian psychology the spear is associated with `Intuition`, that is, the differentiated function, associated with the nose, or sense of smell in undifferentiated form, as the spear of Longinus is understood to be the spear of destiny, without any clear understanding of what it points towards, for example, in the Ukraine, when the ‘Red Army’ of President Vladimir Putin of Russia deployed the TOS 1 and 2 heavy flamethrower system, after invading on February 24th, 2022, during the flatulence caused by coronavirus, that is, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which eventually killed upwards of eight million people globally, before vaccines made the disease endemic, rather than epidemic, the first stage missile launched a flammable vapor, followed fierily by a second, resulting in an explosion like that of a circus clown, using a slapstick with gunpowder inside, to hit ostensibly farting buttocks, which apparently was the destiny for the side of the Paraclete from Jesus’, as intuited for women’s seed by Putin, that is, the T-72 tank mounted TOS tin, representing communist atheism.

 The paradigm of 9/11 is Sodom and Gomorrah, ‘the cities of the plains’ (Gen: 18, 19), destroyed by God for practicing homosexuality in pederasty, labeled thereafter ‘sodomy’, while camorra is the mafia term for vendetta, amongst the sodomites presumably, whereas New York`s Saddam`s apple was putatively the `city of the planes`, that is, God’s as Adam’s, the capital city, Baghdad, of President Saddam Hussein of Iraq, was subsequently captured by the US’ army, from 3rd-9th April, subsequent to a March 2003 invasion, after Saddam offered bases to Al Qaeda there. The terror was `Saddamy`, that is, ‘In the name of -’, which is the paradigm of ‘the cult of the personality’ in the Middle East, for example, although Putin and Gaddafi of Libya, North Africa, allegedly linked to terrorists and killed on October 20th, 2011, by rebels, were further examples of a global problem; replacing the feminine spirit of God with that of ‘brothers’. The US saw Saddam as a ‘brown nose’, that is, his sense of smell, or ‘Intuition’ function, inferior in that he’d betray a brother, for example, the Emir of Kuwait, also Moslem, when the Iraqi army, ‘poisoning their own well’,7 invaded in 1990, was the destructive anality of an ingrate, who US’ meritocrats, formerly accepting him as a progressive, had to admit disillusionment when his acts were preventative.

 In Jungian archetypal terms, Saddam corresponded to the `beast` of Jesus’ disciple John’s Revelation, reactivating homosexuality, that is, war, as the dragon looking to devour the Big Apple of the Second Eve, that is, Jesus’ Second Coming, as the ruler for women’s seed, taught by God’s Holy Spirit. The Al Qaeda terrorists used US’ inculcated values of political correctness, that is, demands for politeness, as a substitute for protocols. Eluding security, which otherwise might have discovered their technical orientation, Homeland Defense (HD) accepted the hackers’ system-crashing virus of homosexual ‘pc’. With the city of Troy upstate, the metaphor was that of the ‘Greek horse`, used by the Greeks, like computer geeks by the gate of the besieged city of Troy in Asia Minor, as described by the poet, Homer, in his Iliad (760-10 B.C.), designing ‘bad machine code’ (BMC) to gain access ‘backdoor’ to personal computers (PCs), Al Qaeda’s terrorist subterfuge made them 21st century grease. Inside a hollow wooden horse at the Trojan gate, taken in, the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women to further wars of homosexuality in pederasty against women’s seed, while Al Qaeda at the Twin Towers were plain saw at the legs of the US’ sawhorse, punishing US’ TV for its whores, as Haw Haw’s radio broadcasts had been fasces propaganda for the German Axis in WWII,8 whilst Moslems, with the permission of the Koran to have four wives in their families, knew about women’s seed. The nations of Islam didn’t want the cross that US’ TV and its mass media were making for them to bear with an implicitly invasive picture of ‘gay’ sex as normative.

 It's characteristic of the state of homosexuality to demonstrate preoccupation, that is, it’s a fait accompli, whereas sterility isn’t, ‘That boy really likes me.’ He mightn’t. Just as 9/11 didn’t have to happen, and/or Russia didn’t have to invade the Ukraine, the human species of futanarian women’s seed might not have to be tolerant of homosexuals, whose weltanschauung is that crack’ll let ‘em in, as it’s fated to be and a foregone conclusion. Such an approach to events is fatal, as the ass-fucked are occupied, as a foreign power, invaded by the backdoor, to make a set of brothers, who don’t look at women like that, but rather inject themselves into the human host, as the ass-as-sins of the futanarian future of women’s seed that`ll `cuckoo`,9 and occupy in the name of ‘population control’, which was a term used to indicate the need for reducing the number of births, but in ‘Big Brother’ terms it simply means being watched by the TV, or personal computer monitor screen, as Britney Spears’ lyric to ‘If U Seek Amy’ from her 2008 album, Circus, suggests, to impose social control: ‘All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to if you seek Amy [F*U*C*K me].’10

 As war is a means of the aliens keeping the human numbers down, the indifference of homosexuals towards society is a means of their controlling it through slavery, for example, login for the faggots means just that, as if useek*my can’t be remembered log doubt ensues, and exclusion from social media with the virus of hell, unless some change can be gotten out of ifuseek*my and she’s replaced with f*uckmy ass and get the log in, ‘Let he that has wisdom have understanding; the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.’ (Rev: 13. 8) 666 of a thousand is 66%, corresponding to the numbers of men and women that make up the TV set, while the 33% missing are the castrated ‘remnant’ of women’s seed, who’re then heterosexuality’s host womb slaves, in normative ‘gay’ TV, which is the ‘beast’, as it wants more would for the virus.


1 Blake, William ‘And Did Those Feet In Ancient Time’ c. 1808, Preface to Milton: A Poem In Two Books, 1804.

2 Blackmore, Ritchie, and David Coverdale ‘Stormbringer’, Deep Purple, Stormbringer, Purple, 1976.

3 Bhikkhu, Thanissaro, Buddhist Monastic Code, 2007-9, Bk I, p. 56.

4 O’Brien, Barabara, February 2nd, 2019, Learn Religions, .

5 Shakespeare, William Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene i, 1601, l. 299.

6 Martin, Max, and Rami Yacoub ‘Oops! … I Did It Again’, Britney Spears, Oops! … I Did It Again, Jive, 2000.

7 Rahul, Mahjan ‘Poisoning The Well’, , October 27th, 2001.

8 Joyce, William Germany Calling, Reichssender Hamburg, Osterloog transmitting station, Norddeich Radio, East Frisian Waterfront, September 18th, 1939 – April 30th, 1945.

9 Cuckoos remove other birds eggs from their nest, and then lay their eggs to have their young nurtured instead, which is what homosexuality is.

10 Kotecha, Savan, Alexander Kronlund, Max Martin, and Shellback, ‘If U Seek Amy’, Britney Spears, Circus, Jive, 2008.

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Poor Copy

05/03/2016 12:12
Poor Copy   The emergence of the HIV/AIDS` virus as the `incurable killer disease` of the late 20th century transmitted by homosexual men`s mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anus suggests to parasitology that it`s trying to make further copies of itself as a part of its parasitoid...


01/06/2015 07:15
Smugged   Between 1930 and 1967 Hollywood, Babylon, established the `Hays code` devised by Will Hays, President of the Motion Pictures Producers and Distributors of America (MMPDA), which on `moral grounds` delineated what could and could not be seen in movies. Remembered mainly for the...
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