The Woman on the Sword
Jesus on the cross is the man who does not defend himself until his Second Coming with the Sword when he exterminates evil and God creates a new heaven and Earth for the Redeemed. The cross represents the crosspiece of his Sword in the Earth. He is helpless so his tormentors do not have to use the sword against him.
To a boy child the crucifix is the haft of a wooden sword pushed into the Earth. Jesus is the `Son of Man` (Matt: 26.64) because he is the Redeemer; but he returns with the `Sword of God` in Revelation. If Jesus had carried a sword, he would have been killed with the swords of men. In fact, he was killed by the Romans for being a Jewish subversive. His role was to last long enough for the sword of God to be reforged.
Jesus distilled his own teachings, and `God`s law` as `God`s love` (Luke: 10.27). Upon the cross he was helpless and, after his Ascension (1 John: 2.1), God gave the Paraclete or Holy Spirit to mankind as `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`, which suggests that she is the helper that the helpless want to save them. As God`s spirit, she has taught Jesus - and through Jesus - so she is teacher, guide, and comfort also.
Jesus` Second Coming is with the Sword, so he is Sword-trained and a sword-trainer. On the cross he has the woman`s position. He has been obedient to God but men want submission. The `marriage of the lamb` (Rev: 5.13), in Revelation, is submission to God and, pursuant, is `marriage`. According to Revelation, Jesus` `bride` is Jerusalem, but men assume that the `heavenly city` is a place from which they`ll govern creation, whereas Babylon, the Great`, is the city of Revelation described as the city upon the Earth where a woman rules. In other words, Jesus` bride, Jerusalem, is the woman who rules in heaven on behalf of God for Jesus` marriage, which men have no jurisdiction over, although they have always wanted to see into the bridal chamber that God had originally prepared for Adam and Eve in Eden. In Revelation `Mystery, Mother of Harlots, and of the Abominations of the Earth` is a `proxy` ruler for those men who, in ancient Greece, enslaved the wombs of women so that homosexual pederasty could spread its `gay boy sons` by means of war, which became the 20th century`s `gay poisons` of HIV/AIDS, in accordance with Revelation, as the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s war against the wombs of women continued in the form of its biological warfare of HIV/AIDS, which in Revelation is decribed as `blood plague`:
`... a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:...` (Rev 17:4)
Babylon`s womb is her cup but the `abominations and filthiness of her fornication` are what she is made to do by the `red dragon` of devouring homosexual pederasty`s warmongering `gay boy sons`, which result in the `blood plague`of the poisons of HIV/AIDS. However, `Babylon, the Great` is an archerype of woman that seeks to be made conscious, in psychological terms. According to the developmental depth psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) contents of the unconscious seek to be made conscious by means of impulses that arise in dreams, art, and imagination or reverie. The archetypes are the impulses towards civilization and culture, and `Babylon, the Great` is great because she represents the archetype of woman upon the Earth as she endeavours to survive and be born.
According to Genesis there shall be perpetual enmity between woman`s `seed` and that of the serpent, and in Revelation `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to the `New Redeemer` that will protect her while she remains `hidden` upon the Earth. Because the woman of Eden is described as having `seed`, she`s a futanarian woman, or woman with a penis as a species in her own right, which means that Eve, Babylon, and Jerusalem are Woman. According to Revelation the `red dragon` and the serpent`s `seed`, which correspond to the `gay boy sons` of homosexual pederasty`s contagion of war and the `gay poisons` of the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS, fight against the `seed` of the woman in heaven and lose. The `red dragon` and the serpent`s `seed` receive perdition, and the woman and her `seed` receive a new heaven and Earth.
The Evil One is exterminated. He doesn`t submit because he doesn`t want marriage. He is single because he doesn`t want Woman. He represents homosexual sterility: `The beast that thou sawest was, and is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the Earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.` (Rev: 17) In Arabia they have a similar tradition deriving from the holy book of the Moslems, the Koran, which describes `Iblis`, the `Shaitan`, who corresponds to `Satan` in Christianity, and who has no power other than to whisper in ears. Because the `beast` represents the sterility of homosexual pederasty, it has no creative power, and so its power is an illusion. Consequently, it`s defined as `was, is not, and yet is` because it represents development.
Just as men prefer to teach boys to play with wooden swords so that they have as much effectivity as the buried wooden haft of the cross of the sword of Jesus` boyhood, so Jesus` celibacy represents the need for a denial of the sensual for a period from the 3rd century C.E. so that 21st technology could develop. However, given the fact of a developed technology, such as that of the TV series Star Trek (1965-), low levels of technology are for the meek. In other words, developing is what the meek are for, and their low levels of technology represent the fear of the evil who are preparing for Jesus` `Second Coming` with the `Sword of God` that will slay them. If Jesus` plan was to develop technologically, so that the meek of the Earth would be able to defend themselves, the plan of the evil was to enslave the meek at the technological equivalent of chimpanzees after they had developed to the advanced technology of something akin to Star Trek, for example,. Jesus` `Second Coming` would result in the meek being kept upon the Earth as `hostages to fate` subject to a black mass `slaughter` before Jesus` `Sword of God` was even out of its sheathe should Christ attempt to remove it therefrom.
According to the New Testament Jesus was `trained` by means of `God`s Spirit`, which was by his side as Eve`s was from Adam`s and she emerges, as it were, as the Paraclete, or Holy Spirit, when Jesus` side is cut open by Longinus` spear. The female Shekinah is the `spirit of God`s law` that dwells in the place of the `Ark of the Covenant` with God`s Commandments in the Old Testament, which Jesus distills in the New Testamnet as `love thy neighbour`. Because the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, is female she represents what the depth psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) defines as among the archetypes of the collective unconscious that, appearing in dreams, art, reverie and the imagination, impel civilization and culture to higher levels of spiritual, intellectual, and technological levels of development. Just as `Babylon, the Great` and Jerusalem, the `bride` of Jesus, represent aspects of the archetype of woman`s impulsion to development, so the Shekinah, or Holy Spirit, effectively emergent from the side of Jesus when it was pierced by the spear of Longinus after Jesus` crucifixion and death, is an archetype of spiritual impulsion. Consequently, the evil would seek to kill her because she represents the possibility of survival for woman as a species with her own penis.
Because the capacity for developing independent space travel devolves, according to Jung, from instinctual levels of energy associated with sexuality, the solution for the evil would be to either kill the woman`s penis, suppress all knowledge of the woman`s penis, or simply engage in biological warfare against her `host` womb by injecting it with experimental `gay boy sons`, that is, the `gay poisons` of HIV/AIDS, as if she were an experimental rat. Jesus` alternative is portrayed at the `Last Supper` in the Bible where he offers `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, which represents the transformation of instinctual levels of development into spiritual or intellectual levels, which the transubstantiation symbolism of the Catholic Mass promulgates in the shape of the Communion wafer and the cup of wine. Conversely, HIV/AIDS is the Satanical cup of the `abominations and filthiness of her fornication[s]` from homosexual pederasty`s gay boy sons` celebrating their generations` long `black mass`invoking the `red dragon` of Revelation and its `blood plague` of `gay poisons`:
`... having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication ...` (Rev: 17.4)
Gays don`t want development because the older pederasts wouldn`t be able to produce `gay boy sons` if woman with a penis of her own were an independent species. If woman with a penis of her own understood she didn`t need men, she`d be free to embrace immortality without the obligation to produce new `boy sons`. The intention of the male alien parasites upon her `host` is to keep each woman as a breeding slave for a couple of decades or so in order to produce more `gay boy sons` for the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s `plague games` of `biological warfare` with the `gay poisons`. Jesus` `bread and wine` is his `body and blood`, because he doesn`t want the `gay boy sons` or HIV/AIDS, and that`s why he`s born without the stain of a man`s semen upon him. Because God didn`t want him to have the `mark of the beast`.
In Revelation the `hidden` woman of the Earth leaves to `sow` her `seed` amongst the stars in heaven. Most interpretations of Jungian psychology assume that men are a part of the species of the Earth, but if the spirit and soul are female, as the functionality of the Shekinah and Holy Spirit suggest, the archetypes of the collective unconscious are woman`s, and men have no developmental functionality but are evil aliens, which explains why there is war in heaven against the woman`s `seed`, and why the evil serpent`s `seed` of the aliens are defeated.
As a supposed celibate, Jesus` cruficied is an icon of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s sado-masochistic lust for blood. Because he represents Eve`s understanding of woman`s role, he is a misogynist`s icon too. As the wooden haft of the toy sword of his boyhood, Jesus` cross is ineffectual, which is how it is interpreted by the evil. However, in Revelation, Jesus comes to save his `bride`, symbolized by Jerusalem who, as `Babylon, the Great`, is the archetype of woman `washed in the blood of the lamb`, and who has Redemption and is saved in Revelation by Woman`s archetypal hero Jesus with the `Sword of God`. Although much happens with `Babylon, the Great`, the notion that woman as a species is separated both from her own penis and knowledge of it by the male aliens who have imprisoned her on the Earth in order to enslave her womb as a `host` for its parasite suggests that the separation of `Babylon, the Great` and Jesus` `bride`, Jerusalem, are equivalent to the separation of the penis of woman from woman as a species, which means that `Babylon, the Great` belongs in heaven as Jerusalem because her `abominations and fornication` are a consequence of her enslavement by the aliens.
As a Sword trained by God`s spirit, the sword he is training is not man`s but Woman`s. The sword is associated with `Thinking` in psychology, and the Word of God is construction though instruction, which is invention, production and, most importantly, reproduction; the knowledge of how to make the same thing again: sex is the basics. If women are required for reproductive sex, men can`t reproduce without women, whereas women as futanarian women with a penis of their own can reproduce without men, Consequently, the male system of heaven divided into good males and males who aren`t yet quite good enough doesn`t take into account the fact that women have been separated from their own penis as a species by the male alien parasites using her as a`host` womb for their devouring wars of homosexual pederasty, and so heaven would logically consist of her physical hermaphroditism.
In Egyptian mythology, Ra is God, Osiris is his son, Set is the Evil One that dismembers, and Isis is the Woman that remembers him as Horus. In Christian terms, Set corresponds to those men who don`t want the immortality that God promises Jesus. In the Egyptian myth, Isis wants immortality for Horus, whereas Jesus` separation from men by being born of a virgin without the semen of a man is a further instance of God`s distancing of God from men because they don`t want immortality in God but only insofar as it facilitates their blood lust as evil aliens.
Jesus` birth without male semen suggests that God is divorcing men from the `spirit of God`, which God effectively confimed when he sent to the Earth the female Shekinah, that is, the Holy Spirit or Paraclete, to be `guide, teacher, comfort and helpmeet` at the side of woman. Jesus` offer of fellowship in the form of the `bread and wine`, as symbols of his trust, is betrayed immediately by Judas Iscariot, who sells him to the crucifiers, and prefigures the `gay boy sons` of BDSM and their poisons` `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS, which transmits itself by `feigning friendship` with the fighting cells of the body`s immune system before betraying the `friendship` and killing them and the body. Another Satanical gay boy sons` black mass in which the `gay poisons` of HIV/AIDS mock Jesus` `body and blood` in their own pederatical version of the transformation symbolism of the Catholic Mass.
Woman`s `The End` product of Revelation in which her `seed` receives God`s `new heaven and Earth`, which are immortal lives, saved and remembered. In order to understand, we have to accept that God lives through man. Jesus` birth is by parthenogenesis; he isn`t man produced by the fertilizer of man. He is born of a virgin woman and God. In Egyptian mythology, Osiris is the incarnation of Ra, who corresponds to God, as Allah in Moslem belief. Osiris has many experiences, and because he has lived as mankind, he has much to remember. Without the knowledge of his imprisonment in an ego, he can`t remember. He needs the rememberer – Isis. She collects the pieces from Set`s dismembering of Osiris but can`t find the penis, because she shouldn`t; it isn`t hers.
Isis fashions a new penis for Osiris, who is then reborn as Horus, but the symbolism indicates that he`s restored not remembered. In other words, he doesn`t have the memories of his incarnation as the individual egos of mankind. However,the fact that women have a penis of their own, is the reason why Isis shouldn`t find Osiris` penis. Isis corresponds to what in Christianity is termed the `bride`, Jerusalem, who is a woman who rules on behalf of God, as `Babylon, the Great` is the `proxy` ruler for the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s `gay boy sons` that represent the `gay poisons` in her cup of the `abominations and filthiness of her fornication` that corresponds to the `blood plague` of Revelation which is HIV/AIDS. If Jerusalem, the `bride` of Jesus, is woman with a penis of her own and God`s true species, woman`s Resurrection would be `Babylon, the Great` with her own penis as the species woman, that is, Jesus` bride`, Jerusalem, who would have the memories of mankind because Earth is where her penis had been.
Some believe God to have incarnated in Jesus in order to bring gnosis to the Earth, that is, `esoteric knowledge and intuitive wisdom`. In Christianity `Holy Wisdom is an expression of understanding of the Holy Spirit` and, according to the Gnostics, this was the way to Salvation. After Jesus` crucifixion and death Christ has Resurrection and Ascension. In Egyptian mythology the equivalent of God is Ra, who incarnates as Osiris, and is dismembered by the evil Set before being remembered by Isis who collects the pieces of Osiris` dismembered body. Where Jesus has Ascension to heaven in Christianity, Osiris is reborn as Horus, the `sky god` in Egyptian mythology, probably because Isis corresponds to the `bride` of Jesus, Jerusalem, who is a woman with a penis of her own. Consequently, the memories of mankind belong with her and so man`s penis is hers in heaven. The Egyptian `sky god` Horus represents the zenith of man`s aspirations on Earth. Because woman who is sundered from her penis as a species and its knowledge would be restored in heaven above, according to the `myth logic`.
Although Ascension follows Jesus` crucifixion and death, God sent the Paraclete, or Holy Spirit, to teach Redemption after Jesus, which corresponds to that `Holy Wisdom [which] is an expression of [the] understanding of the Holy Spirit`. Redemption isn`t Resurrection and Ascension, because that presupposes death and rebirth, which corresponds to what happens in Egyptian mythology where Horus is reborn as the `sky god`. If Horus has Resurrection he would be reborn with his memories of his incarnation as mankind. However, Isis can`t find his penis and fashions one anew, which suggests rebirth without remembering. In Christianity, the `spirit of God` is female and, because the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete is `esoteric knowledge and intuitive wisdom`, according to Gnosticism, the concept seems to be that she teaches and garners knowledge.
Woman is a species with her own penis, and the female Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, in effect teaches the penis of mankind through the soul, which Jung calls the archetype of the anima, or female image in the psyche of man that corresponds to the desired image of woman, by means of the transformation of instinctual libidic sexual energy to spiritual or intellectual development. In Christianity Redemption presupposes death and Resurrection, but Redemption without death is Salvation. Just because Jesus died on the cross doesn`t mean that those who accept the teachings of the Paraclete, or Holy Spirit, shouldn`t have Salvation without death. In other words, Gnostic Christianity represents the notion that `Holy Wisdom [which] is an expression of [the] understanding of the Holy Spirit` confers Salvation. In short, if woman with her own penis is the species of the planet Earth, and the `Assumption of the Virgin Mary` means that the woman, who is sundered from her penis upon the Earth, has restoration in heaven, because the penis of the male is female and desires its own `Self` as the species woman, the `Assumption of the Virgin Mary` means that woman is restored to her own penis as a species in heaven and `Holy Wisdom` belongs with her as Jerusalem, the `bride` of Jesus in Revelation, who is the Gnostic sapientae dei or `Wisdom of God`.
If Resurrection is restoration with memory intact, the `bride`, Jerusalem is `Holy Wisdom` because she represents the memories that the individual who has Resurrection would want to have. In the New Testament Jesus preaches forgiveness, because of the `enmity` between the `seed` of the woman and the serpent`s `seed`, that is, men, which has been perpetual since Eden. Obviously the individual who had Resurrection or Salvation wouldn`t want memories that were of men and their evil ways. Consequently, the `bride`, Jerusalem, represents woman as a species with her own restored penis and so someone with all of the memories of humankind. Moreover, as Jesus` `bride`, she is `good` memories without men and their evil ways. The Paraclete, or Holy Spirit, functions as woman`s garnerer of knowledge, which might adjectivally be defined as `humanity`, and Jerusalem, as the `Holy Wisdom` of God, represents the woman`s good governance on behalf of God in the heavenly realm.
In biological terms, Jesus and the Virgin Mary are a complexio oppositorum that denote the Virgin with a penis of her own as member of the species woman, whereas homosexual pederasty`s devouring `red dragon` of war through its production of `gay boy sons` in its enslaved women`s `host` wombs, is the Satanical serpent of the `seed` of men who were responsible for the torture and murder of Jesus as the Virgin, or nascent, `futanar`. In the 20th century the `red dragon` escalated its campaign against woman as a nascent species with her own penis, through `biological warfare`. The gay boy sons` incurable `killer disease` are the `gay poisons` of HIV/AIDS, which is the `blood plague` valence of the `red dragon` of Revelation.
Those who espouse the `red dragon` are the same people that tortured and murdered Jesus, without the forgiveness that would give them either Salvation or Resurrection in Jesus` name. The Satanical would want reincarnation for others but in places of their own choosing, which is why the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty, whose valence is torture and murder, began to enslave the `host` wombs of women at least as long ago as ancient Greece where women were merely `breeding stock` for the homosexual pederasts. The Satanical would also want Resurrection for themselves, but without Redemption, which requires the acceptance of forgiveness, as a basic Christian principle, because Resurrection for themselves and reincarnation for their victims would satisfy the `blood lust` of their valence.
According to the Bible the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour the `New Redeemer`, because she is Salvation, and that`s why the `New Redeemer` is able to protect the `hidden` woman with the `seed` that defeats the `red dragon` in war in heaven to receive a new heaven and Earth while the evil serpent`s `seed` receive perdition from God. The `New Redeemer` accepts the teachings of the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, and so is immune. Obviously, the concept of immunity relates to immunity from the `biological warfare` valence of the `red dragon` of HIV/AIDS `blood plague`. In other words, to be immune from homosexual pederasty`s valences, each individual would have to be `straight`. However, in sexual terms, all this means is that the feminine principle desires itself, because woman as a species with a penis of her own is `straight`, and because that means the penis is female, `straight` means woman oriented desire, which is categorizable as the `normal` valence of the planet Earth.
If the male doesn`t desire woman, and the violence in mainstream movies, as well as `reality` in such incidents and periods as 9/11 on CNN and the `TV wars` of the Gulf (1990-2011), suggest that it doesn`t `really`, then males aren`t `straight`. They`re what the ancient Greeks wanted when they presented their `gift` of a huge wooden horse before the walls of Troy. The `Greek horse` was a `device` inside which they hid in order to enter Troy and enslave the women`s `wombs`, as `hosts` to further homosexual pederasty`s valence of war and enslavement. The HIV/AIDS virus is a `Greek horse` inside which the `terrorist assassins` of homosexual pederasty metaphorically `hide` waitng to devour the `hidden` daughters of the woman of the Earth. In Satanical mockery of the `hidden` woman of Revelation protected in the `wilderness` by the `New Redeemer` before she leaves, and in Satanical emulation of the 9/11 terrorists` `feigned friendship` as they hid inside `civil` aircraft before crashing them into New York`s Twin Towers, which was itself an emulation of the `feigned friendship` of the HIV/AIDS` cell for the immune system of the body it kills, the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty is administering its injections of `gay boy sons`, that is, `gay poisons`, in an attempt to murder her `womb`, which is the producer of the Earth`s civilizations and cultures that it has been endeavouring to prevent from developing, and to destroy, since Eden.
From the perspective of Egyptian mythology, Set corresponds to those men who are the disparate egos of Ra incarnated as Osiris that do not want what Christianity would describe as the `Oneness of God`. Jesus` crucifixion and death is the BDSM valence of the `red dragon` of Revelation, which is neatly encapsulated in the movie Red Dragon (2002) that features a psychopath:
` ... [who] kills at the behest of an alternate personality he calls `The Great Red Dragon`. He is obsessed with a William Blake painting, The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in Sun, and believes that each victim he `changes` brings him closer to `becoming` the Dragon.`1
The protagonist`s psychopathic perspective devolves from the perception that others are individuals that prevent him from `becoming` because they are him. In Christian terms, Jesus` distillation of God`s law` as `love thy neighbour` represented the awareness that God is incarnate in each individual upon the Earth, and according to Gnostic Christians Jesus was God incarnate. Consequently, the psychopath is he who seeks to have power over the other aspects of God who, from his pathological perspective, are those individual aspects of himself that he encounters, and so he corresponds to Set, the dismemberer of the incarnate Ra as Osiris, in the Egyptian myth, who practices submission-domination and other BDSM approaches, including torture and murder, to `become` what he perceives as an `individual`.
Because the psychopath `becomes` by means of murder, his contribution to civilization and culture is the `dumbing down` of more intelligent individual ego units that appear to him to be stronger insofar as he can`t `become`. His `becoming` has been dependant on others` thoughts instead of thinking for himself. Although this seems individuational insofar as thinking for oneself seems a necessary part of development, the murder of others because they`re stronger personalities is how the `ape of God` reduces the level of human behaviour to that of the chimpanzee. Medical research indicates that HIV/AIDS derived from monkeys, which fits the valence of the `blood plague` of Revelation, because the `gay boy sons` of homosexual pederasty, that is, the `gay poisons` of biological warfare against the `wombs` of women, and the brains of its victims, seeks to reduce the level of human awareness to that of a chimpanzee, so that it can continue to spread its contagion without conscious opposition from the alien parasites` `host`, who is Woman as a species with her own penis on the verge of being reborn.
Just as the homosexual pederast doesn`t want men to experience God, because a collective of individuals who accepted the goodness of God would be stronger than the psychopathic `killer disease`, so the homosexual pederast doesn`t want woman with a penis of her own to develop and escape from the planet Earth because they would no longer have any `gay boy sons`. In Britain it`s a tradition of the `SAS`, which is the Special Air Service of the United Kingdom`s Armed Forces, to hold up a newborn male child to the sun, which effectively means `boy, sun`, that is, `poison`. The symbol of the SAS is a `winged dagger`, a common enough motif throughout the Armed Forces of the globe, because it represents the knife in the back. In other words, woman`s development can`t occur on Earth because the `plague aims` of the male alien `game player` is to reduce the level of woman`s technological development by poisoning the capacity of the female `brains` produced from her `wombs`, and so keep her a prisoner upon the Earth so that they can continue to `boy son`, that is, `poison`, and devour her like cannibalistic chimpanzees in their wars against the civilizations and cultures that she has succeeded in producing from her womb in spite of the alien parasitical viral life form masquerading as her male `partner`.
The difficult part is remembering. Because mankind has heretofore supposedly been man and woman, Jesus` Paraclete, or Holy Spirit, has the task of remembering both: `Male and female He created them both.` (Gen: 1.27) God created Eve from the side of Adam, according to the Bible, which means they`re potentially a single hermaphroditic being.2 Men who can`t accept Jesus` Redemption because they can`t accept Woman has a penis are those men who want to be `fertilizer`. In the myth of Osiris, Osiris is reborn in spring. The myth refers to the notion of fertilization of the eggs in the wombs of women, and the corpses of the dead as fertilizer for the soil and the crops. Men who want to be fertilizer represent reincarnation and Resurrection, but the BDSM valence, which corresponds to that of Set, the dismemberer in Egyptian mythology, indicates that reincarnation and Resurrection is a Satanical mode in which the torturers and murderers seek Resurrection for themselves, with all of their memories intact, but reincarnation for their victims, who are tortured indefinitely. Because those who have the evil`s Satanical version of Resurrection would seek to have their victims born in wombs of their choosing, and even reborn in wombs that they know of from their memory of previous reincarnations.
In Christianity Jesus represents Redemption, which necessitates forgiveness, but the Satanical wouldn`t forgive, and immortality, although for the Satanical that would only mean indefinite torture for their reincarnated victims. Interestingly, reincarnation for the victim, doesn`t exclude the possibility of Resurrection for the victim. Although that`s active participation within BDSM rather than the `subdom` perspective in which the reincarnated victim is involuntarily submissive. Of course, either correspond to the `abominations and filthiness of her fornication[s]`, where she is the enslaved `host` womb of homosexual pederasty.
Men could only accept woman`s penis anally, which is why men represnt sterility. The anus is where shit as fertilizer comes from. The `red dragon` of the `blood plague` of Revelation (Rev: 12. 1-18) isn`t a fertilizer because it seeks to be an eternal devourer of the producer and her product. Waiting to devour the child born to the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, it`s ready to make shit out of her `latest`. According to the Bible, the dragon waits in vain to devour the `New Redeemer`, who `rules the nations with an iron scepter` because he wants her civilizations and cultures to flourish. His `rule` is a comprehensive one because the valence of the `red dragon` is widespread. In Hinduism, for example, the Muladhara chakra, which represents the lowest level of spiritual and intellectual development at the base of the spine, corresponds to Al Qaeda, `the base`, while the Ajna chakra, which corresponds to `imagination` at the brain, corresponds to the `Big Apple` of the Twin Towers of New York. In simple terms, 9/11 was an attack by `the base` upon the `imagination` below the Sahasrara chakra of `will and understanding` at the `crown` of the head, because `imagination` was beginning to develop `will and understanding`, and the `red dragon` devoured it by spreading its evil contagion of war.
Anal sex is commonly thought to produce HIV/AIDS, and this is why it is thought of as a the `blood plague` of `biblical proportions`. Not only does it indicate that shit and blood is what semen as the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty wants, but it says it wants to give its virus to everyone.. As the 21st century paradigm of computer systems` hackers, the terrorist virus of the red dragon`s hijackers of 9/11 used `civil` aircraft to politely` conceal their `orientation`, before crashing the hijacked planes into the Twin Towers. And so the `Big Apple` of the Vishudda chakra of the `will and understanding` of the United States was dimmed by Al Qaeda, `the base`, at which were the biblical `beasts` of Revelation, Saddam Hussein and Osama Ben Laden.
At `the base` of the spine, Al Qaeda `Injected` some Arabian `gay boy sons`, that is, the terrorist equivalent of HIV/AIDS` `gay poisons`, into what they perceived as the USA`s `anus`. The system created by their defence analysts. To `foul` the USA`s immune system by `feigning friendship`, as HIV/AIDS` cells `feign friendship` with the body`s defensive `white cells`, before killing the brain, Al Qaeda, `the base`, spread their plague of war and terror across the globe. Sowing the seeds of confusion to occlude the USA`s intelligence systems, the `red dragon` of terrorism precipitated a second Gulf War (2000-2011), while the actual threat lay in Afghanistan, which had always seemed `Mission Impossible` since the British failure there from 1838-1919 and the Russians similar lack of success in their afforts to govern from 1979-89.
Osama Ben Ladan and his Taliban followers were operating out of the traditional fortress of the `Old Man Of The Mountain`, Hassan Ben Sabbah, the `Master of the assassins`. 9/11 was a psychological extension of the imago of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s `biological warfare`. The `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS was Osama`s ass as Sin`s terrorist paradigm as Al Qaeda, the base, launched their `killer disease` against the `Big Apple` of US intelligence on 9/11. Because Afghanistan had always been thought of as Mission Impossible (1996), much as the `Eye of Sauron` looked in the wrong place for the threat to Mordor in British fantasy author J.R.R. Tolkein`s The Two Towers, the USA`s intelligence looked towards Saddam Hussein, the `thief of Baghdad`, whose army had endeavoured to steal Kuwait and her oil.
The second Gulf War was Two and Fro Dough Boys, or There And Back Dad, because the original title of Tolkein`s book for boys, The Hobbit, was There And Back Again in which Bilbo found the `ring of power` belonging to the evil Sauron. In the sequel, The Lord Of The Rings, Bilbo gives the ring to Frodo to destroy in the volcano, `the crack of Doom`, and break Sauron`s power, while the `Men of the West` from the realm of Gondor, and the `Horse Lords of Rohan` led by Aragorn, cause a `diversion` by attacking the `Black Gate` of Mordor:
`From the sky will come a great King of Terror.
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols...` (Century 10, Quatrain 72)
Aragorn`s men correspond to the hordes of the `great King of the Mongols` in Michel Nostradamus` 16th century Prophecies, and the Pentagon would correspond to the `Black Gate` where the ring of the power of the Dark Lord Sauron was to have been broken, because the USA would be aroused to its danger. Sauron`s `voice` would correspond to the Vishudda chakra of the `Big Apple`, which is `Adam`s apple` at the throat of the mouth of New York`s harbour of Liberty, and the `Twin Towers` would be the vocal chords of `Big Mouth`. The Ajna chakra of the `third eye` would correspond to the Pentagon that had ignored Osama Ben Ladan, the `Master of the assassins`, because Afghanistan was Mission Impossible, while the storyThe Thief Of Baghdad still looked harder to the rest of the world, and so Saddam Hussein remained a more attractive target for the ire of the USA.
The Pentagon would correspond to `the crack of Doom`, because of the anticipated eruption from the Whitehouse, even though the terrorist plane nominated to crash into President George W. Bush`s office was `taken out` over Pennsylvania, by brave passengers unsparing of their own lives, as United Airlines Flight 93 crashed in a field in Shanksville. The Whitehouse would have corresponded to the `awakening` Sahasrara chakra, or `crown` of `will and understanding`, but the 9/11 attacks were sufficiently successful for the `War On Terror` (2003-) to be declared, which would restore the power of the `Dark Lord`, through the terror of global surveillance and torture such as occurred in the internment camp of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
The main problem of the 20th century was `control of the means of production`, where communism and capitalism differed over whether the state or the individual had control. In communism `each according to his ability, each according to his needs` was replaced by the capitalist concept of wants. What people wanted wasn`t always what the state had decided they needed. The fear was that `bread and circuses` were what people wanted and so civilization and culture would deteriorate. However, if people had to work for what they needed, it would be possible to see what they wanted that was `affordable` from a societal point of view, and allow it. But neither communism nor capitalism were prepared to acknowledge that the `means of production` was the `host` womb of women that they were using to produce. Perspectivally, the male perspective was that she shouldn`t have a body of her own, which is the misogynist standpoint that marriage with a male espouses. Because woman has a penis of her own, she has a body of her own, and is able to produce as a species without her male parasite. Consequently, futanarian woman with a penis of her own ( ) constitutes what the German, Karl Marx (1818-83), founder of communism, described as `workers control of the means of production` where `workers` are the female species and, with her own penis, she controls the `means of production` which constitutes a radical change in economics that begins from the presupposition that men do not own women`s bodies, but that woman can have a `body of her own`.
At the beginning of the 20th century Virginia Woolf perceived that, in order to have independence, a woman needed A Room Of One`s Own (1929), whereas the economic experiments of communism and capitalism show that what a woman needs is A Body Of Her Own. Woman with a penis has a body of her own, and doesn`t need to give it to a man in order to reproduce, but she can reproduce with another woman, which means she has a body of her own that she can share. From A Room Of One`s Own, the virgin lesbian is emerging prepared to publish A Body Of One`s Own `sight unseen` in the new economy.
The Egyptian myth of the corn god Osiris warns of the dangers of men who don`t want to be anything other than fertilizer. The growing of the corn each year is a metaphor for reincarnation but not Resurrection, which is what the Christians call Salvation and is continuance of the body with its own memories. However, men who don`t want to be anything other than fertilizer in order to produce more sons to torture and murder, as Jesus was tortured and murdered upon the cross at his crucifixion, want reincarnation for the `good` victims they always enjoy torturing and murdering, which is what the Egyptian mythologem of Set`s dismemberment of Osiris, and Set`s attempt to have anal sex with the reborn Horus, signifies.
Horus puts his hand before his anus and removes the semen of Set from where Set`s ejaculate would have been. In Christianity the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` of devouring homosexual pederasty is HIV/AIDS and its assault on women`s `host` womb is a form of `biological warfare`, which the struggle of Osiris and Horus against the evil Set prefigures in the Egyptian myth of what Christianity would term Redemption from `sin`. The male is an alien campaigning against woman as a threat to the aliens` controlling the `means of production`. Injecting themselves into the `host` wombs of women, like the creature in the movie Alien that injected its parasite into the body of John Hurt, men emerge from the `host` wombs of women after `feigning friendship`. As the `gay poisons` of the HIV/AIDS virus `feigns friendship` with the `host` before killing it, the `gay boy sons` of homosexual pederasty `feign friendship` with women as a `host` womb for their alien parasitical virus in order to enslave her economically and prevent her from reproducing herself and her daughters as a species with their own penis and a form of economics that isn`t based on reducing humanity to the developmental level of chimpanzees so that women can`t be a good `host` for herself.
At the `Last Supper` Jesus` observation was that he was a good `host`, insofar as he offered `bread and wine`, as symbols of his `body and blood`, to the disciples. Mary, the Virgin, Jesus` mother, had given birth to Jesus without semen, which prefigures the woman with a penis and semen of her own to reproduce, as a good `host`. Jesus` offer of fellowship to the disciples, one of whom, Judas Iscariot, betrayed Jesus to crucifixion and death, is symbolized by the `Holy Grail`, from which Jesus ate the bread and drank the wine at the `Last Supper`, and which is called the `host` in the Catholic Communion service where the `host` represents the desire of the recipient to transform themselves in acceptance of Jesus` teachings, and the teachings of the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, so that they can be a good `host` also.
9/11 was the first real noteworthy 21st century instance of the good `host` being betrayed when the terrorists `feigned friendship` to travel in `civil` aircraft before the hijackers crashed the planes into the Twin Towers of New York. Because the `feigned friendship` of terrorism is a valence of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty, that is, the `gay boy sons` who are the fatherers of the `gay poisons` of the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS, it`s a biblical sign of the `Last Days` that the parasite is endeavouring to devour the `host` that bore it. In simple terms, woman wants to be a good `host`, and Jesus perceived that his mother, the Virgin Mary, was a good `host`, whereas men were parasites and either must accept transubstantiation, that is, the `bread and the wine` as symbols of the `body and blood` that wants to be a good `host` and `convert` or transform into good `hosts`, or woman as a species with her own penis would be a `host` for herself, and men would have perdition for preferring parasitism.
If men don`t want to be anything other than fertilizer, that is, semen or rottenness, Woman isn`t for them but for herself, and the advent of woman with a penis of her own as a species is the sign. Men have a `wrong` sexual orientation` because they`re fertilizer, which is why HIV/AIDS derives from blood, shit and semen, that is, the anal sex of homosexual pederasty that has been the bane of civilization and culture since the ancient Greeks first enslaved the wombs of women to be the `host` of their contagion of war against other peoples so that the `red dragon` of Christianity`s Revelation could spread its wings further abroad and eventually conceive of the gay boy sons` `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS` gay poisons to wage biological warfare against women`s good `host` womb. This is why Jesus attempts Redemption and why the Catholic church proclaimed the `Assumption` of the Virgin Mary in the 1950s. Because it is assumed that, because of the depredations of patriarchal alien male social structures, Woman has Redemption by Papal fiat as a recognizable separate species with a penis of her own as futanarian that the male aliens have endeavoured to use as a `host` for their evil parasitical activities and forgiveness is wha the church prays for.
Jesus` offer of Redemption is for man but only if man accepts it. If not, Woman has her own penis, and can reproduce. Moreover, as a species living in subjection to an alien parasitical viral life form, it is the `Assumption` that confers acceptance of her Redemption by Papal edict. Woman is `God`s love`, and her female Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, exists to remember her in Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in restoration of memory and continuance. The notion of Jesus` offer of the `bread and wine` in token of his desire that others, that is, their `body and blood`, should be a good `host` also, is his recognition that a woman is a man with her own penis as a species, and that`s the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven that those who want Redemption and forgiveness are praying to have. Because it requires `will and understanding` to perceive that Jesus` exhortation to `love thy neighbour` is the perception that man and woman are the same person, unless man accepts what it means to be a good `host`, that is, a woman with a penis of her own as a member of the species of the planet Earth, man will remain man and cannot have Redemption. He will remain a fertilizer dying of the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS and the devouring ravages of homosexual pederasty`s `red dragon` of warfare.
God`s Revelation envisages Woman with a penis in heaven and the promised `new body` follows the Edenic observation upon the creation of Adam and Eve, which also prefigures the advent of the futanarian woman from women`s own wombs. An antidote to the viral male parasite and its depredations of devourment and gay boy sons` `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS` gay poisons:
`So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.` (Gen: 1.27)
Revelation implies that the male and female he created them as in Eden, is male and female as a single body in the new heaven and Earth God gives to the woman`s `seed` of her own penis after the `red dragon` is defeated in war in the `first` heaven. Paradise is Adam and Eve`s but, in Revelation, God gives mankind a new heaven and Earth. Adam and Eve are originally hermaphroditic, because God creates Eve from Jesus` side. The new heaven is Redemption and restoration of God`s original design for Adam and Eve, which is hermaphroditic oneness. Jesus, as the `Second Adam`, is Adam from the perspective of memory and continuation of bodily form in Resurrection and Ascension, while the Paraclete is the `Second Eve`, that is, Eve as God`s future woman. If man doesn`t want Redemption, he doesn`t want the new bodily form Jesus intimates of:
`The people of this age marry and are given in marriage. But those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage, and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God’s children, since they are children of the resurrection. (Luke: 20.35-7)
Jesus` teaching at the `Last Supper` predicates the Catholic Communion`s transubstantiation symbolism of the transformation of the `bread and the wine` into the `body and the blood` of God`s promised new bodies, who are `like the angels`. There is no marriage in heaven because woman with a penis of her own has a body of her own, and so their is no possession by males, because man and woman are recreated as futanarian, `both male and female`, which is how Adam began in Eden where his female nature was separated from his side by God so that God could love Adam in the shape of woman. Equally, the spear of the Roman centurion effectively separated the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, from the side of Jesus, as the `Second Adam`, so that `God`s spirit` could love mankind from the spiritual realm, where she would eventually be reunited as `both male and female` with him. In short, Adam and Eve become One in heaven after expulsion from Paradise, and a lengthy sabbatical in which they have learned as students, which is what Redemption is. After Revelation woman is in heaven with the penis of the `Second Adam` and they`re forever One.
A woman with a penis of her own has a body of her own and so can`t be `adulterate` because she can`t be possessed by a male in marriage, and that`s why Jesus says there`s no marriage in heaven. Christianity and other religions presuppose adultery because they advocate possession of the female by the male, whereas a woman with a body of her own has a penis of her own and doesn`t presuppose marriage, that is, possession, because the body of her own that she has is presupposed to be her own and inviolately so, which is why Jesus was born of the inviolate Virgin Mary, as a prefiguration of the woman who has a body of her own as a species with her own penis that is not susceptible to possession by the alien male parasitical viral life form that is men.
The zenith of God`s developmental `Word` is technology, which in man`s hand is a weapon; the sword. On the moon in 1969, Neil Armstrong said `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.` The spaceship that put him there was God`s `Word` as `Logos` rather than the `Sword` of God, which in Jesus` hand slays the evil in Revelation. Conseuquently, the `Sword`, as a symbol of man`s `Thinking` in the developmental depth pyschology of Carl Jung, for example, is ICBM`s but not God`s `Word` - obviously.
Jesus` Resurrection from crucifixion occurred because he didn`t want to be just fertilizer, as the annual Egyptian celebration of the `risen` corn, in the form of the myth of Osiris` reincarnation, suggests is the fate of man because man doesn`t want Resurrection in continuance of body and memories, as Set represents man who dismembers Osiris so that he doesn`t remember `where he put his car in the garage`, for example. Jesus` celibacy, in the New Testament of the Bible, was his preparation for `marriage` with the `bride`, Jerusalem, who is Woman, that is, the Earth`s memory stored by her Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, that is, `God`s spirit` separated from Jesus` side as the `Second Eve` and `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet` by Longinus` spear (Matt: 27. 54). Jesus` `Second Coming` with the `Sword` of God in Revelation is to separate her from the side of those who haven`t accepted Redemption so that she can be hers forever as a futanarian species with her own penis recreated as `both male and female` by God in a `new heaven and Earth`.
Jesus` `Sword` isn`t Woman`s technology, which is primarily concerned with `shielding`. A sword or a spear is a weapon, whereas a shield or armour is a defence. If the shield is strong enough the sword or spear can`t penetrate, which is why many people don`t understand military `rules of engagement` insofar as they are suggestive of the precursive arrangements attendant upon marrying. In the 17th century plays of the English dramatist William Shakespeare, `to marry` means to understand, which is why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God (Gen: 16,19), because the men of the cities wanted to `know` the `angels` homosexually, and analysis of the functionality of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty indicates that war is a `marrying` or `knowing` that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for. In other words, men have `rules of engagement in war so that they can `know one another` homosexually, without shields that are strong enough to prevent the `red dragon` devouring itself and, perceived by them almost as incidental, those civilizations and cultures that woman has successfully built under difficult conditions, in such places as the former Yugoslavia`s Kosovo, Chechnya in the former Soviet Union, Dharfur in Sudan, and Deir Ezzor in Syria, where atrocities and massacres most recently took place. In other words, men`s `rules of engagement` are for homosexual `marrying` and preclude adequate shielding, as the US` `missile defence shield` against the Iraqi scud missiles launched against Israel during the first and second Gulf wars (1990-2011) showed.
Male technology is concerned with swords and spears, which the developmental psychology of Carl Jung observes in its perception of `Thinking` as the `Sword` and `intuition` as the `Spear` in its analysis of the Grail myth of the legendary British king Arthur and his knights, where the sought for `Grail` by the knights of the `Round Table` are `Feeling` and `Sensation` respectively. In Jungian psychology, `Sword, Spear, Grail and Table Ronde are symbols of the four differentiated functions correlated with ears, nose, mouth and eyes respectively. In simple terms, mankind`s focusing on `Sword` and `Spear` is a homosexual orientation that, in Revelation, and its lamenting of the inadequacy of a sufficiently protective condom against the depredations of the `red dragon` of warfare and its `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS, corresponds to the Hans Christian Andersen tale, The Emperor`s New Clothes, where the king convinces himself, on others` advice, that he`s wearing clothes, when in fact he is not:
`Look at the King! Look at the the King! Look at the King, the King, the King!
The King is in the altogether, but altogether, the altogether
He's altogether as naked as the day that he was born
The King is in the altogether, but altogether, the altogether
It's altogether the very least the King has ever worn.` - Danny Kaye (1952)
The knights of the Round Table pursuant of the `Holy Grail` suppose fellowship in `bread and wine` but have old methods of defending the individual, that is, sword and spear, whereas the Israelites discovered in the first Gulf war (1990-1) that `the king was in the altogether` because the US didn`t have a sufficiently strong shield. In short, Gulf War I was a homosexual `knowing` within `rules of engagement` for a homosexual `marrying`, in the biblical and Shakespearean sense of `knowing`, whereas in movies like Star Trek (1979) starships have `real` shields that actually protect from attack. Although the TV series Star Trek of the 60s was created in a period in which attacks from Russian missiles were presupposed, starships` shields in themselves only presuppose meteor showers or encounters with other forms of penetration. The Earth`s much vaunted protective `nuclear umbrella` of detente against the use of missiles with nuclear warheads, is in fact insurance for `rules of engagement` allowing the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s warfare to devour itself and the Earth under its own auspices and, by inference, by tacit agreement with itself and Earthmen.
In Islam, they use the phrase `sent to Allah` when someone is slain with the sword, which implies the sword `ships` in the sense of `transporter`. As an archetype of developmental provenance the `Sword` indictes the future. However, because it`s a symbol of `Thinking` in Jungian psychology, the future doesn`t have to be the `Sword`. In the Bible the `Sword` is variously referred to as `Logos` and the `Word of God`, which suggests both diplomacy and technology, that is, adequate `fellowship` and shielding that presuppose `safety`, which is what Jesus` Table Ronde of non-combatants at the `Last Supper` precurses. Knightly discourse is based on elaborate courtesy to avoid combat, which thugs amongst the various gangs throughout the world promote as a means to provoke rather than allay violence. However, if a person`s door is strong enough noone can provoke violence against the peaceable, which means that politesse is actually `the king is in the altogether` because governments don`t want individuals to have strong enough shields to prevent a `break in`, but would prefer their populations to live at a level approaching the simian because it`s easier to kill them.
Earthmen only presuppose penetration because it`s the sexual methodology of their viral form, whereas futanarian woman with her own penis, as a species doesn`t presuppose penetration as the basis for future civilization and culture. In Revelation she is sufficiently technologically presupposed so the cup of her `Grail` may remain safely ensconced inside its armour plate, that is, the starships that would keep her safe. However, the evil aliens that are men will always seek to penetrate her, so it`s a part of their valence to ensure that her defences are weak enough so that she can never escape them. 9/11 was `teaching the bitch a lesson she`ll never forget` from the perspective of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and warfare, which isn`t the fare on woman`s table, but the Captain`s table on Star Trek presupposes warfare is `on the table` because it`s the fiction espoused by the paradigm of penetration as the methodology of Earthmen`s devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty.
Without a model you can`t instruct, that is use the `Word of God`, and you can`t replicate. Although the `Sword` may be construed as nascent thinking, knights are technologically insufficient insofar as the development of the `Sword` into `Logos`, which is the development of more advanced technology through adherance to the `Word` of the continued presence of `God`s spirit`, the female Shekinah from the Old Testament incarnated anew in the form of the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete of the New Testament, effectively emergent from the side of the `Second Adam`, when Jesus` side was pierced by the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus, to be `teacher, guide, comforter and hepmeet` into her future. Although Jesus wields the `Sword of God` in Revelation to slay the evil, the `Grail` myth shows that the concept of penetrative male weaponry is founded in a flaw, that is, the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s valence predicates missile systems but not missile shields. In Gulf war I the Israelis discovered that the USA`s `rules of engagment` in the `marrying` of Saddam Hussein`s Iraqi Army, hadn`t conceived of a sufficiently strong shield for Israel during Desert Storm when the Iraqis were launching scud missiles against Jerusalem, because they`s adopted the knightly perspective of spears, that is, missiles, as a shield defence. In other words, Desert Shield was conceived as a missile defence system, but not as a shield against missiles, that is, a shield as a shield.
The Captain`s tablle aboard the Starship Enterprise in Star Trek is the `Grail` of Jesus` `Last Supper` because it`s safe to eat there as the shield is strong enough, but the level of technology still presupposes a fictional universe of knights with swords and spears predicating penetration rather than adequate shielding, on the understanding that the fiction is an accurate extrapolation of the future based on how humanity will develop. However, although military analysts used to swords and spears `Thinking` and `Intuition`, because of the knightly paradigm, might be expected to produce missiles as shields, the concept of the `nuclear umbrella` beneath which regulated devourment by the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s warfare continues, is as ludicrous as the USA`s Patriot missile system defending Israel from Iraqi scuds being described as Desert Shield. In fact the British SAS and US Delta forces, along with their various allies, had to make lengthy forays into Iraqi terroritory to destroy scuds by hand so that the USA could claim that Desert Shield was a success.
In the myth of Arthur the sword, spear, cup and table resurface in the deck of the tarot of divination where the table is most often replaced by the enigmatic pentacle, which is defined by practitioners of the `art` as a protective charm. Although many view witchcraft as `nonsense`, one of the traditions associated with wicca is that a witch shouldn`t be caught in the rain, and in English folklore it`s unlucky to unfold an umbrella in the home, because umbrella`s are for keeping the rain off. However, the concept of the witch`s pentacle as a protection is what`s missing from the military analyst`s picture. In order to protect the home from nuclear warheads a `nuclear umbrella` is needed that isn`t a missile shield, but actually an umbrella that, when launched, unfolds to protect.
Carl Jung`s description of the `Sensation`,function, which is associated with the eyes, and is male, (ego-related, as is `Thinking`), while `Intuition` and `Feeling` are feminine (soul or anima-mediated) corresponds to the protective pentacle in the tarot. In other words, although the US Defense Department are able to conceive of a Pentagon, as a `think tank`, they don`t seem to have been able to conceive of a pentacle as a `Homeland Defense` because of occlusion when it came to perceiving what a `nuclear umbrella` should look like, but God isn`t occluded. In Revelation one of the plagues that are descibed as falling upon mankind because of its sins is hail:
`From the sky huge hailstones of about a hundred pounds each fell upon men. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible.`
Just as God is explaining that homosexual pederasty`s `red dragon` of warfare and `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS needs to be counteracted in Revelation by the simple expedient of not indulging in acts of homosexuality, and that women should use a condom, so God is explaining with the hailstones that ICBM missile shields are an aspect of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s devouring war against women`s Earth by the male alien parasite, that is, they`re not supposed to work, we`re just supposed to think that they will, while the Earth burns to a cinder. In short, the Earth needs to develop woman`s archetype of the `umbrella`, which witches `melt` without, in the `rain` of `nuclear fallout` presumably. Protecting herself beneath the umbrella`s `unfolding` upon the Earth to finalize her escape from the parasitical aliens, she`ll leave in starships with adequate shields; inside which she can safely live until she reaches a `new Earth` and the `new heaven`.that awaits.
In her video Oops I Did It Again (2000) Britney Spears (1981-) is discovered on Mars by a spaceman who leaves `under a cloud` because he doesn`t seem interested enough in her, although she descends to her stage set inside a giant ring, which signifies `marriage`. However, because `marrying` in terms of homosexual pederasty is homosexual `knowing`, and the USA has been described as `the Great Satan`, in her red suit Britney raises the spaceman above herself in a white bikini dress so that he dangles helplessly like a baby in his `rompers` with a camera beside his space helmet and a giant fork at the side of him. Symbolically, the fork represents the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and warfare, which we see daily on our television screens attempting to devour woman as a species.
Britney appears twinned in red and white as two separate individuals because, as a declared bisexual, it`s a part of her woman`s valence. Oops I Did It Again is the first few lines of Britney Spears` 21st century novel after Virginia Woolf`s A Room Of One`s Own, that is, A Body Of One`s Own, which is why she appears to offer her white bikini dressed `twin` to `the Great Satan`, who symbolically is the spaceman from the USA, because she wants to `know` if he`s going to devour her. Men don`t have a body of their own because they want to possess a woman`s body, which is what `marriage and `monogamy` is about. A woman who has her own penis, and so is a species, has a body of her own, and she can see that she does because she has a mirror. In the mirror she can see that her penis desires other bodies like hers, because the penis is female, so in psychological terms she wants to be with `herself` in fulfilment of Christ`s exhortation `love thy neighbour`, which is not possessive because she has `a body of her own`. However, men are demonic, and susceptible to possession by male demonic forces, because they seek to possess a female body not their own, which is why Jesus tells us there`s no `marriage` in heaven, because there isn`t male and female.
In Islam `Allah`, the name for God amongst those who are Moslem, and have the Koran as their holy book, is `neither male nor female`. Because `male and female` are `One` in God. In the same way that God is `One` and that`s why `Allah` is `Eloah` in Hebrew. God, in any language, sounds the same to the good because good is what God wants. In Oops I Did It Again Britney Spears, in her red pilot`s suit, is replaying a character from science fiction, Podkayne, a young female with her own spaceship pilot`s license in the first Grand Master of SF, Robert A. Heinlein`s (1907-88) Podkayne Of Mars (1964) whose `monicker` is `Poddy`. Oops I Did It Again`s unofficial subtitle is clearly A Poddy Of One`s Own, because Heinelein`s juvenile novel for independent minded young females was the `scifi` equivalent of Virginia Woolf`s 1929 feminist polemic A Room Of One`s Own, and prefigures Britney Spears` contribution to feminist art, culture and civilization, which might have the semi-unofficial title A Poddy Of Work Of One`s Own, which has been under construction since her first forays as a superstar on Disney`s TV show for children, Mickey Mouse Club (1993-5) with Christina Aguilera (1982-).
In Oops I Did It Again Britney`s spaceman visitor leaves, disheartened, after giving her a gift, to which she responds, `But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end?` The reference is to the movie Titanic (1997) and the heroine, Rose, who drops the blue diamond pendant into the sea is a rememberance for her lost love who`d been drowned when the Titanic sank after hittting an iceberg on its way to the USA from Liverpool in 1911. Britney`s allusion is to Rosicrucianism:
`... built on esoteric truths of the ancient past`, which, `concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm.`
Rosicrucianism is symbolized by the Rosy Cross,3 and because of Britney`s esoteric reference to her spaceman visitor`s `gift` of the blue diamond `heart` of Rose, the Resurrection of Heinlein`s `Poddy` suggests Britney Spears` A Body Of Work is her teenager`s Salvation `project`:
`The fundamental symbols of the Rosicrucians were the rose and the cross; the rose female and the cross male ...`4
Britney`s suspension of her spaceman relates to the meaning of the card of the `Hanged Man` from the tarot deck of divination, which is said to be a portable Torah or book of Judaic law: `... careful planning and orderly growth leading to spiritual development.` The suspended spaceman represents the `Hanged Man` as the male principle, whose legs form a `fylfot` cross, which is a form of swastika where one or more limbs are missing from the tau. In Buddhism the `swastika` is a symbol of peace, whereas in Nazism the swastika is is a symbol of `bodily fitness`. If Britney isn`t a woman with a penis of her own as a member of her species, she`s lost her futanarian aspect, which corresponds to the `hand` or `foot` missing from the `fylfot` cross, and which the `Hanged Man` of the tarot is making the sign of in the card that depicts him.
The traditional Nazi symbol deriving from the period of the Roman Empire is a bundle of sticks and an ax, which in Nazism denotes the desire of what Jungian psychology terms the collective shadow, to first see naked women, and then devour them, which is what the Nazis were doing in places like Auschwitz and Belsen with their ovens. The symbol of the swastika with the `foot` removed in Nazism is a symbol of the futanarian woman with her penis removed, which is what the Nazi symbol of the rods and the ax denotes. According to Revelation the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to the `New Redeemer` while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour the newborn, whose symbol of authority to protect her while she remains `hidden` upon the Earth is an `iron rod`, not a `bundle of rods` and an ax, which is the fascist symbol of `bodily fitness`, that is, the futanarian woman with her penis removed. In simple terms, the `iron rod` of the `New Redeemer` is a symbol of the penis that knows when it has had enough, and so would protect woman as a species from the fascists who would devour her after sex, which is what the Nazis did in places like Auschwitz and Belsen, whereas the fascist symbol of the Nazis represents the number of female penises cut off with their axes. The Buddhist swastika is anti-clockwise because it represents acceptance of the natural order of things as fitting, while the Nazi swastika is clockwise because it represents the will to have things `by appointment`, that is, as they appoint them to be, especially in the natural world, which is represented by woman as a species with her own penis.
The word `fylfot` actually means `many footed figure`, which relates to the concept of the futanarian woman with a penis of her own as the species of woman which the Nazis didn`t want. In Judaism Lilith was the second wife of Adam who refused to lie beneath him and is described as `mother of demons`, which corresponds to the Nazis approach to the futanarian woman who has a penis of her own and is a woman as a species. Judaism acknowledges futanarian woman in its traditions insofar as you cannot be born a Jew unless you are born from a Jewess, which effectively means that only women are Jews. Consequently, Lilith is the future of woman as a species with her own penis but is demonized in Judaism because she represents woman as a species with her own penis who refuses to lie beneath a man.
Wearing her `red pilot`s suit`, Britney`s raising of her spaceman visitor above herself in a white bikini dress with a giant fork beside his spacehelmet represents the `host` Lilith`s desire to know if her `guest` is going to devour her `Second Eve`. Although Lilith is condemned as the `mother of demons` in Jewish tradition, she has the same archetypal role as `Babylon, the Great` in the Revelation of Christianity. Babylon is unfairly condemned as a `whore`, because homosexual pederasts use her to reproduce their virulent plagues of war, which Revelation describes as `like locusts`. Similarly, Lilith is condemned for refusing to accept the enslavement of her `host` womb in places like Troy so that the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty could reproduce itself as `gay boy sons`. Wearing the Nazi regalia of the `body fitness` fanatics, the Nazi `gays` demonstrating their preference for their own company, removed the penis of the futanarian woman with their axes in places like Auschwitz and Belsen. And the later `boy sons` of the `gay` Nazis did in fact enslave her as a `host` womb to pursue 21st century `biological warfare` against her in the form of the `gay poisons` of HIV/AIDS that the Nazi `gays had conceived together.
Britney`s spaceman visitor retraces his steps walking backwards, as if being rewound on the tape of the video, because he`s always going to be unsuccessful. In Christianity damnation is the doom of repeating the same actions over and over again, which is why the Christians sing the hymn `We Will Overcome`5:
`We shall overcome, we shall overcome,
We shall overcome someday;
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe,
We shall overcome someday.`
The Christians sing it as a battle hymn, but battles are what are to be overcome, or as George Santayana wrote: `Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.`6 In Oops I Did It Again the spaceman is the knight in armour, and he doesn`t have a sword, but he does have a product of the `spirit of God`, that is, from the inspirational archetype of the `teacher, guide, comfort and helpmeet`, which is the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, and that`s the spaceman`s camera. Even so, he`s low technology, that is, developing `Logos`, whereas she`s high technology, which is more developed `Logos` because she doesn`t need a spacesuit on Mars and her red `pilot`s suit` suggests she`s flown there and hasn`t used a an `Apollo module` style `lander`. She`s Podkayne:
`Meet Podkayne Fries, a thoroughly Martian Ms. who thinks that Earth is not really fit for habitation and that humanity evolved on the now-exploded Fifth Planet. Poddy has one goal in life: to be the first female starship captain. She has her strategy all scoped out, and with her determination, looks and I. Q. she'll get there, never you doubt!`7
Podkayne represents the `American Dream and Manifest Destiny`, which is progress and development in innocence without threat. Poddy`s favourite bedtime story was The Poddy Story made up of `stories about herself`, which is what Oops I Did It Again is, if you`re Rosicrucian enough to `build` on `the esoteric truths of the ancient past`. Of course, that`s exactly what the spaceman represents. Britney doesn`t need a spacesuit because that`s `low style`, that is, `from Earth`, as Poddy is wont to say in Heinlein`s story Podkayne Of Mars. In her `red suit` Britney represents `Redemption` because she`s at a higher level of technological development. In adhering to Jesus` teachings and those of the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, she`s Jesus on Mars, which is the title of a science fiction novel by Frank Herbert. The story is about the Krsh who have been discovered on Mars where they have formed a hybrid species with humans:
`This society practices Judaism but accepts Jesus as their Messiah.`8
Towards the end of the novel, Jesus, who is discovered living with the hybrid species, returns to Earth where he`s accused of being the Antichrist. Because woman is a species with her own penis as futanarian, mankind is hybrid, which is why Britney`s alluding to Jesus On Mars (Anyone who proposes that womankind is a separate species from mankind would be the Antichrist to men, and woman with a penis of her own as a species would be Satan also. In simple terms, the adjective `Satanical` can always be applied to the evil, but Satan might have to be rehabilitated because women with a penis of her own as a species would be Antichrist and Satan to men. When Britney Spears proclaimed herself as `the Antichrist` she may have had this in mind:
`Friends of Britney Spears have reportedly revealed that the singer scrawled the devil's digits, 666, over her bald head and screamed `I'm the Antichrist` in rehab last weekend.`9
Britney`s spaceman represents the `red dragon` of `the Great Satan` of devouring homosexual pederasty in his `spacesuit condom`, which she hoists above herself in a white bikini dress. It`s a `bondage` metaphor. The spaceman is `restrained` and can`t ejaculate his semen upon her, because of the `video conventions` associated with `teenybopper` pop music, so he can`t `contaminate` the viewer with `low style`, that is, what is `from Earth`, which is the HIV/AIDS virus and/or awareness of it. Equally, Britney`s spaceman can`t harm her, which is what mainstream TV used to depict as a `moral constant` for viewers, before `slasher` movies such as Psycho (1960) Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) and Scream (1996) became `acceptable` for prime time TV audiences and showed women how men really feel towards them. In other words, her spaceman can`t use either valence of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty, that is, the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS, or the devouring war against her enslaved `host`womb and its product of art, civilization and culture aspect, which is symbolized by the giant tines of the fork beside her spaceman`s helmet. However, the fact Britney can`t make her metaphors more explicit constitutes `blackout` which her 2007 album Blackout draws attention to insofar as it refers to the notion that, if we can`t learn from our experience, we are doomed:
`I'm Mrs. 'You want a piece of me? '
Tryin' and pissin' me off.
Well get in line with the paparazzi
Who's flippin' me off.
Hopin' I'll resort to some havoc;
End up settlin' in court.
Now are you sure you want a piece of me?
(You want a piece of me)` Piece Of Me
Piece Of Me is primarily about the paparazzi and how to deal with them. But it dodn`t prevent Britney from losing custody of her children and her fortune when her kid`s hat fell off near central park while she was running for her transport and the paparazzi noticed that she didn`t seem to care if her kid`s head was bare. The result was loss of her two kids and her fortune administered by her father, and later by her sacked ex-manager who was still a putative marriage partner when he was given Co-Conservatorship of her billions by the US courts. In other words, Piece Of Me is advice to her fans on how to live through our experiences and not allow `blackouts`, that is, those who would have us make the same mistakes repreatedly, and that`s why the paparazzi and US courts punished her. For refusing to accept `blackout` for anything other than `the bland`.
Britney`s spaceman can see her and film with his camera, which is how `high style` women, like Podkayne, who don`t want the HIV/AIDS virus, deal with `low style` viruses `from Earth`. They introduce them to the `joys` of masturbation. Waving his hands helplessly, like the astronauts of Apollo 1, as they burned alive behind the glass of their `cabin` when a fire mysteriously began during a launch pad test on January 27, 1967, Britney`s spaceman`s hands are `restrained`. He can`t show her his penis so there`s no possibility of `contamination`. If he were able to show her his penis, the metaphor would be clear. Beside his spacehelmet is a giant fork, which symbolizes art, civilization and culture as the products of women`s enslaved `host` wombs devoured by war, and the spaceman isn`t able to disavow that imagery because his penis isn`t visibly erect. In other words, the `blackout` maintained by the conventions of the pop music `censor` presupposes devourment of the female rather than love, which is a `mistake` that the alien males want us to be doomed to repeat because it`s what `blackouts` are for.
The Apollo astronauts were transferred from NASA`s X-15 `spaceplane` programme, which Britney`s red `pilot suit` is designed to remind us of. The X-15 was designed to fly to other planets but was cancelled by NASA in favour of cheapness, and the result was the 1967 Apollo 1 inferno. Britney`s album Blackout (2007) refers to the problem faced by the brave X-15 pilots as they collapsed in unconsciousness after testing the `envelope` of their planes` limitations during test flights above the Earth`s atmosphere. Often the pilots had to eject from the planes because of `blackouts` and there were many instances of X-15 plane crashes:
`I'm like a fire, bottle busting in your face (why you wanna do that to me?)
So tired of you being up in my space (what you gonna do with that?)
How much more could I take?` Toy Soldier
Britney`s observation is that `blackouts` occur because of what rock giants Pink FLoyd also recognized in the title of their 1987 album A Momentary Lapse Of Reason. The planet Earth is notorious for `blackouts` of this nature. Christina Aguilera almost faced lynching for forgetting a line from the USA`s national anthem when singing at the superbowl in 2010 and Dan Quayle`s political career was virtually wrecked when the paparazzi vilified him for teaching kindergarters that `tomato` was spelled `T-O-M-A-T-O-E`. Oops I Did It Again observes that NASA`s decision wasn`t a `momentary lapse of reason` when they cancelled the `spaceplane` programme, which effectively maintained the impossibility of women`s escaping from the Earth. The image of the astronaut is that of the paratrooper holding his position above the planet in preparation for war. But the plan is a final assault on woman`s defences.
As military equipment comes to seem more like that worn by the soldier in Robert A. Heinlein`s Starship Troopers (1959) , without any suggestion of humanity`s being prepared to leave the Earth, Britney`s drawing of the parallels between her spacesuited astronaut of Oops I Did It Again and the 21st century US Marine, inevitably bring us to the conclusion that men have no intention of ever producing a `spaceplane` and that woman will die here. Because the intention of the male alien standing upon the Earth`s moon, and Britney`s Mars, is to refuse Poddy her spaceship `pilot`s license`, so that she can`t escape, and so make it easier for the aliens to kill her. On Mars Britney is the future of woman as a species with her own penis, which is why she`s Redemption in her `red pilot`s suit`, because she`s a teacher `in the name of Jesus` and, in her white bikini dress, she represents Salvation, that is, continuation of memory without `blackouts`. Because Britney has Redemption from `blackouts` and can teach others how not to repeat. Woman has her own penis, and she doesn`t want the virus that is men.
In Egyptian mythology Osiris proceeds to the Egyptian heaven of Aaru after he is `remembered` and reborn as Horus. Because Osiris is the incarnation of the god Ra, who corresponds to God in Christianity, his dismemberment represents the murder of those individuals upon the Earth that have a shared knowledge of God and which Set kills by killing them. This is `blackout`. When Britney stands before her spaceman visitor to symbolically receive the `gift` of the `heart of the ocean`, which corresponds to the `heart` weighed in the balance of the goddess before an individual can proceed to Aaru, she has a red disk above her head and so corresponds to Hathor, who is the `mansion of Horus` in Egyptian mythology:
`... an Ancient Egyptian goddess who personified the principles of joy, feminine love, and motherhood ... welcoming the dead into the next life ... [as] a goddess of music, dance, foreign lands and fertility who helped women in childbirth ...`10
Britney corresponds to the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` who gives birth to the `New Redeemer`. Her teaching is that of avoiding confrontation, and seeking forgiveness, so that the individual egos that constitute her God remain about her as her friends and herself, which is what Jesus advocated also. Confrontation and vendetta only leads to the murder of those individual egos that constitute God on Earth, which is what Set`s dismemberment of Osiris and Judas Iscariot`s betrayal of Jesus to his crucifiers represents. The evil want blackouts` so that the good can`t remember `where they put the car in the garage` and can`t leave.
In Egyptian mythology the `heart` is weighed to see if it is worthy, and it can`t be if it`s murderous, which is what the evil want for the good. If the incarnate God is a collective of good individuals, murder will reduce the level of ther effective awareness, which corresponds to `blackout`, and the good will become mindless simians at the mercy of their passions, and that will deny them heaven, as the evil plan. That`s why there is the notion of the `elect` of God in Christianity. The reduction of another individuality to the level of the evil by murdering their `fellowship` doesn`t interfere with the `election` of the good. On her Mars Britney`s portrait of herself as separate individuals wearing a red `pilot`s suit` and white bikini dress represents her knowledge of women as a species with their own penis capable of reproducing themselves. To defend against `blackouts` is to avoid susceptibility, and being encouraged to repeat the same mistakes by the evil. The first step is to know what women are, so that a woman faced with a male alien who wants her to understand that it wants to be an `owner` of her `means of production`, and possess her body, can demur, on the understanding that her female equipment provides her with more pleasure than the penis, because the clitoris is the only organ of the human body that`s created solely to give pleasure to the `owner`, and her girlfriends have their own penis anyway::
`Oops. Thank God. I didn`t do it again.`
In the West, the penis is a sword, because it represents penetration and weapons` technology, which is a dangerous conflation but an accurate perception. In the 60s the phrase `love gun` was very much in vogue when talking about the penis. It is likely that the ban on smoking in public places and in the media can be correlated with the `smoking gun`, that is, banning cigarette smoking is an attempt to stop guns smoking. Repression of the penis as sword produced the gun. so the Revelation logic of the `red dragon` of the devouring war of homosexual pederasty was that cigarette smoking corresponds to male repression of the female penis. It is normal for the futanarian woman to want to have her penis sucked by her girlfriends, but that`s `abnormal` in males. Because weapons are the result of the creation of what the depth psychologist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) termed `repression`, its container or `id` shouldn`t be released.
Cigarette smoking is the male`s repression of the female penis` desire to be sucked, and so the futanarian woman as a species` desire to live and love. Smoking bans therefore represent the repressed desire to have more advanced weaponry to prevent woman as a species with her own penis from enjoying oral sex, which is why fellatio is called `smoking` in Russia. Medical practitioners describe smoking as a cause of impotency, but if the `id` of the male psyche smokes because it doesn`t want woman as a species to have her penis sucked, potency isn`t the issue for the male alien, but it is the impotency of the futanarian woman with a penis of her own as a species that the aliens desire. The gun, or any of its more advanced counterparts, is the equivalent of cancer. Unless one perceives that cancer attacks, and that release of the woman`s penis is desirable, because it doesn`t want to possess a body, it has one, and that makes war redundant insofar as homosexual pederasty`s campaigns are designed to spread their contagion of enslvement of the `host` wombs of women to further their parasitical life form, the symbol of the penis will be the gun because it denies women`s rights to be her own producer.
Although banning cigarette smoking means woman won`t die of cancer, it represents the male aliens` considered rejection of oral sex with the woman`s penis, and there are virtually no sexual representations of futanarian women outside of their own `ghettoized` pornography which are indicative of wider social acceptability for woman as a species. But the `love gun` of the `blood plague` of homosexual pederasty`s `red dragon` of Revelation has reemerged as HIV/AIDS, and the `smoking gun` in TV and movies remains, because it`s a refusal to accept the woman`s penis as anything other than some `shag` to be `smoked`, that is, murdered. Movies of the early part of the 20th century were `chillers` because one prayed that the young girl stalked by the psychopath would escape and live, whereas in `slasher` movies of the 21st century one is expected to cheer on the killer of the young woman: it`s the century`s paradigm:
`The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on Monday,
April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. In two separate attacks,
approximately two hours apart, the perpetrator, Seung-Hui Cho, killed 32 people
and wounded many others before committing suicide.`11
Al Qaeda attacked the Twin Towers on 9/11 because they knew the USA watching on CNN and elsewhere would see it as a continuation of the USA`s mythic film of its `Manifest Destiny`. Psychologically, aboard the civilian aircraft that they crashed into the Twin Towers, the terrorist hijackers were hiding their `sexual orientation`, which is that of the computer hacker spreading a virus that finds its `objective correlative` in the `red dragon` of the Revelation of the `blood plague` of homosexual pederasty`s HIV/AIDS. It`s analogous to Jodie Foster in The Accused (1988) having it explained to her by means of rape that she should have HIV/AIDS because she`s prepared to defend her sexual orientation, where `sexual orientation` means woman as a species with her own penis. Men`s paradigm is to attack the woman, so she has to learn self-defence. But, for women, self-defence isn`t national, it`s international, which is why 9/11 was an attack on Eve`s `Big Apple` of wisdom garnered since Eden, and an attempt to silence the voice of New York`s Adamic man who might have spoken for her. In medical terminology the epiglottis is the `Adam`s Apple`, so the Twin Towers were the tonsils of the USA`s voice and the hijacked planes were forced down the throat of Liberty to prevent her from speaking. The attack on the Pentagon by another terrorist hijacked airliner was further deigned to provoke international conflict with woman at its heart:
`Blood rack barbed wire;
Polititians' funeral pyre;
Innocents raped with napalm fire ...
Death seed blind man's greed...` King Crimson Twenty First Century Schizoid Man (1969)
Demi Moore, whose famous Navy Seal trainee`s line from GI Jane (1997) is `Suck my dick!` in the movie learns to defend the USA, that is, `life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness` and the `American Dream`, which is innocence, progress and development without threat as `Manifest Destiny`but under threat is woman`s development of her own penis, and so humanity`s art, civilization and culture. The `bugbear` is `women and children first`, where `boy sons` aren`t recognized as alien parasitical viral life forms.productive of the `blood plague` in Revelation of HIV/AIDS `poisons` because they are products of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s undeclared war and `biological warfare` against womb and her `host` womb. The figure of the `New Redeemer` would be protective of the `hidden` woman from his birth in Revelation onwards because he would perceive that `defence` is the protection of woman and her daughters with her own penis as the Earth`s species. If long life, health and beauty is the final concern, as Revelation indicates, children aren`t. Because immortality precludes the need for children, or as Jesus says:
`... those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage, and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels ...`
If `gay boy sons` produce `gay poisons`, woman and her daughters wouldn`t. Consequently, boys are a disease, whereas female children aren`t. Or, in other words, the notion of `women and children first` when it comes to the lifeboats, as the Titanic is sinking, ought to be revised so that the `boy sons`, that is, the `poisons` aren`t considered `first`. Protection of the woman, and her daughters, is paramount, and so `woman and her daughters first`. Prior to the 21st century, economics was dependant on `ownership of the means of production`, where the `means` are woman, and possession of her is what enslavement of her `host` womb by the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty was what ancient wars were fought for. Modern `biological warfare` may similarly be thought of as the gay boy sons` `blood` plague` of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s HIV/AIDS `poisons` against the `host` wombs of women because of `over popularity`.
Al Qaeda`s attack on the World Trade Centre on 9/11 was the red dragon`s way of ensuring that `ownership of the means of production`, that is, woman and her daughters, remained in the hands of homosexual pederasty. By spreading global conflict designed to dull women`s economic awareness of their identity as a species with her own penis, and therefore `ownership` of her own `means of production`, levels of `security` would increase until her acceptance of `concentration camp` conditions was restored. In short, the concept `women and children first` is the watchword of a parasite protecting its interest, where economics is a valence of subjugation because women`s `host` wombs are the producers and so women own `the means of production` which means that, as a woman with a penis of her own, the parasitical male aliens have enslaved her in order to ensure that the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s valence of reproduction, consumption and destruction continues. The irony of 9/11 was that it was a typical Hollywood `blockbuster` movie for a star like Richard Gere, Tom Cruise or Harrison Ford, but if woman with a penis of her own was in Hollywood and visible, the boys and the girls would be fantasizing about her, which means that 9/11 on CNN was advertising for the Hollywood male alien`s continuance. Or, to put it another way, 9/11 was the restoration of homosexual economics because it restored the hero figure in the public imagination, whereas the hero of homosexual pederasty only looks like a hero. Science fiction writer Ursula K. Le Guin once wrote:
`The real mystery is not destroyed by reason. The fake one is. You look at it and it vanishes. You look at the Blonde Hero--really look--and he turns into a gerbil.`
In fact the blonde hero of homosexual pederasty turns into a dragon because it`s a Hollywood `fake`. Often called `Babylon`, as the USA is also labelled `the Great Satan` by some nations, Hollywood`s valence is the `black mass` of `mass consumption` of woman and the products of her `host` womb. From the burning of the set of King Kong (1933) to fake the burning of Charleston in the movie Gone With The Wind (1939) to the grandiose economics of 9/11`s `live action` at the Twin Towers `for the small screen with CNN`, and the prurient detailing of the hijackers flight from `black Massachussets` where, as everyone knows, the witches of Salem hail from, Hollywood`s heroes much vaunted concern for women only masks the desire of their `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty to destroy as much as they can of her. American males are excluding themselves from the `American Dream` and `Manifest Destiny` because their worship of homosexual `Hollywood man` has spread its contagion of devourment of the products of the `host` wombs of women to the extent that it has become an economic threat to the security of the USA:
`... all [wo]men are created equal ... endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights ... [and] among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.` US` Declaration of Independance, July 4th, 1776
America`s `mom` is God`s producer and product, so Colonel Gadaffi`s (1942-) `domestic dispute` in Libya in 2011, or any revolutionary fervour within an independent nation state, ought to be viewed as a decision making process on the part of the woman`s household. The attack by NATO and UN coalition forces preempted woman`s natural development. it`s the old paradigm of the gun as `smoking`, and as civilization`s cancer, with HIV/AIDS as a diagram indicating that guns are homosexual because they represent the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s desire to devour itself as well as the `host` womb of women and her products. 9/11 was the prototypical stab in woman`s backside for woman by the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty, who wants to continue the production of its male alien `boy sons`, that is, `poisons`, in the more modern form of the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS` `biological warfare` against her `host` womb and her daughters, and the`ass as Sin` couldn`t find a lower means of inserting the knife of their more highly evolved form of `anal sex`.
The USA originally executed Saddam Hussein (1937-2006), and declared a global `War On Terror` (2003-) primarily against Al Qaeda. Terrorism was, consciously or unconsciously, attempting to spread its viral equivalent of HIV/AIDS as the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s 21st century paradigm for `attacks on women`, which was `contracting` amongst those who are the `gay boy sons`, that is, the `gay poisons`, to spread the `disease` of misogynistic homosexuality further:
`Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.` (Rev: 16.13-14)
9/11 was a sign performed by `frogs`, because `a frog in the throat` is a euphemism for those who are apologizing for not being able to speak, and contrasts with `the sword out of the mouth` that is the `Word` of God in the mouth of Jesus as he commands at Armageddon, which is the `battle` that the `frogs` are garnering evil support for. Demons are `puppeteers`. Amongst Moslems `Shaitan`, who is the equivalent of Satan in Christianity, is called `iblis` and has no power other than to whisper in the ears. In the developmental psychology of Carl Jung, the ears are associated with `Thinking`, which means the `demons`, who are described as `frogs in the throat`, seek to influence the thoughts of their `targets` in order to have them act and speak as ventriloquists with their dummies. The attack on New York`s epiglottis, that is, the `Big Apple` of the throat that contains the `voice of America`, was a sign of the `frogs in the throat` of Al Qaeda`s terrorists, giving the world a sign that `Armageddon` was to come:
`A 1976 law signed by President Gerald Ford requires VOA to `serve as a consistently reliable and authoritative source of news.` The VOA Charter states: `VOA news will be accurate, objective and comprehensive`.`12
To be `accurate, objective and comprehensive` the VOA would have to represent woman with a penis as the species of Earth. In economic terms, the `red dragon` of the enslaving of the `host` wombs of woman in order to devour her product and wage `biological warfare` against her wombs in the form of the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` of Revelation which is the gay boy sons` HIV/AIDS gay poisons, is the economic model of the male alien parasites that live as vampiristic bloodsuckers from her womb. Woman with her own penis doesn`t need males and so possession economics, that is, enslavement based on not having the body of a female and wanting one, which is how the female penis of the male `thinks`, is replaceable in female `Thinking` with the `growing concern` of a `family`, which consists only of daughters and, after growing her in the womb for nine months as the progeny of a futanarian woman with her own penis as the `fatherer`, that is, a woman who corresponds to `God, the fatherer` in Christian terms, the `mother` will care, whereas the male alien never had to care for more than the length of time it took to ejaculate. Because the `fatherer` of the daughter, that is, the futanarian woman as a species with her own penis, can also conceive and nurture after a birth, the economic picture is changed. For men it`s about how many bodies they can possess, that is, enslave, but it`s a homosexual metaphor for pederasty, which is what the `consumer society` of the devouring `red dragon` is. The terrorist attack on the `World Trade Center` was `economics` because homosexuals want to always have access to what they call `trade`, which are newborns who have to accept that they can`t rise economically without the `red dragon` of enslaving and devouring homosexual pederasty`s `mark of the beast`:
`... no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.` (Rev 13:16-17)
Female economics is family oriented, because a woman can only produce so many daughters from her womb, and the gestation period is nine months, which means that she`ll carry, care, and nurture her daughter afterwards, because that`s female economics. The society of women with a penis of her own contains only women with a body of their own with a mother and a `fatherer` who is a woman with a penis of her own. Such women don`t have to reproduce, because they have a body of their own that they can see in the mirror and so possession is not their valence. They have what they want. In short, all males are demons. Because women with a penis of their own, or a woman without, who lives in a society of women with or without a penis of her own, can see in the mirror that they have the body they want, whereas homosexual males or `straight` men never will be able to, which is why they want to possess a woman`s body, so that their demon will reproduce, which is the true valence of the male alien parasite. Economically, women might want to reproduce and have a daughter, or they might not, but they still have a body of their own, and it`s the body they desire. Because all women have mothers and futanarian `fatherers` in an all female society, sexual fulfilment is perfectly feasible for all women, and immortality is conceivably realizable. Because a society of women with a penis of their own wouldn`t have the `disease` of the enslaving and devouring `red dragon` of male alien homosexual pederasty, and particularly its `blood plague` of STDs and HIV/AIDS. Obviously, because men are parasites, and so constitute women`s `disease`. Or, as Jesus, says:
`The people of this age marry and are given in marriage. But [they] ... will neither marry nor be given in marriage, and ... no longer die; for they [will be] ... like the angels.`
Marriage is the male demons` device for possessing a body that is not theirs, which is why the basic biblical law is`don`t steal`. Just as Jesus` distillation of `God`s law` is `love thy neighbour`, in preparation for the time when women will love one another, and live as `angels` in heaven, so theft is the basic prohibition, and marriage is possession, even if the woman agrees; because she isn`t aware that women have a penis of their own and so marriage is possession by the male alien. The parasite wants to possess women because, if women knew that they were a species with a penis of their own, men would quickly be redundant, especially if technology developed to the point at which labour saving devices freed her. The NASA space programme was lauded because it entailed rapid advancements in technology resulting in the development of better washing machines. Most dystopian science fiction centres upon the problems that societies face when robots take over household chores, but that would leave women freed by even more advanced labour saving devices. The male alien parasites argue that robots would make them redundant, but so would women with a penis of their own as a species, which suggests that male economic theory is based on preventing technological development so that women remain slaves. The `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty devours the products of her enslaved `host` womb, that is, her art, civilization and culture, in war, while it prosecutes `biological warfare` against its human `host` by means of its `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS. Depth psychologists view the penis as the source of developmental functionality, so women`s penis would represent the technological basis for her liberation. Economics for women is different from economics against her, which is the economic war that the male alien parasite is waging against, either consciously or unconsciously, on behalf of the `red dragon` of enslaving and devouring homosexual pederasty. Higher technological development and women`s awareness of herself as a species with her own penis would make the male alien redundant, but would mean women`s freedom:
`Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!`13
21st century economics is a spiritually and intellectually low educational level in which the fact that women are a `hidden` species with her own penis is witheld, because that knowledge would reveal how the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty wants to maintain `restraint of trade` in the sense that women in bondage will continue to produce `trade`, that is, newborns with the `mark of the beast` already stamped upon their hands and foreheads who `no one may buy or sell` but the pederasts of the `red dragon` of homosexuality, which is why it chose New York`s World Trade Centre to announce its campaign against the power of the USA. In Hinduism, the Vishudda chakra, which denotes `power`, is the fifth of seven energy points along the spine that represent the level of spiritual attainment and intellectual development in the individual`s growth processes, and its seat is in the throat. Because the `Big Apple` corresponds to the epiglottis, or New York`s Adam`s Apple`, the provocative terrorist attack of 9/11 represents the red dragon`s desire that `the Great Satan` should devour and not speak. In Arlington, Virginia, the Pentagon corresponds to the sixth chakra level in the Hindu system of spiritual and intellectual development, which is the Ajna chakra, or `imagination` between the eyes, while the supposed target of Flight 93, the Whitehouse, in Washington, D.C., corresponds to the Sahasrara chakra at the head`s crown. In other words, the USA was to be `the Great Satan` in the Middle East whether she liked it or not.
Retrospectively, Britney Spears` Oops I Did It Again, in which she`s `twinned`, like two peas from her `Poddy`, as her red suited self hoisting her spaceman visitor above herself in a white bikini dress might be described, represents her objection to monogamy. In Christianity it`s one man, one woman, and the rest are not supposed to be admired by bride or bridegroom, which means those who seek to adulterate the relationship are for the `red dragon` to devour:
`If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.` (Lev: 20.10)
In her red suit Britney suspends her spaceman visitor to Mars above herself wearing a white bikini dress, which suggests she`s the `red dragon` who, offering her `bride`, represents monogamy, that is, devourment for those who aren`t in the `marriage of the lamb`. In Revelation Jesus` marriage with Jerusalem, the `bride`, is described as the `marriage of the lamb`, whereas the `beast` of Revelation looks `like a lamb` but speaks `like a dragon`, which means that the `beast` isn`t in the `marriage of the lamb` either, but corresponds to homosexual pederasty as the enslaver of the woman of the Earth, `Babylon, the Great`, whose `gay boy sons` force her to produce devouring war, and the `blood plague` of the Revelation of their `gay poisons` of `biological warfare` against the `host` wombs of woman as HIV/AIDS. In Christian terms, the `fake` lamb is monogamy, which proselytizes against the appreciation of the physical beauty of women, which is why Britney`s spaceman has a camera.
In the Bible photography isn`t represented, and 21st century soft porn isn`t viewed as `spiritual`, but `adultery`, while depth psychologists view the activation of sexual libido or instinctual energy by means of visual material as a constant in the transformation of the soul or anima-mediated contents of the unconscious `self` as they emerge into consciousness during the process of self-actualization or individuation. However, in Moslem countries, women cover their faces, and in Christian nations eyes are perceived as `adulterous` by what George Orwell in 1984 (1984) described as `the thought police`:
`With eyes full of adultery, they never stop sinning...` (2 Peter: 2.14)
In Hinduism, which Moslem`s view as antithetical to their belief system, spirituality is associated with the `power` of the throat chakra or Vishudda, while speaking or looking by either a man or a woman not your wife or of your immediate family is perceived as `adulterous`. The destruction of the Twin Towers reduced the proposed new construction to one tower, which is a single phallic symbol of monagamous patriarchy, that is, Adam has a penis and Eve doesn`t, while Adam has the `Big Apple` and a voice, but Eve doesn`t. Or, to put it another way, Adam has Eve`s body, soul, and spirit, and she doesn`t. Moreover, `rough trade` will continue in the form of several more wars organized by the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty:
`O`ye who believe lower your gaze! For Messenger of Allah, Muhammad said: `The adultery of the eye is the lustful look at opposite gender.``14
The `opposite gender` is the homosexual pederast. If woman has a penis of her own and is a species, the `opposite gender` is the male; in all cases. In Oops I Did It Again Britney presciently observes that, if woman were more than one individuality, especially if she had her own penis, the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty would rather lose her sister and her penis in order to ensure the triumph of the astronaut Apollo`s low technology over higher performance levels. Or, in other words, one World Trade Centre Tower symbolizes one Britney`s spear and no Britney`s penis, whether she has one under her white bikini dress in Oops I Did It Again or it`s `purely symbolic` of the relationship between Redemption and the devouring `red dragon` of `ownership of the means of production`, that is, the possession of woman`s body, soul and spirit, to enslave and devour what is neither your own body nor your species, through a monogamous parasitism perpetrated by a male alien homosexual pederasty that doesn`t want woman`s penis to reproduce or develop itself. Britney`s perception is that, although her spaceman`s camera is a useful individuational tool insofar as it encourages the transformation of sexual libidic energy without tactile interactivity, or the possibility of violence or disease, Old Testament `eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth` formulations based on the principles of vendetta against those who can see, on the part of an enslaving and devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty that wants itself to be looked at and admired, means that those who appreciate physical beauty, of which the female form is but a shadow as of what is seen `through a glass darkly` (Cor: 13. 12), are the enemies of the evil who want ugliness.
The Statue of Liberty`s skirts conceal the penis of woman as a species; but its existence is Revelation. Any dictator can look `like a lamb` and `speak `like a dragon` because those who work on behalf of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty accept their orders. so although Generals like Norman Schwarzkopf, or Colin Powell take orders, neither they nor the President of the USA are prima facie `beasts`, whereas Saddam Hussein and Osama Ben Ladan were cowards who gave orders, and so were the `beast` that looked `like a lamb` but spoke `like a dragon`. In Christianity, the `lamb` is Jesus, because Jesus speaks as a lamb, but commands with the `sword out fo his mouth` because he`s a dragon slayer and can command those who are also dragon slayers. However, the female penis isn`t a dragon and, because woman with a penis of her own is a species, Jesus` approach towards Redemption is that the penis itself represents the instinctual libidic energy that can be taught by means of his teachings, and the teachings of the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, that is, the learned Old Testament female `Shekinah` spirit of `God`s law`, after him.
The `Word` of God and the `Sword` are aspects of Jesus` defence of the technological advancement that 2000 years of celibacy would bring, and which was attacked on 9/11 when the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty attempted to replace the lamb of the `Word` and the `Sword` of God with global conflicts that would prevent either the female penis with the male from developing as God wished or the female penis with the female from developing to that point at which woman as a species could escape. In Revelation the woman`s `seed` fights a war against the evil serpent`s `seed`, that is, the serpent of Eden grown into the `red dragon`. In Eden God had told the serpent, `there shall be perpetual enmity between your seed and the woman`s`, which means the woman with her own penis, as a species, will defeat the `red dragon` of homosexual heaven. According to Revelation she remains `hidden` upon the Earth and protected by the `New Redeemer` while the battle goes on and the `red dragon` is cast down to Earth and her `seed` here fight it. `New Redemption` is the concept that the instinctual libidic energy represented by the penis can be taught until individuals are sufficiently advanced in judgement (Sword), spirit (Word), and technologically (Logos), so that the `hidden` woman can be safe in the `new heaven and Earth` that God gives to her and her `seed` and perditon to the evil as their punishment for accepting the `mark of the beast`, which is service to the evil serpent`s `seed`.
The `red dragon` of war is the means by which woman as a species with her own penis is subjugated, and preferment based on `worship of the beast`, that is, homosexual `brotherhood`, is the basis of a misogynistic pederasty in which the aim is to keep woman`s `host` womb producing newborn infants that the homosexual pederasts can keep in `preyed upon` infantilism. That`s why the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to the `New Redeemer` in Revelation while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour him, because homosexual pederasts keep children in infantilism so that they can devour them. The `New Redeemer` protects the `hidden` woman because he has `the Will of God` to have people perceive that good is preferable. In the folktale Snow White is given a poison apple to eat, but a good apple is not poison, which is why it is good. What is good is good and so is preferable. Cain murdered Abel because Abel could cook. He was able. Cooking is developmental and so is good, whereas the murderer of the developing or the developed is not good, because development is good. That`s why the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour the `New Redeemer`, because it wants infantilism rather than development. The `red dragon` is evil because infant `boy sons` and infantilism is the way it keeps a steady supply of `trade`, which is why the terrorists attacked New York`s World Trade Centre on 9/11. The terrorist hijackers of the `civil` aircraft they bought tickets for in Boston, Massachussetts,`fooled` the US` defence systems by `feigniing friendship`, as HIV/AIDS` cells `fool` the body`s defences in order to kill it, and so 9/11 was an aspect of the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s male alien parasitical viral life form`s continuance of its programme as the invader of the `host` womb of women in order to `wage biological warfare` against her as the `gay boy sons` of HIV/AIDS` `gay poisons` that seek to kill her.
In Eden Eve receives the apple of the `tree of the knowledge of good and evil` from the serpent, which is effectively poison, because it means death rather than the immortality God had given her as the fruit of the `tree of life`. The hijackers` attack on New York`s `Big Apple` of Eve represents the serpent`s attempt to devour the wisdom of Eve gleaned over 2000 years since the death of the First Redeemer, Jesus, by aborting the `New Redeemer`, which is that consciousness who is able to perceive that woman is a species with her own penis and the parasitical male alien is attemting to murder her in the womb. In Snow White the Queen observes herself in the mirror each day and asks it the question:
`Mirror mirror on the wall; who is the fairest of them all?`
The Queen receives the answer, `You, O Queen,` but one day she is told `Snow White` is fairer and so she send her a poison apple, which is Edenic insofar as the apple can now be understood as representing the `gay boy sons`, that is, the `gay poisons` of HIV/AIDS that has been germinating as the `seed` of the evil serpent since Eden. Because the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty is evil, the solution to the poison is not to produce any more. Folktales deal in `whim`. They depict the consequence of unconsidered action. When the Queen wants to know the identity of her more beautiful rival, the mirror replies:
`Snow White is the fairest of them all.`
If the Queen had a penis of her own, she`d want to have sex with Snow White, which is the meaning of the apple. If the traffic light is at red the car shouldn`t go forward, irrespective of the driver`s whim, and the pedestrian shouldn`t cross the road unless the pedestrian`s light is green. The Queen doesn`t understand she has the green light because it`s a folktale. We don`t understand that the Queen is `wicked` because she has a penis of her own. Because that`s not what we`re taught. But there are no folktales to tell us the truth so we know we`re lied to. That`s why folktales are curiously evil. Because it`s the `secret` of the good people that wrote them that we can only understand them if we`re good. They`re about human nature and the consequences of its unconsidered actions. The Queen represents the woman that lies to her daughter about men. She doesn`t tell her that women are a species with her own penis, and so she produces more `boy sons`, that is, poisons. In other words, a daughter`s relations with men reperesent unconsidered `folk` relations with consequences similar to those attending Eve`s acceptance of her `poison` apple in Eden. If women don`t educate their daughters in the knowledge of their own species, either it means that they are knowledgeless because the seprent`s `seed` have been successful in keeping them in ignorance, or they are liars, which is why the serpent is called `the father of lies`. Revelation presupposes a considered relationship between woman as a species with her own penis, but there is no guidance from the liars, so God sent the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, as `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`.
In Oedipus Rex by the ancient Greek dramatist Sophocles, Oedipus weds his mother and blinds himself upon discovering that he has while his daughter Antigone guides his steps thereafter. The drama describes the female penis` inability to see. Antigone`s mother Jocasta represents the female`s need for a man`s penis in order to produce a daughter, but Antigone is led into blindness. Because she accepts the father of lies` assertion that women don`t have a penis and so are not an independent species, whereas Sophocles` dramatization of the `big lie` is, like a folktale, designed to reveal its secrets only to those who are sufficiently advanced in knowledge, or to prevent the `secret` of women`s penis from emerging, which is what Antigone`s mother seems to want. In other words, Jocasta is a figure of the woman who wants to produce the `boy sons` that blind her daughter to wisdom, which is for Antigone to take care of herself and her own penis. Oedipus Rex is primarily a `sympathy play` in which Antigone is `fooled` into caring, but she can see and Oedipus can`t, so she represents the woman who is developing. At the beginning of the play Oedipus encounters the Sphinx who asks a riddle:
`What goes on four legs in the morning, two in the aftenoon, and three in the evening?`
Oedipus answers, `Man`, and is deemed correct, so becomes King of Thebes, Jocasta`s city in Egypt, but Oedipus` name means `swollen foot`, which is a reference to the man who is to come who is a woman with her own penis that is called `futanar`. In Hungarian, `fut` means `run` and `tanar` means `teacher`, which means Antigone is `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet` to herself by proxy in her sympathies for Oedipus and in prefiguration of Christianity`s Holy Spirit, or Paraclete. In developmental terms, Antigone is like a picture that is being developed so that it can be seen. Beauty and sexuality are linked insofar as sexual people want to enjoy sex in beautiful places. Consequently, divorcing beauty from sex is a liars` device. The homosexual perception is that women are not as beautiful as the penis, which means that beauty is pictorially inconsequential for a male alien only concerned with the sterility of anal sex and masturbation.
Britney Spears` spaceman visitor in Oops I Did It Again is `armed` with a camera on the sterile desert planet associated with the ancient Roman war god, Mars, because he represents the male alien who wants to develop her so that she can`t be seen. Oedipus is `swollen foot` because his `lameness` derives from man`s inability to be the woman they want to possess, whereas Antigone looks forward to the `futanarian` woman with a penis of her own, who walks upon three legs in the evening in fulfilment of the Sphinx`s `prophecy`. Woman can walk alone as a species with her own penis, and in fact, as Hungarian observes, she can `run` because `fut` means `run` in Hungarian, and `futanar` is the woman with a penis who is a species that has been taught by her `mother`, the Sphinx, whose `riddle` is only that Oedipus could understand neither the question, nor the answer.
Oedipus is a drama of `overweighting` because the premise is that the penis of a man is primary, which results in the penis not being able to see because of the incest taboo that exists as an obfuscation for woman`s realization of the fact that she has her own penis. The incest taboo is evil, not the incest, because it`s an instance of the male alien`s seeking to prevent woman`s knowledge of her own independence as a species with a penis of her own. If Antigone knew that women have a penis of their own she would be a daughter with other daughters, and not a lie`s drama.
Overweighting is the bane of humanity. Just as the terrorist attacks of 9/11 effectively now keeps the globe in fear of state reprisals and vendettas, the TV series Mad Men (2007-) advocated smoking and cancer in the guise of nostalgic fondness for the past, whereas it was actually retrogressive and evil because of its associations with `firearms`. The post coital cigarette indicates the successful male gun by analogy, whereby the woman`s penis is `smoked`, that is, murdered together, because she accepts it. Her penis as art, civilization and culture is a shared despisement because their togetherness is a knowledge that she has a penis of her own as a futanarian woman and independent species and the `smoking` activity is a coital `black mass` evilly celebrating the death of her penis.
Men have regressed to back-stabbing woman and the art, civilization and culture that emerges from her womb thanks to the female Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, that is the `teacher, guide, helpmeet and comforter` of the soul and spirit. 9/11 with its terrorist attack from `the base`, which is the meaning of the name `Al Qaeda`, connotes the lowest chakra point at `the base` of the spine, Mulhadara, in the Hindu chakra system of energic development. Because the `Big Apple` of New York, the Pentagon, and the Whitehouse correspond to the Vishudda, Ajna, and Sahasrara chakras further up the spine, the terrorist attacks from `the base`, that is, Al Qaeda, represent an attempt to reduce the level of considered action in the USA by provocation so that the consequences are death and destruction on an indiscriminate scale, which constitutes a `stab in the back` correspondng to an anal injection of the `gay poisons` of HIV/AIDS from a `red dragon` concerned to spread its gay boy sons` contagion of the enslaving of women`s wombs as `hosts` for their devouring homosexual pederasty and war. As an anal injector to kill the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, the penis, as used by the male alien, is a knife that can`t stab any lower. Rather than using their sword, that is, their ego, to assist woman`s establishment of herself as an inclusive independent species, men`s unnatural bias is death, because they`ve focused upon it, whereas they could have accepted God`s planned Redemption through woman`s love:
`Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16.10)
Men`s valence is extinction. Because they haven`t educated woman as a species in the knowledge that she has her own penis, and instead have enslaved her for homosexual pederasty and war, so that their `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS can wage biological warfare on woman`s `host` womb for them, they clearly don`t want her to live, and so God has planned the separation of the species woman from her parasite by creating the futanarian woman as a species with her own penis. Obviously, it`s a difficult task because, as Jesus says, `...those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage, and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels.` (Luke: 20. 36) In Islam `Allah`, who is `Eloah` in Judaism, and means `God` in Christian terms, is `neither male nor female`, which means `hermaphrodite`, or `like the angels`.
In Eden Adam and Eve `discovered themselves to be naked` after they had eaten of the fruit given them by the serpent, which had promsed that they`d be `as gods` if they acceded to its `temptation`. Because Adam and Eve were seen naked the supposition is that the serpent can see them but they can`t see the serpent, which is what it means by `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3.5) In the 1993 movie Sliver Sharon Stone was watched by a killer using CCTV surveillance cameras in the high rise building she had her apartment in. Being `gods` is the power to affect others` lives invisibly, which is what the `number of the beast` signifies, that is, `666` is the reversal of the telephone number of the police in the former British Empire `upon which the sun never sets`, and 9/11 is the reversal of the telephone number of the police in the USA because it`s 911. Symbolically, 9/11 is the Advent of the Antichrist, because of the associations with the former British Empire, which would correspond to 999 or the `number of the police` in the British Commonwealth, but `reversed` as 666 or `the number of the beast` if the British Empire were to be reestablished by neo-Nazis like the British Movement. Al Qaeda, `the base` or `the beast` of Revelation has a `yellow moon` as its emblem, so the Antichrist is born with the moon under its feet and with `the sun that never sets`. However, its the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` who gives birth to the `New Redeemer` and so the Advent of the Antichrist is the fantasy of some or more sick queers.
Police surveillance is the power to affect people`s lives invisibly, which is fulfilment of the serpent`s exhortation, `You shall be as gods.` There`ll be `perpetual enmity` between its and the woman`s `seed` because pornography and snuff films are all that the invisible `gods` can think of to do with her because. It isn`t about beauty, or sex with women in beautiful surroundings for the male alien. It`s about creating the delusion that women`s beauty is valued while giving her the minimum setting in which to delude the newborn infant into the infantile belief that a woman is all the beauty that can be aspired to. Because the serpent is male, and homosexual pederasts are interested in homosexual pederasty, the hermaphrodite woman is the `angel` that doesn`t mind being seen naked because it`s her species that`s with her. Because the body of the beautiful woman isn`t valued, neither is her setting, which means that `Hollywood man` is free to dramatize upon huge canvases of cinematic `action` minimizing the risjk to the single `heroine` while causing carnage on a scale approaching that of 9/11, and Pearl Harbour, or even Nagasaki and Hiroshima, without restraint, simply by constraining the woman`s contribution to how nice she looks in the bedroom mirror.
In Jungian psychology, the libido of instinctual energy is transformed by archetypal material seeking to express itself in dreams, imagination and art as it emerges from the unconscious `Self`, which is desirous of being made conscious. Jung`s primary example comes from ancient alchemy, the forerunner of chemistry, in which a common motif is that of the hermaphrodite, because the female penis is endeavouring to use its separating `Sword` to speak its more penetrating `Word`. Woman can only emerge by not accepting any `Sword` but Jesus`. That is why the sword-as-penis is a logical fiction. It connotes the honourable defloration of a virgin. As the `knight` of Christian `chivalry`, Jesus is the archetypal `Sword` of Revelation because he`s not the fiction of the `hero` rescuing the woman from the devouring `father` dragon. He`s the `Word of God`. It is not a fiction for women, but it is men`s fiction that they are heroes. That`s why the sword-as-penis is a logical fiction for men, because it`s their parasite injecting metaphor.
If the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus by parthenogenesis, that is, without a man`s semen, she could have given birth to a woman with a penis of her own. Equally, Jocasta in Oedipus Rex could have given birth to Antigone as a woman with a penis of her own if she`d married a woman with a penis of her own and so the psychological bane of Western civilization, art and culture, that is, the `threatening possessive`, wouldn`t have been a psychological determinant. The `Oedipal complex` is a psychological term used by Sigmund Freud to describe the devouring father imago because Oedipus, albeit by accident, according to Sophocles` Oedipus Rex, killed his father to marry his mother. Freud thought that he had discovered a psychological constant insofar as the `Oedipal complex` described the relationship between father and son. What Freud had discovered was the fiction that the son wants to possess the mother, which conceals the male myth that a woman wants a father and a son. The Virgin Mary is the archetypal conception of the woman who doesn`t need a man`s semen to reproduce, and so it`s a male fiction in which the penis is important because it`s theirs.
Behaviouralism was the psychological successor to Freud because it focused on the principle notion that the son should behave in order to prevent it from killing the father, and subsequent psychological applications included the Somme and Verdun where sons were sent to be killed in WWI in order to learn how to `behave`. Jungian psychology taught that the libido was developmental and that male-female complementarity was the solution to conflict. Populist therapies described such `conflict resolution` formulas as `getting in touch with the female side` because women were perceived as `sympathizing`. Feminist perspectives perceive the penis as female, and Jesus` teachings as celibacy, which obfuscates the real issue of Oedipus` blindness. The male aliens don`t want the woman to use her own penis. Antigone is the `sympathizing` woman who represents the imposed patriarchal fiction that women are the `angelic` sensitive counterparts of the thoughtless but `dashing` male `action man` that Carl Jung analyzed.
Jungian Feminists perceive that Antigone is blinder than Oedipus at the drama`s end, because she has been coerced by the `threatening possessive`, that is, the parastitical male alien`s capacity for inducing sympathy for its plight, by means of ensuring in her false feelings of empathy based on consanguinity. In effect Antigone has been coerced into wanting her brother, because Oedipus is Jocasta`s son. The play is actually a description of how difficult it is for the woman, even if she`s able to reproduce parthenogenically, to escape from the homosexual pederast, which is what Jesus` torturers and murderers represent, and how difficult it is for woman to escape from men physically, even if she has a penis of her own and is a species independent of her parasite, because `pornographic` representations of futanarian women aren`t a part of men`s educational curriculum for women.
On the cross Jesus is preparing to wield the Sword, but it`s a boy`s wooden one. He cannot defend against his crucifiers; because his role is as a `teacher`. He offers Redemption to mankind and `teaches` God`s love, but in Revelation we understand he`s a sword-master because he fights against the foe:
`And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.` (Rev: 11-15)
In Jungian terms, Jesus` libidic energy has been transformed from the penis-as-sword to the penis-as-word, which is commanding of the armies of heaven, because it`s developed faithfully and truly in accordance with his mother`s womb`s desire that her penis not be contaminated by the `seed` of the `serpent`, because her son, who would remain celibate, until she was a woman with her own penis, would be the spiritual leader of Christianity and its fight against the enslaving and devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty until the consummation of the `marriage of the lamb` and Jesus` `bride`, Jerusalem, the woman of heaven.
During the second Gulf War (2001-3) the USA re-examined that aspect of national security, which is called `Homeland Defence`, and where `mom` in the home is famous for `apple pie`. The folktale of `Johnny Appleseed` is a basic component of the American myth. It is the tale of one who planted apple `seeds` all over the USA so that `mom` could bake `apple pie`. Clearly, the terrorist attack of 9/11 upon the Twin Towers of New York was aimed at `mom`, because she was able to cook, and therefore corresponded to Abel, who was murdered by Cain, the progenitor of all those murderers with the `mark of the beast` upon their foreheads, according to the biblical tradition. It was a sign from God of the importance of correct names. In Revelation it is not possible to live unless you have the `the name of the beast or the number of his name` (Rev: 13.17), and during the Indo-China war waged by the USA the male alien parasitical organisms were defined as `gooks` as a sign of the intolerance of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty for cooks. Significantly, the structural anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss` `culinary triangle` observed that one of the basic cornerstones of art, civilization and culture was the transformation of raw to cooked, where meat was prepared in the first instance, and the process of natural decay and fermentation produced a higher level human perspective because, without killing, such products as cheese, wine and vinegar could be produced, so emphasizing the beauty of natural growing foods such as fruit or corn, while deemphasizing killing. However, the USA employed such appalling devices as napalm and the `defoliant` agent orange over large parts of Indo-China in an attempt to starve the `gooks` as they had previously employed such folk heroes as Buffalo Bill Cody to shoot all of the buffalo in the USA so that the indians would all die of starvation because there would be no buffalo to `gook`. In other words, because the foundation of the USA was built on `mom`s apple pie`, that is, the ability of the woman to cook, 9/11 was an attack by the devouring `red dragon` upon the `Big Apple` of Eve`s `cooking`, that is, the summum bonum of woman`s art, civilization and culture that had been under development since Eden.
Pertinently, the basic economic symbol of the USA is the `eye iin the pyramid` which connotes the developed ego as a transformer of the raw into the cooked, which in economic terms is either the enslavement of the womb of the woman to produce the homosexual pederasts whose main concern is the consumption of the woman and her art, civilization and culture by means of such evil devices as the `biological warfare` perpetrated against her womb by the evil male alien parasitical viral organisms in the form of the cancerous gay boy sons` `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS gay poisons, or acceptance of the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, as the female developmental `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet` who can cook, but isn`t gay. And so it is possible to trust in `mom`s apple pie` because, as a woman with a penis of her own and so a species not concerned with the production of the `gay boy sons`, she is neither infected nor a poisoner.
The attack on the World Trade Centre on 9/11 was clearly an attempt by the `threatening possessive` against the basic economic unit of the USA, that is, the woman as the `owner of the means of production`, which is her inalienable womb, by the evil male alien homosexual pederasts seeking to restore the gay boys` `trade` in death and war by means of the initiation of global conflicts through terrorism designed to reduce rational response to criticism of `mom`s apple pie`. Folkloristically, New York`s `Big Apple` is a symbol of Johnny Appleseed and the `eternal enmity` between the woman`s `seed` and that of the serpent (Gen: 3.5), which is why a condom is called a `johnny` because it protects the `Big Apple` of woman`s nurtured and developed human consciousness from the evil `seed` of the alien male homosexual pederast`s viral life form component. The HIV/AIDS `blood plague` of the `red dragon` of Revelation, which wants `apples for eating` rather than `apples for cooking`, in economic terms, that is, `rough trade` rather than `fair trade` based on the solid economic principle that woman as a species with her own penis constitutes a `better economic outlook` than `consumption`, which was the old medical term for the `terminal cancer` that, like the `killer disease` HIV/AIDS, was the name given to incurable cancers of the body; socio-historical, socio-political, socio-cultural, socio-economic, etc.
The evil male alien `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty wants to reduce the level of human consciousness, that is, the `apple` of ego individuality, to that of a chimpanzee, which is why the attack on the Twin Towers has so many resemblances to the Hollywood movie King Kong (1933) in which the `big monkey picture` is of a large animal killed by US fighter aircraft because it climbed to the top of the Empire State building in New York. In other words, the `big monkey` is what Hollywood wants because it`s too big for the woman, while 9/11 is the representation that the `Big Apple` isn`t for a `big monkey` but that New York is still full of `smaller ones` who don`t want the woman to get any bigger.
Attacks on women are `on the increase`, and that`s the 21st century paradigm in Hollywood, the `dream factory` that manufactures what the world perceives of the American Dream and Manifest Destiny, which from movies such as Steven Spielberg`s ET (1982) Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1983), Back To The Future (1985), Batteries Not Included (1986), etc., is innocent progress and development without threat, and so fulfilment; or under threat and delayed. Hollywood`s paradigm is `attack the woman` so that the male alien parasitical virus that had emerged from her womb can destroy large swathes of her art, civilization and culture while pretending to be `at her side`. In a truer paradigm of `Homeland Defence`, mom defends herself and her `apple pie`, which means technological development and its deployment is based on human goals. If man has a penis and can develop weapons of `mass destruction` by transforming its libido or instinctual energy into spiritual, that is, intellectual ability, woman`s penis is different. Men invite attack because `action man` is their valence. `Hollywood man` has taught it to them, whereas the teachings of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, is peace, which means that 9/11 is what the `Hollywood preacher` has preached, and `curses are like chickens; they always come home to roost`.15 The metaphor is the virus programme of the 21st century hacker, where 9/11 is `hide d`yer hacker`, like the Led Zeppelin song D`Yer Mak`er (1973) is either about whether the Jamaica girl had sex, or was she forced? Did you make her? The rapist would seek to conceal the crime, and the hacker, with the `handle` Hide D`Yer Hacker would seek to remain anonymous if 9/11 were a `programme` designed to test the defences of the USA. It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that the USA`s Defence Department at the Pentagon invited `hacking` to `test` its system:
`... [we] would like to invite anyone with an interest in cryptography, reverse engineering or mathematics to help find the decryption keys and unlock the hidden payload.`16
Although this staement comes from Kaspersky Lab, one of the more famous anti-virus buster programme developers, the invitation to `all comers` is representative of many private and public organizations insofar as they invite hackers to improve their systems and then employ them as computer software programmers and analysts:
`... every modern computer exchanges and processes information in the ones and zeros of binary ...`17
The hacker even employs virus language to describe its activities, and because the common cold is the commonest virus, hackers have coughing `handles` because, as on 9/11, their hacking technology was employed to make coffins out of the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and flight 93, which was on its way to the Whitehouse when the passengers crashed the plane rather than have it reach its destination. In other words, hackers correspond directly to the concept of the `blood plague` of homosexual pederasty` `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS, because the `handles` of the `hackers` are 21st century versions of the `black death`, which is why the terrorist High D`Yer Hacker launched its valence of the `red dragon` from [black] `Massachussets`, that is, in imitation of, or desire to perform, a Satanical `black mass` based on the novel Logan`s Run, because Logan is the name of the airport in Boston, Massachussets, where Hi D`Yer Hacker hailed from:
`... a novel by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson. Published in 1967, it depicts a dystopic ageist future society in which both population and the consumption of resources are maintained in equilibrium by requiring the death of everyone reaching a particular age.`18
Because the `handle` is how hackers `hail` one another, the reference is probably also biblical in the sense that hailstones, like meteors, were another of the `plagues` of the `red dragon` of Revelation, which Britney Spears Oops I Did It Again presciently alludes to in the opening lyric `Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah`, where Oops High [I Did It Again] D`Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Jack would be the `handle` of the `hacker` who wants to access her material without using the `cookie` which the spaceman has to find in order for the towers of her palace to emerge, as seen reflected in the mirror of the spaceman`s helmet`s visor. In Toxic Britney appears in the apparent blue uniform of Thunderbirds, which is a science fiction rescue service, and the theme of `unmasking` a passenger`s real identity by removing his disguise is juxtaposed with her secret agent guise. Like Jennifer Garner in the US TV series, Alias, Britney portrays an `action heroine` who gets into a secret laboratory in order to obtain a formula, which would seem to correspond to the antidote for the poison HIV/AIDS. Because of the connection between 9/11`s hijackers, and viral attacks by the `plague` of homosexual pederasty`s valence of terror against women. Thunderbirds was a `puppet` show on British TV in the 60s and Britney`s Oops I Did It Again presents her as a Thunderbirds` character in her red pilot`s suit, because Thunderbird 3 is a red spaceship and Oops I Did It Again takes place on Britney`s red planet of Mars but within the framework of the video it`s a `spaceship` that requires the `password` before the spaceman can see her, and the icon he finds in the red sands of Mars is her `tough cookie`.
In Revelation the `beast` is a `frog` that appears to speak from the mouths of its `puppets`, which suggests that Britney is perturbed that her lyrics have Satanical meaning that she doesn`t place a value on. If 9/11 was an attempt to attack the woman `hidden` and protected by the `New Redeemer` of Revelation, Oops Hide Did It Again would be the Satanical writer`s preparation for Oops Hide D`Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [ jack ], where the intention would be to `hijack` her fortune and turn her into a `puppet` recording `jack`, that is, `zero` and the utterances of her `programmer`, which would be `the one` in modern computer`s binary code:
`... computer[s] exchange ... and process ... information in ones and zeros...`
The aim would be to have Britney function as a `frog` mouthpiece for her programmer. To `side` in early 20th century recordings upoon vinyl meant to press one of the two sides that a `record` had. There was an `A` side for the single released, and a `B` side as a `bonus track`, which often was new and not on the album. Consequently, Oops Sided It Again refers to the record manufacturing process, where `siding` means to compose a picture in terms of DVDs, which have only one side video terms. For her programmer there`s only one side to the story, whereas traditionally there are `two sides to every story` if it`s about judgment. Britney is a `puppet` for her hijacking programmer who only wants her to be a `cipher`, that is, a zero, while he`s `the one`. The spaceman walking backwards in Oops Sided It Again or suspended above Britney, in her white bikini dress, represent aspects of the recording and manufacturing process. Britney`s spaceman`s camera at the side of his helmet is her `faithful reproduction` because he`s always `hung up on her`.and corresponds to her `good press`, both in the sense of `faithful representation` in terms of the media `circus` and a record press that makes copies by `pressing`, which again means `faithful recording`. But her spaceman also represents being `hung up` on by Captain `hook`, because Britney`s `hook`, by which her spaceman hangs, indicates `phone` replacement, after it rings and a call has been answered. In Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie Tinkerbell, the fairy, helps Peter against Captain Hook, the Pirate, and in terms of Oops Sided It Again that means Britney`s `programmer` doesn`t want anything but his `programme`, that is, the `Satanic message`, which is the songs `hook`, to be communicated:
`I made you believe we're more than just friends ... I'm sent from above ... heroes, they truly exist ... `All aboard` ...`
The HIV/AIDS` virus `feigns friendship` for the body`s immune system before killing it, which was the Arab terrorist hijackers` method on 9/11 when they bought passenger tickets to board flights in Boston, Massaschussetts, before crashing the planes into the Twin Towers of New York`s Manhattan Island. Heroes did `truly exist` on 9/11, but Britney`s `programmer` defined `feigned friendship` as a `game` and not `serious`, whereas in Michel Nostradamus` Prophecies a warning is given:
`From the sky will come a great King of Terror.` Century 10, Quatrain 72
The USA had given Saddam Hussein the 3rd largest army in the world and had supported the Taliban against tthe Russians from 1979-89 but `feigned friendship` resulted in 9/11/2000, the Gulf wars (1990-2011), and George W. Bush`s declaration of an ongoing war against terror (2003-).Released on March 27 2000 Britney`s Oops I Did It Again `programmed` 9/11 and the spirit of the `game` into the mass mind as the most popular recording of that year.
In publishing terms, `pirating` is the theft of copyrighted material, which amounts to stealing work that isn`t your own. In order to be a `pirate` you`d have to be a `hacker` who knew how to use a recording `jack`, which explains Oops Side Hid It `A` Gain, and Oops High D`Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [ jack ]. If the idea was to produce a `zero`, and be `the one`, who `programmed` Britney to accept the `one-sidedness` of the programmer`s story, there`d be a `B` side, corresponding to Britney`s private story, which wouldn`t be told because the `programmer` wouldn`t want her to be anything but a `zero`. The `beast` of Revelation has an `economic` valence, because the `beast` who is the `frog` in the throat is a demoniacal programming ventriloquist for its `dummy`, which is what `demos`. Because the perspective is that what the individual is programmed to produce by the `frog in the throat` isn`t theirs. In other words, it`s `pirating` while feigning legitimacy, which means that the `beast` produces and consumes itself by possessing a creative individual. The `beast` doesn`t want that which doesn`t want to be consumed.
Working to play is 21st century economics, whereas working to `consume` is 20th century economics. People work to keep what they play with, or what they make, because 21st century economics is about individual creativity, and the value of the work for the makers, and the keepers. If the keepers are jailers, the workers and the work are the consumed because the `beast` doesn`t value the work, whereas if the makers and the keepers accept Redemption, which corresponds to the extent to which maker and keeper value the created work, they are valuable to the degree to which they value the work and keep it. In other words, God, the Creator, values the workers to the extent that they value beauty. What is beautiful is that which the `beast` denies but it is not able to deny the beauty of woman because she is the `host` womb of the `beast`, which means that the beauty of the Creator and the Creation is all but consumed by the evil male alien parasitical life form of the `beast` of homosexual pederasty, whose valence in the latter part of the 20th century is the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS` biological war against women`s wombs, and the virus of 21st century terrorism. 9/11`s Satanical `black mass` commenced upon a `black day` in Boston, Massachussetts, where the terrorists bought plane tickets at Logan airport, and after crashing their planes into the Twin Towers of New York`s `Big Apple`, other terrorist hijacked planes, following the `pattern` of the movie, Logan`s Run, ensured the poison of Eve`s apple would continue to cut short lives. In the Bible Adam was 930 years old when he died (Gen: 5.5), but in Logan`s Run adults must die aged 21 because of scant food and other resources. In Britney`s Oops Hide It Hid Again her spaceman arrives and reports to `Mission Control` as `Mars Lander`. and, in Logan`s Run, those who want to live longer than 21 years are called `runners` who escape to Sanctuary, an abandoned space colony called `Argos`, near Mars. Curiously, although Britney`s spaceman reports to `Mission Control` as `Mars Lander` there are many `red planets` visible in the night sky about them, which suggests the many-eyed Argos of Greek mythology who watched over Io:
`And set a watcher upon her, great and strong Argos, who with four eyes looks every way. And the goddess stirred in him unwearying strength: sleep never fell upon his eyes; but he kept sure watch always.`19
Io is a moon of Jupiter, who is the father god of Greek mythology, and Zeus in Roman myths, but who corresponds to Jehovah in Judaism. The `four eyes` of Argus probably connote the attributes of God which, in Jungian psychology, is associated with the differentiation of the four human functions of consciousness, one of which, `Sensation`, is associated with sight, but the differentiation of the other three functions, that is, ears (`Thinking`), smell (`Intuition`) and speech (`Feeling`) represents that self-actualization which would make the individual fourfold in terms of perception, and so `with four eyes` Argos watches over Io, a Naiad in Roman mythology:
`...a type of nymph (female spirit) who presided over fountains, wells, springs, streams, brooks and other bodies of freshwater.`20
If Oops I Did It Again represents Britney`s Sanctuary, Argos doesn`t seem to have any water, but her spaceman has brought her `the heart of the ocean`, which suggests that water will run again. As Logan does in Logan`s Run when the `sandmen` come to find those who want to live beyond 21 years and kill them. Britney`s perception is that futanar woman, where `fut` means `run` and `tanar` means `teacher` in Hungarian, represents a better economic perspective in which there`ll be sufficient food and resources because the `sandmen`, that is, those who create sterility, will be redundant and extinct when woman with a penis is the species of the Earth.
9/11 represents the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s attempt to shift the economic perspective away from individual creativity and Redemption through value accorded to the artist and the work of art as maker by the buyer as keeper, and a return to 50s economics in which the enslaved are the consumed. T. S. Eliot`s The Wasteland (1922) was the poet`s perception that spirituality was what the 20th century with its devouring wars of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty lacked. Britney`s concept of the `futanar`, or `running teacher` represents her concept of the flowing of the waters of the spirit that can regenerate the Earth`s economy by focusing on Redemption through the keepers` valuing what the makers make, and value. The attack on the World Trade Centre on 9/11 was the homosexual pederasts` preference for `rough trade`, that is, more gay boy sons` STDs and HIV/AIDS` gay poisons to be the `killer disease` of woman and what might emerge from woman`s womb, which heretofore has been either another `host` womb for the evil male alien parasitical viral life form, or the evil male alien parasitical viral life form itself. If the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty is concerned to devour woman`s art, culture and civilization after it has emerged from her womb, its concern is to devour beauty, which means that futanarian woman with a penis of her own as a species represents that concrete symbol of regeneration that poets such as T. S. Eliot in The Wasteland had been searching for:
`I Tiresias, though blind, throbbing between two lives, 218
Old man with wrinkled female breasts, can see
I Tiresias, old man with wrinkled dugs
Perceived the scene, and foretold the rest -
(And I Tiresias have foresuffered all
Enacted on this same divan or bed;
I who have sat by Thebes below the wall
... ) Bestows one final patronising kiss,
And gropes his way, finding the stairs unlit...
She turns and looks a moment in the glass,
Hardly aware of her departed lover;
Her brain allows one half-formed thought to pass:
'Well now that's done: and I'm glad it's over.'
She smoothes her hair with automatic hand,
And puts a record on the gramophone.`
Tiresias is what Eliot described as an `objective correlative`, that is, the futanarian represents economic and spiritual regneration, because it`s the thing itself. In The Wasteland Tiresias is th one who sees, although blind, because he`s a hermaphrodite. He can foretell because he knows the scene. The penis wants the woman and she doesn`t want the man. In the same way, Tiresias represents the hermaphrodite that the woman doesn`t want, because he`s male and not female, which is why he can`t see her. Woman represents beauty, so her emergence as the species of the Earth suggests an increase in the valuableness of beauty as perceived by the beautiful, which posits spiritual and economic regeneration based on the value to the keeper of what is bought and the value to the maker of what is made, which is Redemption for the keeper and maker derived from their value to God as those who create or treasure what is beautiful and so valuable.
The symbol of the `gramophone` vinyl record in The Wasteland relates to Britney`s encrypted work in Oops I Did It Again because a DVD is an improved form of saving but `corruption` from viruses and `hackers` is implicit in the religious metaphor because death through viral corruption is what the evil represent. Tiresias and the young woman`s `lover` in The Wasteland represent Eliot`s perceptions of what is amiss, which is that the young woman doesn`t have a penis of her own. She`s kept by `low` men who keep her amongst `low` things that she values, so the things are her keepers, whereas those who give her, or make, the `low things`, are her jailers and enslavers, which means she`s `saved` but poorly because she `treasures` what is `low`. Revelation is that the futanarian woman`s emergence as the species of woman with her own penis, in the 21st century, represents the possibility of a woman`s treasuring `high things`, and video DVDs such as Oops I Did It Again indicate the recording technology that mirrors her aspirations for woman as a species with her own penis to be inviolate of the male virus. As Jesus` birth from the Virgin Mary kept the nascent spirit of Logos, that is, technology through the teachings of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, inviolate. So that spiritual advancement and technological development complimented each other sufficiently enough for futanarian woman to be recognizable to herself at the turn of the 21st century as the `objective correlative` of the spiritual and economic regeneration that the Earth requires.
According to the Bible there is evil and good. If we understand the `red dragon` aright, beauty is good, and that ends the argument. Because only woman as a species is beautfiful to the penis and she has her own, which means that evil is ugly because it`s male. Amidst the sands of `Sanctuary` in Oops I Did It Again Britney is the 18 year old woman who represents those over 21 beset by `sandmen` from Logan`s Run who have made an economic desert of Earth and she is waiting for the `futanar`, the `running teacher`, to revitalize the Earth`s spirit and economy, an anticipation thwarted to a greater or lesser extent by 9/11 which effectively represenrted the male alien parasitical viral organism`s desire that the `New Redeemer` of 21st century `saving` technology shouldn`t encourage the young 18 year old Britney to want to be 930 years old and look as if she were 21, which is why the Arabian terrorist hijackers travelling from Logan airport in Boston, Massachussetts, represented the `sandmen` endeavouring to devour the `Big Apple` of I-Pod. Because `Poddy` of Mars, the heroine of Robert A. Heinlein`s Podkayne Of Mars, depicted by Britney Spears in Oops I Did It Again is worth saving. Apple`s `Mac` computers are for recording Christina Aguilera`s Dirrty, because she`s a heroine, and isn`t Apple`s `smack`. Some see Apple`s Macintosh computers, and the internet, as `dirty macs`, and an opportunity to inject some heroine with their `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS, or introduce Britney`s Poddy to Cain and Co., whereas hers and Christian Aguilera`s visual beauty is the good that homosexual pederasty would have us believe should be covered up so that we disbelieve in the existence of heavenly beauty while the `red dragon` of evil surrounds our eyes with dross and continues to devour what we can still see of God thanks to the creative artists and imaginations of the makers and keepers who are our saviours because they value and treasure what is made.
If `Jack` Kennedy was `the President in `Air Force One`, the President`s aircraft, Britney`s `programmer` with the `coffin handle` Oops Hi D`Yer yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Jack] Did It Again would be planning to mock Jack and his son, John, at the Twin Towers, which were associated with John (`Jack`) Kennedy I, who was murdered in Dallas in 1963, and his son, John Kennedy II, who also lost his way on a flight path from Massachussetts, before his plane crashed mysteriously into the Atlantic off Martha`s Vineyard.21 In record industry terms, `hijackers` are `pirates`. As `Io` Britney in Oops I Did It Again `Argus` is her `many eyed watcher` over her `Sanctuary` from the `sandmen` who, in 21st century terms, are HIV/AIDS as the `killer disease` that threatens to strike everyone over the age of 21 because the sands of their hour glass of time are running out. At 18 Britney doesn`t yet have the `hour glass figure` that the `killer` doesn`t want. The `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty wants `easy meat` that isn`t developed enough to perceive the fallacy of needing male alien parasites that exist only to take over her `room` and devour her. In the German version of Star Trek `space and time` are described as `die weltraum`, which is `the room in which the Earth is`. However, if woman is the species of the Earth, the male parasites from her `host` womb are the alien invaders. The 9/11 terrorists` movie was Logan`s Run as they boarded flights from Logan, Boston. Analysis of Britney Spears` Oops I Did It Again suggests she has a traitor amongst her fans, that is, `Argus`, or at home, which is `Sanctuary`, while `Captain Hook` is another `coffin handle` of those `hacking` into her coffers, or `pirating` her material, who superimposed the concept Io Ho Ho onto the recording of Oops I Did It Again to programme disaster `scenarios` for their ghoulish laughter:
Yo Ho Ho And A Bottle Of Rum
`Like break o'day in a boozing ken.
Fifteen men of the whole ship's list.
Looking up at paradise ...
Ev'ry man jack could ha' sailed with Old Pew
With sightless glare and their lips struck dumb ...`22
The disaster programmers` subliminal Yo Ho Ho message to `hackers` and `pirates` from Oops I Did It Again is an SMS to ghoulish laughter encoded in a few lines and words that denote 9/11 and the continuing assassination of Kennedy`s `vision`: `... a boozing ken[nedy] ... list [of crew and passengers] ... looking up at paradise ... ev`ry man jack ... sightless ... dumb ...` September 11th is an important date because the USA`s Moslem terrorist group were called `Black September`, and `Yo` is black slang for `good`, which is `good` in Hungarian but spelt `jó`, while `hó hó` means `snow snow` and might be interpreted as `nose`, where the joker missed the `crack` at the Twin Towers. However, `az nő` means `a woman` in Hungarian, whereas `ember` means man, which suggests `7` ember because, although September is the ninth month, originally it was the seventh:
`In Latin, septem means `seven` and septimus means `seventh`; September was in fact the seventh month of the Roman calendar until 46 BC.`23
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and the `Big Apple` is an Edenic fairy tale, but the `movie` Robin and the Seven Hoods in which Frank Sinatra is a gangster is believed by many to be the truth. The terrorists are obviously referring to the novel by J. R. R. Tolkein The Lord Of The Rings (1937-), which was a trilogy with the second part titled The Two Towers and Britney Spears alludes to it in Oops I Did It Again when she descends inside a giant`s ring, because the `One Ring` was the Dark Lord Sauron`s who ruled through the nine, which is why September, the ninth month was chosen by `Black September`, and because the ring ruled the `seven dwarves`:
`Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.`
The Christmas themes of the robin and the snow suggest `Black September` and the mafia, whereas although Jesus is a prophet of Islam second only to the prophet Mohammed to whom the angels of God dictated their holy book, The Koran, the date of his birth isn`t necessarily believed to be December 25th by Moslems. However, `Jó hó hó` does suggest the difference between `black` economies and legitimate economies. Jesus Christ was born of a virgin and so wasn`t illegitimate, while his notion of Christian fellowship corresponds to Tolkein`s conception in the first part of The Lord Of The Rings, of the league against Sauron, The Fellowship Of The Ring, while the `beast` of Revelation is `the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six`, which means the `coffin handle` of the leader of the terrorists is `Soar on`, that is, to the Twin Towers, and he`s a bastard gangster:
`New York, New York, a helluva town.
The people ride in a hole in the groun'.` On The Town
Of course there were trains beneath the Twin Towers connecting Manhattan island to mainland New York state, which `improves` the `joke`. The Joker was obviously attacking Gotham city where the pig eaters live, because pork is `haraam` or `forbidden` in Arabia, as it is in Judaism, and 9/11 was Batman and Robin, while `Liberty` in New York harbour was the `sacred cow` under attack:
`Holy cow!`
In the Greek myth Io is transformed into a heifer to hide her from Zeus` desire for her, and a red heifer is identified in the Epistle of Barnabas (8.1 with Jesus` crucifixion: `the calf is Jesus, the men that offer it, being sinners, are they that offered him for the slaughter.` Britney, in her red `pilot`s suit`, raising her astronaut visitor above herself in a white bikini dress, is referring to the Book of Isaiah: `Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.` (1.18, Num: 19.6) Air Force One, which is the aircraft that carries the President of the USA, is called `Sacred Cow`, which suggests that, wearing her red pilot`s suit and her white bikini dress, Britney is alluding to the special sacrificial nature of the red heifer for Judaism:
`... the Red Heifer [has] special status in Jewish tradition. It is cited as the prime example of a khok, or biblical law for which there is no apparent logic, and is therefore of absolute Divine origin. Because the state of ritual purity obtained through the ashes of a Red Heifer is a necessary prerequisite for participating in Temple service, efforts have been made in modern times by Jews wishing for biblical ritual purity (see tumah and taharah) and in anticipation of the building of The Third Temple to locate a red heifer and recreate the ritual.`24
In Jungian psychology the four functions of consciousness are associated with ears, eyes, nose and mouth. Because the `Adam`s apple` is the epiglottis of the throat or Vishuddha chakra of Hinduism, the `Big Apple` of New York on 9/11 was meant by the terrorists to correspond to the `lump in the throat` of New Yorkers when the terrorist hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers. The plane that crashed into the Pentagon would be the Ajna chakra which corresponds to `command` in the Hindu system, and the fourth plane that didn`t reach its destination at the Whitehouse, but would`ve corresponded to the Sahasrara or `crown` chakra, if it hadn`t been taken down by brave passengers and lain in ashes along with the three other planes that reached their target and its victims, represented an attempt to sacrifice the President of the USA as a kokh.
The story of `Flight 93` from Newark, New Jersey, is similar to that of the movie Air Force One (1997), starring Harrison Ford, in which the President`s plane is hijacked by followers of Kazakhstan terrorist dictator Radek who want to hold the President hostage until Radek is released. Ford is taken to an `escape pod` by US secret service agents but, when the `pod` is recovered, Ford isn`t inside. Flight 93 crashed at Shanksville, Pennsylvania and, in the film Air Force One, the President`s plane also crashes, but U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command MC-130E Combat Talon rescues the President and changes its `call sign` to `Air Force One`. The passengers of Flight 93 crashed their plane on 9/11 and saved the Whitehouse and the President and so their `call sign` may also be understood as `Air Force One`. In Oops I Did It Again Britney, wearing her red pilot suit, corresponds to Thunderbird 3, but is Robert A. Heinlein`s `Poddy` in her white bikini dress, because Thunderbird 2 has a `pod` similar to Air Force One`s. Although Thunderbirds wasn`t made into a Hollywood movie until 2005, `Thunderbird` fighter jets have been the USA`s `model` pilots since 1953. As with the British scifi Thunderbirds (1-5), each has a number; from 1-12. However, as Flight 93 demonstrated and, as Britney reiterates in Oops I Did It Again, any `Poddy` can save anyone. The motto of the `Great Seal` is `e pluribus unum`, which is `the one from the many`, because everyone is the President in Air Force One. The name of the Presidents aboard Flight 93 are on the National September 11 Memorial.
Whether the perpetrators of 9/11 conceived George W. Bush`s demise as leading inevitably to the constructing of the Third Temple, the `red heifer` is a further symbol of the `red dragon` of devouring homosexual pederasty and war because the `... [red heifer] is Jesus, the men that offer it, being sinners, are they that offered him [Jesus, George W. Bush or anyone] for the slaughter.` 9/11 was to delay the Advent of the `New Redeemer` because America wouldn`t swallow what was lodged in its `Adam`s apple` or throat. George W. Bush`s declaration of Gulf War II and the War on Terror (2003-) was the reaction to the terrorist planes lodged in the `Big Apple` of the throat of New York, which meant the USA would be a draco upon the Earth at the beginning of the 21st century. A draco is a blood-letter and an Eastern European tradition of the vampire that devours the `heart` or `vam` in Hinduism. The `heart in the mouths` of Americans watching the events of 9/11 unfold on CNN may`ve been a `lump in the throat` but it wasn`t that of the `devourer of hearts`. Perpetrating a `black mass` from Logan airport, Boston, `black` Massachussetts, in emulation of the movie Logan`s Run in which noone lives past 21, the terrorist programmers` intent was to ridicule the attempts of `TV 21` on CNN, that is, International Rescue`s attempts to be the President in Air Force One, and prevent the `Sacred Cow` of Americans from being slaughtered. George W. Bush`s successor in the Whitehouse was Barack and `barack` means `peach` in Hungarian while `boci` is `heifer` and a chocolate bar, that is, the `sacred cow` would be Michelle Obama as the `peach chocolate` of Air Force One, whereas Barack is `chocolate speech` because of the Hungarian programmer`s `black humour`. Because `bean soup` is `ghoulash`, Britney`s spaceman is Alan Bean in Oops I Did It Again and the Hungarian `ghouls` intended to make `ash` out of the American Dream on 9/11.
A `sacred cow` is a picture of what is valued by a society, so `boci` is pronounced `Pod-see` and Britney`s `Poddy` is for her spaceman`s photographing of her `body`, which means he`s her `I-Pod camera` insofar as he likes what he sees but isn`t her. If woman is a species with a penis of her own, her spaceman is collecting what she wants in her `I-Pod`, which means Oops I Did It Again could be construed as having the subtitle `I Poddy`. Air Force One is subtitled `Sacred Cow` because what a man wants isn`t what he sees in the mirror. If woman with a penis is the species of the Earth it`s the mirror of what a man doesn`t want. If he wants woman. In other words, the `Sacred Cow` is that we`re collectively engaged in painting a picture of what we want, whereas we`re living in a picture painted by aliens that don`t want women. Britney, descending in her red pilot`s suit inside her giant`s ring in Oops I Did It Again appears `dwarfed`, so in terms of the terrorists` Lord Of The Rings `game`, she`s one of the seven dwarf rings arrayed against the `Dark Lord` that doesn`t want her to develop herself on, before, or after 9/11.
In her red suit Britney is Thunderbird 3 and, according to the video `logic`, a `puppet` or `doll` warning of the dangers of `voodoo`. To attack or manipulate an individual, Voodoo practitioners stick pins into an effigy of the `target`, much in the way that Chinese acupuncturists use needles on the actual body of their patients but to heal. The Hungarian alphabet is unique in linguistic terms, because it consists of 45 sounds represented by a combination of one or more characters, and focuses exclusively on pronunciation, which is useful for a `programmer` who wants to give a `value` to every utterance. Because the Twin Towers are a pin prick on the map, an attack would be the acupuncture of a Voodoo practitioner. In homoeopathy a small amount of poison is imbibed to stimulate the body`s immune system, and so another `movie` that the terrorists were secretly emulating on 9/11 was Dam Busters (1955) where the poisoning of the consciousness of the USA against the Moslem peoples was `Saddambusters` because of the `Big Apple` of Eve`s Adam. The film features `617` squadron aircraft and the `device` sounds like an early description of a computer virus attacking a `system`, or a 9/11 proposal for how to avoid the radar of the USA`s `Homeland Defence`:
`... a bouncing bomb which would skip over the water to avoid protective torpedo nets. When it came into contact with the dam, it would sink before exploding, making it much more destructive.`25
The attack on the Twin Towers also seems to have been based on the fillm 633 Squadron (1964) in which `mosquito` aircraft attack a Nazi V2 rocket factory in Norway during WWII. Because the `hackers` that hijacked the aircraft to penetrate the USA`s air defence `system` were endeavouring to deliver a mosquito bite that would infect the West with the `killer disease`. The scenario is from a Batman `movie` in which The Joker stars:
`Knock knock.`
Q. `Who`s there?`
A. `Amos.`
Q. `Amos who?`
A. `A mosquito.`
Of course the `joke` is mosque but Hungary`s `programmer` says `mosque áhÍtó`, which is `hungry`, and hÍt means `faith`, so it`s `hungry i` faith`, which is an archaic or knightly form of indicating appetite for the meal. In Revelation the `red dragon` is depicted as waiting in vain to devour the `New Redeemer`, and Britney Spears` Oops I Did It Again seems prescient in its depiction of a spaceman suspended by Britney in her red suit above her in a white bikini dress with the tines of a fork beside his spacehelmet. If the woman with a penis as a species signifies the `New Redeemer` the fork by the spaceman`s helmet represents The Temptation Of Puddin`, if we interpret Britney as a Heinlein character, and her `Poddy` is the temptation, which accords with many people`s observation of the nature of consumerism. The devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty would throw away the women it doesn`t want. `Poddy` may be a woman with a penis of her own and so represents conception and production rather than possession and consumption, which means that the `New Redeemer` is the `New Economics`. If Britney`s `gift` from the spaceman is a blue diamond in the shape of a heart, that is, `the heart of the ocean`, if we understand her allusion`s to the Titanic (1997), and Rose`s jewel memorial to her lost love after he drowned helping others to the lifeboats when the ship hit an iceberg and sank:
`But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end?`
In Hungarian Britney`s jewel is `kék`, and represents the heart chakra, which is `vam` in Hinduism, and so the allusion is to `vampirism` as well as devourment when Britney`s Puddin`, in her red pilot`s suit, suspends her spaceman above her `Poddy` in a white bikini dress with a giant`s fork beside his spacehelmet. Because Britney is Thunderbird 3`s pilot, in her red suit, she`s the Manipura chakra, which is the third chakra of the Hindu system associated with the solar plexus, below the heart or `vam` chakra, and above her abdomen, inside which would be carried a gestating infant. The Sahasrara chakra contains the moon, according to Hindu symbolism, and so the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` of Revelation is she who dwells in the Sahasrara chakra, with the moon at her feet and the sun, or solar plexus below her while she`s giving birth to the `New Redeemer`.
The `vam` or heart chakra is important because it`s between the moon and the solar plexus; as is the throat chakra or Vishudda and the Ajna chakra below the `crown` of Sahasrara. If the parasitical alien male vampire doesn`t want the `New Redeemer` to be born, consciousness won`t be allowed to develop beyond the first or second chakras, which are the Muladhara or anus and the Swadhisthana or genital region. Vampirism amounts to the simple perspective that the parasite will never educate its children into understanding that woman are a species with their own penis; for example. The economic system of possession and consumption is that of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and devouring war, while HIV/AIDS is the parasite`s virality, that is, the `blood plague` of Revelation, which is transmitted at the anus or from the genital region. In other words, the conception and production system of economics, based on individual spiritual and intellectual creativity, that is, individuation and technological development through the growth of personal development, is vampiristically denied by male parasitism, which begins at the `vam` chakra above the solar plexus and below the moon in the Sahasrara chakra where, in simple terms, the child of the future is conceived before it`s produced:
`Anahata is associated with the ability to make decisions outside of the realm of karma. In Manipura and below, man is bound by the laws of karma, and the fate he has in store for him. In Anahata, one is making decisions, 'following your heart', based upon one's higher self, and not from the unfulfilled emotions and desires of lower nature.`26
Incongruously, a tree appears in the midst of the desert landscape of what might be termed Britney Spears` Oops Aj[na] Did It Again because below the `vam` chakra in Hinduism is the `wish fulfilling tree`: `... known as Hrit, or Hridaya (heart) ... kalpa taru, which symbolizes the ability to manifest whatever one wishes to happen in the world.` Britney`s video `logic` supposes Oops Aj[na] Did It Again because of it`s Jungian developmental or archetypal symbolism which, interpreted from dreams, art and the imagination, acts as a guide to higher levels of conscious knowledge and wisdom:: `When something is seen in the mind's eye, or in a dream, it is being 'seen' by Ajna.` Oops Aj[na] I Did It Again relates to woman`s capacity to produce from her womb despite its often being used as a `host` by the evil male alien parasitical organism that seeks to devour her. The Ajna chakra is the seat of developed consciousness, whereas the Vishudda chakra in the throat is the `seat of power`, which corresponds to the `Big Apple` of New York because Adam`s apple denotes the power to speak rather than devour. Consequently, Britney Spears` Oops I Did It Again video depicts the danger of parasitism, which in its final stages results in the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and war`s gay boy sons` `blood plague` valence of `gay poisons`, that is, HIV/AIDS, which accords with Jesus Christ`s prophylactic birth and the Virgin Mary as prefiguring futanarian production, or `New Economic`, that is, conception and production without men`s semen, or indeed men.
Christ crucified was a torturing and murdering of what woman had produced from her womb without male semen, which prefigures the futanarian woman`s conception and production, that is, the `New Economics` of the future, rather than possession and consumption by the male `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and enslavement of women`s `host` wombs, so that its devouring of lives can continue unabated. Jesus` offering of the `bread and wine` to his disciples at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion as his `body and blood` suggests that, although the torturers and murderers of Jesus were vampires, the concept of immortality by means of the `little drink`, as the bite in the neck is euphemistically known, wasn`t viewed by Jesus with such distaste as the horror genre that began with the historical figure of Vlad `the Impaler` (1431-76) and Bram Stoker`s Dracula (1897) would have us believe.
In Hinduism the `third eye` or `Big Apple` of the Ajna chakra at the brow, to which the 9/11 terrorists from Al Qaeda, that is, from `the base` of the spine, or `root` of sexuality at the Muladhara chakra to the `crown` or top of the head at the Sahasrara chakra, were endeavouring to give the body politic of the West the equivalent of the `killer disease` HIV/AIDS. If the terrorists had flown through the `crack of doom` between the Twin Towers, instead of at them, the injunction in The Return Of The King, the final book of Tolkein`s trilogy The Lord Of The Rings, to throw Sauron`s ring into the `crack of doom`, that is, the volcano of Mt. Doom, and destroy the ring, would have been observed. Of course, the Pentagon may have been perceived as the `ring`, a five sided circle with a hole, and that would be in keeping with the conceit of The Joker amongst the `hoods`, who`s `coffin handle` is `7ember` and Hungarian.
JFK`s `dream` was of an end to `tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself`, which the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty attacked on 9/11. According to Revelation the apocalypse is characterized by the `four horsemen` who are war, plague, famine and death. War is comprehensible as the vestiges of the enslavement of women`s `host` wombs that began in ancient Greece, and spread by means similar to the HIV/AIDS virus, that is, `feigning friendship` for the citadel of the body`s immune system in order to kill it, which is what the Greeks` huge hollow wooden horse presented as a `friendship gift` to the Trojans before the walls of Troy represented .Because the Greeks emerged from the horse inside Troy and enslaved all of the `host` wombs of the women in order to breed more homosexual pederasts and more war. Consequently, homosexual pederasty is the `red dragon` of war, while its plague is HIV/AIDS because HIV/AIDS is contracted by mixing semen, blood, and shit in anal sex. which is how homosexual pederasts behave.
Famine may be understood as the result of the `thin disease`, which is what HIV/AIDS is called because it`s a wasting illness that is incurable. Sex starvation is one mode of the disease because HIV/AIDS is a terror weapon against the wombs of women and the desire for heterosexual sex. Most people view famine as a concomitant of war because war interferes with agriculture and food production. However, the consumption of alcohol and petrol suggests the true valence also relates to ancient history where `ka` and `ba` were spirit and personality in Egypt. Western culture primarily devolves into driving the car, which corresponds to `spirit` or `ka`, to the bar, that is, the `ba` or personality in Egyptian, in order to consume alcohol. The car consumes petrol and it is the `demon` of homosexual pederasty that causes men to gather together in bars for the consuming of alcohol because it impairs functionality. In effect the individual with the car, that is, the `spirit` or `ka`, is `demon driven` or `petrolled` in the sense of `patrolled` by the demon of homosexual pederasty to consume that which devours the brain`s functioning. Consequently, famine is the lack of sense in terms of the individual`s ability to perceive that the `ka` and `ba` represent the spirit and personality need spiritual nourishment, which isn`t derivable from alcoholic spirits, or the internal fire of the automobile`s combustion engine.
Smoking causes cancer and is a metaphor for fellatio and murder, which means that famine is a `constant` in terms of human economics, because all social structures are `demon driven` by homosexual pederasty. The newborn infant is pushed in its pram by its mother until it can pedal itself in its automobile (every motorist observes with bemusement the unchanging `constant` of the `pedalled vehicle`) and be `petrol` driven, that is, `petrolled` by the `demon` to the `bar` where the `ba` or personality is consumed with the alcohol`s desire to return and be consumed further by its `demon`. The assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas in 1963, while he was being chauffeur driven in a motorcade, was the homosexual pederasts explaining that they didn`t want an end to `terror, poverty, disease, and war`, and the President of the United States of America should continue being a drunk driver, like all the other victims of homosexual pederasty. If you drink from the bottle, the bottle will drink out of you, or as John said in his Inauguration:
`... those who ... [seek] power by riding the back of the tiger end ... up inside ...`
One of the more famous political assassinations of the 20th century was that of John`s younger brother, Edward, Ted [Dead] Kennedy`s car falling off a bridge at Chappaquiddick island, Massachussetts, July 18, 1969, with a woman inside the car boot, Mary Jo Kopechne, who drowned. Kennedy didn`t report the accident and Ted lost the 1980 Presidential election primarily because of the drunk driving scandal, which cast doubt on his competence under pressure. In 1959 the petrol company Esso created the `put a tiger in your tank` ad campaign, and Esso is SOS when read contiuously, which corresponds to John`s exhortation: `Ask not what your country can do, ask what you can do for your country?` John`s assassination was the demon`s answer to John`s SOS to the nation to rid the world of `terror, poverty, disease, and war`, while Mary Jo Kopechne was the `tiger` that devoured Ted`s career because he didn`t answer the SOS, which John, as a former coastguard for Homeland Defence during WWII, would have insisted upon. The Dead Kennedys was a pop group`s name in the 70s, and so another `disease` created for the USA by the USA. As Saddam Hussein was created by the Defence Department who, in retrospect were responsible for giving the Iraqi dictator the 3rd largest army in the world, 9/11 brought home to the USA the consequences of accepting Hollywood`s preoccupations with `big budget disaster movies` like Towering Inferno. From the perspective of the demon accepted by the USA itself, the `dead Kennedys` were riding on John`s coattails, and should have understood they weren`t leaders of the `free world`. Because that was the response of the devouring `red dragon` to John`s exhortation to the USA to `Save our souls`.
The `hijack` doggerel of the pirates` Yo Ho Ho even refers to John`s Catholicism: `Ev'ry man jack could ha' sailed with Old Pew,` where a pew is a seat in the church and `Old Pew` is `Hi jack Hearse`, a `coffin handle` for those who`re hacking into the coffers.. As Britney Spears` coffers were effectively hacked by the USA`s Justice Department. `Bobby` Kennedy, as Attorney General, the senior law enforcement officer of the USA, had sworn to fight the mafia before he was murdered. A potentially future President of the United States, Robert Fitzroy Kennedy was shot on June 6th, 1968, by a Palestinian Arab, who took exception to RFK`s `promise` of jet fighters for the defence of Israel. Britney Spears` fortune was given into the Co-Conservatorship of her father and manager, Justin Trawick, formerly sacked by Britney Spears, and who`d yet to emerge as anything but a `hanger on` when he emerged as someone wanting to have a `handle` of her `coffer`. Before she became a `coffin doll` indicating where her fortune would previously be:
`The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.` Mark Twain
The allusion is not inapposite because Britney Spears` Oops I Did It Again features her in the character of `Poddy`, described as `the Poddy beautiful` in science fiction `Grand Master`, Robert A. Heinlein`s (1907-88) Podkayne Of Mars, while appearing in her `red suit`, raising her spaceman above herself in a white bikini dress, she finds correspondence in Mark Twain`s novel The Tragedy Of Pudd'nhead Wilson, and The Comedy Of Those Extraordinary Twins because, in the magazine Calling All Girls (1949), Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88) introduced his character Puddin` as a prototype for `Poddy` while his novel Time Enough For Love contained The Tale of the Twins Who Weren`t (1973). Twain`s tale is about ID. Puddin` collects `fingerprints`, and so is an `expert` when a murder is committed. The theme of ID is established by the motif of `twins` and a black woman who swaps her 1/32 or less `black` child for a well-to-do white woman`s. When her child is grown she returns and asks him for financial aid, but he derides her and she `blackmails` him to support her. Selling `Roxy` into slavery because of his debts, `Tom` robs and murders his uncle. Pudd`nhead applies forensic `fingerprinting` and discovers Tom to be the murderer. Pudd`nhead is able to identify Tom as the child of the slave Roxy, and so he`s sold into slavery to pay his debts.
Britney Spears` ID is `two` in Oops I Did It Again because she is `twinned` in her `red suit` and her white bikini dress. Because she hoists her spaceman above herself so that he can take photographs, it`s about `identity`. Her spaceman is an allusion to the video single A Space Oddity by David Bowie which begins: `Ground Control to Major Tom.` Although Britney`s astronaut is referred to as `Mars Lander`, the theme of ID suggests Twain`s The Comedy Of Those Extraordinary Twins in which Tom is discovered to be a murdering slave. At one point in the video Britney receives a `gift` from her `Tom`:
`But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end?`
The reference is to the Titanic (1997) and Rose, who drops the blue `heart of the ocean` diamond pendant into the sea at the site of the salvaging of the ship that had sunk after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage from Liverpool to New York in 1911. Her `intended` had drowned while attemptng to save passengers in the lifeboats and Rose, as an `old lady`, lets the jewel fall into the sea in memory of him. The `plot` is of a lover betrayed because her ex-lover had placed the jewel into her new lover`s pocket and had accused him of theft. Consequently, Britney`s role as `Poddy` of Mars refers to Twain`s `Tom` in The Tragedy Of Pudd'nhead Wilson who betrays his mother, Roxy. In terms of the `video logic` of Oops I Did It Again, Britney`s Mars is `Rock See`, where `See` is the `throne` of a `bishop`:
`... it is sometimes given a wider significance, referring for instance to an area under patriarchal authority.`27
In Titanic Rose is betrayed by an ex-lover who accuses her new lover of stealing her `heart of the ocean`, and in Pudd`nhead Wilson the murderer`Tom` betrays his mother by reselling her into slavery, which means that Britney`s Oops I Did It Again is the `See` of `Liberty`, because emancipation was the fundamental premise of the Union after the American Civil War (1861-5) when the Southern States were bound to accept the end of slavery in the United States of America by virtue of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution:
`Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.`28
In Twain`s tale `Tom` is convicted and enslaved, while in Oops I Did It Again Britney`s astronaut appears to have a `Mission`, which relates to the concept of the `Rock See`, and the `gift` of the `heart of the ocean` could signify Tom`s `manumission` because he`s no longer indentured into servitude, but has spiritual absolution from the bishop of the `See`, who`s Britney Spears. She`s `twain` as herself in a red suit hoisting her spaceman into position to `ID` her `other` in a white bikini dress by means of a photograph, so `mark twain` is the reference:
`When the leadsman's line sank to the two-fathom knot ... [and] the boat had a safe twelve feet of water beneath it, he called out, `By the mark, twain!``29
Britney`s allusion to the Titanic means that the `safe depth` is the `mark twain` because Mark Twain`s works are deep enough for a `reader` of her video. Before Britney receives her `gift` of the `heart of the ocean`, we hear `All aboard!` A phrase sometimes completed as, `All aboard the lifeboats!` Britney`s hoisting of her spaceman to `ID` her is sex, and age (18) verification, because the rule with regard to the order of passengers saved when the ship sinks is, `Women and children first!` Moreover, 18 is the age of `adult` cinemagoing, which means that Britney`s Oops I Did It Again is a Roxy Cinema release because `Tom` in the spacesuit is her `lifeboat` and she`ll be `released` as a more `adult` video in her future.
According to press reports Britney Spears is worth billions of dollars but she`s been declared non compos mentis in terms of her capacity to manage her own affairs, which of course includes the `affair of the ex-manager sacked` by her and who is now `an affair` managing her `affairs` while her father (Co-Conservator) continues to monitor her `spy, an all Lynne jury`. which presumably determines whether or not she`s able to continue amassing billions of dollars for the executors of her feeble will. In terms of the Mark Twain tale Pudd`nhead Wilson, Britney`s Puddin` from Robert A. Heinlein`s initial contribution to the magazine Calling All Girls, `Poor Daddy` (1949), is older than `Poddy` from Podkayne Of Mars (1963), and Britney`s careful ID-ing of her 18 year old `Poddy` suggests that Puddin` can take care of herself. If it wasn`t for the jury of the `in crowd` deciding, like a `spinal injury` waiting to happen, and that she even alludes to in the title of the 2007 album Blackout, how much she should know of her own `Self`, by adjusting the level of her IQ and long term memory through mentally eviscerating spells in `rehab` and other forms of `intervention`.
Theoretically, Britney`s Puddin` was 51 and her `Poddy` was 37 when she was `released` in 2000. Mark Twain`s Pudd`nhead ID-d the murderer. He`s the one who disabled Britney`s `Poddy` to make of her a cypher for her bank account. Oops I Did It Again was Britney`s `release` but she went into voluntary `rehab` on 20th February 2007 and a court gave custody of her children to Kevin Federline, their father, on 1st October 2007, which only left Conservatorship (1st February 2008) over her fortune to be given away to her father, and later Co-Conservator Justin Trawick (26th April 2012) when Britney Spears (1982-) was 30. Because 9/11 in 2000 was the movie Logan`s Run Britney would have stopped being 21 in 2003, whereas her avatars, Puddin` and Poddy from Oops I Did It Again (2000) would be 54 and 40 respectively, but Britney in 2012 looks 30, which means that she`s been murdered by the terrorists since 2003 when George W. Bush`s `War On Terror` was first declared.
The male alien begins by feigning friendship, as the HIV/AIDS cell `feigns friendship` for the white cells of the body`s defensive immune system, that is, men appear symbiotic. After a while they revert to parasitism in which they produce boy sons, that is, poisons, to replicate their virality, which is what parasites do. In the final stages of the `disease`, the parasite launches biological warfare against the woman and her `host` womb in the form of the HIV/AIDS virus, which is described in Revelation as the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` of devouring homosexual pederasty and war.
In fact Britney appears three times in Oops I Did It Again, because she somersaults in her red suit to stand in front of her spaceman and receive her `gift` of the `heart of the ocean` wearng a white blouse, and black skirt and boots, which means that Puddin` is 51, Poddy is 37 and Britney is 18. Or, in other words, Britney has a continuing life. One of Robert A. Heinlein`s central characters is Lazarus Long who periodically changes his name and occupation because he`s ancient and he doesn`t want to have people who are `ephemerals` with shorter live expectancy discovering his secret, because of his experience of Nazi-style pogroms against those with longevity in the past. Oops I Did It Again posits `parallel lives` in which an individual exists as more than one person, that is, Britney as Puddin`, Poddy, and Britney, which means that, in the 21st century, Britney at 30 was living a `parallel life` as Puddin` (63) and Poddy (49). If we give credence to Britney`s fiction, Oops I Did It Again is memory, reincarnation and resurrection.
If Britney is Robert Heinlein`s Puddin`, and Poddy, her spaceman, `the fourth man to walk on the moon`, is Alan Bean because `Alan` is the pilot of Thunderbirds` Thunderbird 4, which emerges from the `Pod` of Thunderbird 2 and would correspond to Virgil `Gus` Grissom in NASA lore. Because Britney`s Oops I did It Again is `Sanctuary`, that is, `Argus`, where the `runners` run to when the `sandmen` are trying to kill them in the movie Logan`s Run and Carl `Gus` Gustav Jung is the `New Redeemer` of the 20th century whose developmental psychology showed that the unconscious wasn`t a place of `nightmares`, as films like Forbidden Planet (1956) suggested, but a place of inspiration to growth and wisdom, which movies like ET: The Extraterrestrial (1982) showed. `Gus` Jung`s greatness was to observe that God watched and supported humanity from within. This was `Argus` for the Greeks, and Io`s `Sanctuary`, which was what the Al Qaeda terrorists were attacking on 9/11 in their `continuation` of the movie Logan`s Run from Logan airport, Boston, Massachussetts. Britney`s planet in Oops I Did It Again is a sterile warning of the danger that the `sandmen` murderers of Logan`s Run represent to all those who aspire to reach their 21st birthday, that is, those on 9/11 who`d reached the point of living in the 21st century. Moreover, Virgil `Gus` Grissom is the pilot of Thunderbird 2 and, as `Poddy`, Britney represents the `next issue` of Puddin` from Calling All Girls magazine, a `Virgil` birth, as it were. The Roman poet Virgil wrote in the Aeneid of the descendants of those who escaped from Troy, and presumably enslavement as `host` wombs of the Greeks, founding the British Empire, where the motto is `Britons never shall be slaves.` Although Britney`s `Alan`, who may also be meant to correspond to Alan Shepard, as the `fifth man to walk on the moon`, and so corresponds to Thunderbird 5, which is an orbiting `space station` suspended above the Earth, he has first descended into the ocean depths because Alan is the name of the `aquanaut` in the Thunderbird 4 submarine. The `heart of the ocean`, which Britney`s spaceman gives to her `Poddy`, corresponds to the `spirit jewel`, or spiritual `diamond body` that yoga disciples strive to construct. Britney asks:
`But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean at the end?`
For Rose of the Titanic it was a memorial, which are for remembering. The `diamond body` is the concept of continuation, rather than resurrection because Redemption and Salvation are for the living. Resurrection isn`t reincarnation but Jesus Christ`s teachings are of Resurrection, Salvation and Redemption, that is, continuance rather than reconstitution, which is what life on Earth is. On Mars Britney`s Puddin` and Poddy, which means that her previous incarnation is Puddin` (1949-), who has a daughter, Poddy (1963-), and her newborn is Britney (1982-), which is reincarnation and reconstitution of her Puddin` as a `bearther` for a male parasite. In order for Britney to remember her previous self, Poddy, her spaceman gives her the spirit jewel, the `heart of the ocean`, so that she`ll have a blue `diamond body` and remember herself. The male alien parasitical organism doesn`t want the woman to remember previous incarnations, or even Resurrection, Salvation and Redemption, because each newborn would perceive itself as an `add on` to its previous existence if it were to receive a proper education, which means that patriarchy is parasitism. On Mars Britney, as Puddin`, hoists `Alan` above herself as `the Poddy beautiful` in a white bikini dress as a type of `sympathetic magic` in which she`s asking for Thunderbird 2, which `delivers` Thunderbird 4 inside its `pod`. Effectively, Britney is saying that woman is the `pod` of Thunderbirds and she`s awaiting Salvation and Redemption, which is `Rescue`. Reincarnation is what men do. In Egyptian mythology the evil Set dismembers so that it isn`t possible to remember, which is what murderers do. The murdered individual is reincarnated and doesn`t remember. Consequently, Britney on Mars is asking for `safe delivery`:
`...and forgive us our trespasses, as we fogive those that trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.` The Lord`s Prayer (Matt: 6. 9-13)
The prayer relates to the forgiveness of those that come into our Garden, as in Eden, which is why Britney alludes to it in her treatment of the spaceman. She`s prepared to forgive `trespasses` in her Garden but not temptations to evil. The `pod` of Thunderbird 2 is a `treasure chest`, as it were, because it represents `development`, in Hollywood terms, from Heinlein`s Puddin` to Thunderbirds` `pod`, which is the container of Britney`s `diamond` Poddy, and Britney on Earth doesn`t want her newborn `treasure` to be undervalued, that is, a `coffin.doll` forever pointing backwards to her past incarnations for the evil to prey upon. That`s why Revelation alludes to the `New Redeemer` who the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour, because it can`t. The ancient prototype is Chronos, or Saturn, which Christianity refers to as Satan, because he devours the new birth. The Bible refers to it in the Old Testament where it is written, `you shall not suffer a witch to live`, where `witch` is interpreted as `poisoner`. If the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and HIV/AIDS is interpreted as the result of `gay boy sons`, that is, `gay poisons`, eating them, as Chronos does, is the equivalent of women refusing to reproduce with them over time, so that they are no longer `poisoners` and `Babylon, the Great, Mystery, Mother of Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth` is redeemed:
`And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:` (Rev: 17.4)
In terms of the Yo Ho Ho `pirates`, and `hackers` into Britney Spears` `coffers` the `pod` of Thunderbird 2 is either her `treasure chest` or her `coffin`, that is, either she`s a newborn `add on` contributing to the hoard of treasure built up by her previous incanrations, `Puddin` and Poddy, or she`s a `coffin doll` and the `pirates` and `hackers` don`t want her to remember herself, as Britney`s own `programme` in Oops I Did It Again suggests she wants to, which presupposes her murder and endless reincarnation, as foretold in Revelation as the consequences of the rulership of the `beast` with its 9/11 terrorist message from their continuation of the `movie` Logan`s Run that noone lives over 21. Although Britney`s Puddin` on the `red planet` Mars, in her `red suit` represents Salvation and Redemption because, in her white bikini dress, she`s herself with the `heart of the ocean`, that is, the`diamond Poddy` of continuation, the `next issue` of Thunderbirds, formerly on paper in TV 21 magazine, and as the 60s TV `puppet` show, became a Hollywood `blockbuster` in 2005 with `real` actors and actresses. Having `come of age` TV 21 might expect to `develop` beyond reincarnations in which the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty continues as a devourer, which is what the Bible implies when it says that the `New Redeemer` can`t be devoured by the `red dragon`. If TV 21 is understood as the dawn of the 21st century and the end of reincarnation but the beginnings of Resurrection, Salvation, Redemption and continuation for those who seek to have the `diamond body` of the teachings of the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, 9/11 was an attempt by the `red dragon` to superimpose the movie Logan`s Run from Logan airport in Boston Massachussetts, and kill all those who`d reached 21. In other words, the `blood plague` of `biological warfare` against women`s `host` wombs, that is, HIV/AIDS, would succeed as a valence of devouring homosexual pederasty`s aborting of the 21st century as a compliment to the red dragon`s other aspects of murder and war. In Toxic Britney`s Thunderbirds` style air hostess` uniform indicates she`s aware of her TV 21 role. Her alias is a Jennifer Garner style secret agent from the TV show Alias looking for a cure but Conservatorship for her fortune suggests that the `hijacker`, though `unmasked` in the video, is determined to allow her 21st century `coffin doll` to do nothing more than point back to the `treasure map` of her `paper dolls` amid the `puppet dolls` of her previous incarnations of the 1960s and on into a future of reincarnated `dolls` forever aspiring and never achieving freedom.
Robert Kennedy would never have tolerated such a flagrant breach of the `spirit of the law` when he was Attorney General, the USA`s `policeman`, which is why he was murdered. The church`s MIB`s are `wooden` and wear black overcoats because they preach the `wooden overcoat` and the names of their `undertakers` are `coffin handles`, like such high `Holy rollers` as Jimmy Swaggart (swag, swagger, and the black arts of the mafia`s betting coup, where the winner of the Kentucky Derby is `revealed` by God`s all-seeing Holy Spirit), or Derek Prince (of the powers of the air), whose concern is to pray for the `coffin handles`, and greater rewards for the `hangers on`, rather than ask the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, where to send `the paratroopers of the Lord` in order to stop the legal eagles of the USA from defending the vultures that would prey upon the corpses of its best families.
9/11 was `Spanish 21` in American card play whereas, in the Commonwealth of the former British Empire, `Spanish 21` is `blackjack`: `A leather-covered bludgeon with a short, flexible shaft or strap, used as a hand weapon.` The aim in `Spanish 21` is to receive two cards that make 21, which may be an ace and a picture card with a value of ten, or if `black twos` or `one-eyed jacks` are `floating`, a `black two` or a `one-eyed jack`. In terms of the demon`s valence, 9/11 was 20, which means that the terrorists of 9/11 were playing the English variant `blackjack` and acting in the movie Logan`s Run in which those above the age of 21 have to die so that the economy remains at an equilibrium that`s supportive of the population. In symbolic terms, the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty represents `banished 21` because the USA hadn`t experienced an attack on itself since the Japanese at Pearl Harbour in 1944. The destruction of the Twin Towers by the Al Qaeda terrorists, whose symbol is the yellow moon, whereas that of Japan is the red sun, was `black two`, and the Pentagon would be the card of ten or higher value needed to make 21. Arabian assassins are traditionally taught that they`ll go to `paradise` if they carry out their suicidal `missions`, as the Japanese `zero` pilots were taught they`d be `sons of heaven` after Pearl Harbour, but they wouldn`t want any geishas or houris who looked older than 21. In Revelation the `New Redeemer` is born to the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour her newborn. In other words, Liberty, in New York Harbour, couldn`t be prevented by Japanese fascism and Al Qaeda terrorism, or the former British Empire `upon which the sun never sets` from living longer and looking young, because Revelation says so:
`I`m Miss American Dream since I was 17[76].` Britney Spears Piece Of Me
Because the `Big Apple` of New York represented Vishuddha, or the `Adam`s apple` within the `throat chakra` of the energic level of spirituality, that is, intellectual development, in the Hindu system, 9/11 was a silencing of the truth of the `voice of America`, and the rescue of an aircraft and its passengers from the Hudson river, by the pilot`s inspired decision to `ditch` rather than land, represented a resuscitation of the heart of America through `shock` and faith in the male hero rather than approaching towards a truer picture in which the male ego is perceivable as `programmable` and `programmed` to be destroyed if it achieves a level of awareness greater than that level of spiritual, or intellectual advancement represented by the Vishudda chakra. The `heart chakra` Anahata is described as that which is `unstruck, unhurt, or unbeaten`, which wasn`t the case after 9/11 but the resuscitation of the heart after Captain `Sully` noticed `engine trouble` on January 15th, 2009, and `ditched` his A320 Airbus in the Hudson river, finds correspondence with the reactivation of the `hearty voice` of Manahattan after an invigorating jolt of cold water to the [m]Anahata[n] chakra. Just as Oops I Did It Again has a `programmer`s lyric` that suggests Oops Hi D`Yeah [yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Did It Again [Jack] derived from Led Zeppelin`s D`Yer Mak`er, that is, Oops Hi D`Yer Jack`er, so the double `A` sided single of D`Yer Maker and The Crunge relates to the programmer`s intention:
`Excuse me
Oh will you excuse me
I'm just trying to find the bridge... `
The Led Zeppelin movie The Song Remains The Same was partly recorded at Madison Square Gardens in New York in 1973, and John Bonham, who subsequently choked to death in 1980 during a European tour of Scandinavia, because his Adam`s apple wouldn`t swallow, brawled with a guard at a venue in the USA in 1977 and Led Zeppelin were told they`d never perform a concert in the USA again, which they couldn`t because big John`s `Adam`s apple` was `choked`. John`s resuscitation wasn`t possible but the reinvigorating of the heart of America was, although The Song Remains The Same. `Sully` Sullenberger`s rescue of the crew and passengers of US Airways Flight 1549 from LaGuardia by `ditching` the aircraft into the Hudson river reflects on John Bonham`s fight with the guard, the USA`s statement that Zeppelin would never tour in the USA again, and big John`s `Adam`s apple` subsequently being unable to swallow because he was `choked` over not being able to drum in the USA during the band`s tour of Scandinavia in 1980. Guitars are described as `choked` when they produce distortion, and the guitarist would say he `can`t find the bridge`, which the strings are attached to in order to vibrate and produce sounds when plucked at or stroked with the fingers. However, acoustic guitars can`t produce distortion, because distortion is an attribute of electric guitars` amplification, which was used by bands like Nirvana in the 1980s to deliberately produce distortion for a genre of music known as the `Seattle Sound`. A `sound` is also part of a `waterway`, and a distorted guitar sounds as if it`s played underwater. Flight 1549`s engines `choked` because of a `bird strike` near George Washington Bridge, which meant `distortion` for `Sully` who `couldn`t find the bridge`. In other words, because of `grunge`, that is, dirt, or filth, `Sully` had to accept `distortion` in the `voice` of the guitar, which relates to the silencing of New York`s voice a decade earlier when the 9/11 terrorists attacked the `Big [Adam`s] Apple`. Grunge is an alternative name for the `Seattle Sound`, a genre of music combining `Punk Rock` and `Heavy Metal` because it features distorted guitars similar to those found on Led Zeppelin`s The Crunge:
`Has anybody seen the bridge?
(Have you seen the bridge?)
I ain't seen the bridge!`
The `Miracle on the Hudson` was `uplifting` but it was a disaster `programmed` by `hackers` wanting to create a Led Zeppelin `myth`. The central motif of the band is a crashed zeppelin airship and the crashed airliner in the Hudson relates to the `hackers` abilities as `pirates` rather than `hijackers`. The basic idea of the `beast` as the `frog` in tihe `throat chakra` as a ventriloqust `programming` its `dummy` with subvoce subliminal messaging to cause such `disasters` as the appearance of the rescuing frogmen at the scene of the drowning Flight 1549 in the Hudson `remains the same`. What the `hackers` or `pirates` were attempting to achieve relates to notions of `twisted lyrics`, or `Satanic messages`, placed upon legitimate recordings, and in the minds of those perceived to be `puppets` by their ventriloquist `masters`. 9/11 was a physical `blackjack` in which the terrorist forced the USA to silence its voice, whereas the `Miracle on the Hudson` was a manifestation of the `second beast` of Revelation insofar as it represents `disaster programmes` based on the inability of the victim to defend themselves against the voice of coercion, which 9/11`s attack on the Defence Department of the Pentagon prefigured. In other words, 9/11 was the severing of the brain from the vocal chords, and the initiation of the `programmer`s` attempts to turn every individual on the Earth into a `puppet` with a `master`.
The joke of course would be that Flight 1549 was late arriving in Charlotte, North Carolina, but `It`s Sully` would be the reply. The gap between movie and reality on 9/11 made it appear like a `puppet` film because the observer cares, and the action appears to be the result of some `puppet master` pulling the strings of those who are helpless to prevent the events from occurring, and Flight 1549 was.a similar event. The British TV series Thunderbirds was made into a 2005 movie with real actors and actresses, but the TV 21 show of the 60s was made with stringed puppets for a small screen. Supermarionation never made it to the `big screen`. Although 9/11 was clearly derived from Logan`s Run and the plot device that noone should be over 21 because, according to the `game logic`, they`d have to `lose a life`. Consequently, 9/11 was `blackjack`, where `blackjack` means the `club` of homosexual pederasty, and 9/11 `live` on CNN was `pay TV 21` because the `puppets` never get old. The notion is of reincarnation. Masters are those who murder the old in order for them to be reborn so that the masters can remaster them to perform `puppet theatre`.
In 1980 the TV 21 `puppet show` Stingray was released as an edited `compilation` containing `Plant Of Doom` and `Master Plan`, which suggests Led Zeppelin and Robert Plant Remasters, that is, someone perceives Led Zeppelin, and everyone else, as `puppets, because the Hudson `ditching` represents `sympathetic magic` or `voodoo` in which practitioners stick pins in dolls, or effect correspondences between seemingly unrelated things, in order to produce effects. The rescue vehicle Thunderbird 4 and Stingray were both submarines in TV 21 Supermarionation and both 9/11 and Flight 1549`s `Miracle on the Hudson` seem to have been `programmed` by `hijackers` of one sort or another to demonstrate that the rescue services are the puppets of their masters.
Led Zeppelin reunited in 2012 to perform Celebration Day (1971) with John Bonham`s son Jason on drums as a `taster` for a `concert` movie but the `puppeteer` didn`t want their tour plane, Led Zeppelin, to fly. Because they were a `lead` zeppelin, which is depicted on Led Zeppelin I, the first album, as crashing in flames, while Flight 1549 wouldn`t sink, as the `sympathetic magician` felt Led Zeppelin`s aircraft, nicknamed The Starship, should. The `whisper` in the music industry that there`d be a reunion concert tour by Led Zeppelin was quashed by the `whispering` of the `puppeteers` in the `puppets` ears because, in the opinion of the `voodoo` master, Led Zeppelin`s name belies Night Flight, their recording for the Physical Graffiti (1975) album, that is, as Keith Moon, drummer with The Who once said, when asked about Jimmy Page`s idea for the new band:
`It should go down like a lead baloon`.
Just as Keith Moon could be perceived in terms of the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, so the `bootleg` of Led Zeppelin`s concert in Cleveland in 1977, known as The Destroyer, might be said to correlate with the `red dragon`, which appears in recodings such as Mars, god of War from the Planets Suite (1914-6) of classical composer Gustav Holst and elsewhere, but might have influenced the title of The Destroyer as it appeared remastered for public consumption as How The West Was Won (2003). In the sleevenotes Led Zeppelin confessed to practising `Satanism`, presumably upon the `New Redeemer` of the 20th century, developmental psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, who won because he wasn`t Cole Younger, but Carl Gustav `Holster` Jung and knew the holster was only valuable because the gun was `safe` there. In other words, although the `holster` isn`t where the penis should be, `Red Marshall` doesn`t want Red Mars` `cowboys` to show it to anyone. Gunfighters, and other murderers, are frightened of being mastered, or remastered, that is, reincarnated to be mastered again, by their pederast, and so exist as.repressed by homosexuals who want them to show each other their penis, and they want to because that`s the valence of the male alien parasitical virality of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and war. So they do. Because they are repressed homosexuals.
Doggerel about a pirates` dispute can also be understood as a fight over `outlawed` material, which is what The Destroyer was before the `bootleg` was `mastered` as How The West Was Won by Led Zeppelin producer and lead guitarist, Jimmy Page. If New York`s `Big Apple` represents the late Steve Jobs` Apple Macintosh computers, or The Beatles` Apple label, `hackers` and `pirates` are their enemies, because they`re `disaster` programmers.One of the more famous political assassinations of the 20th century was Ted [Dead] Kennedy`s car falling off a bridge at Chappaquiddick island, Massachussetts, July 18, 1969, with a woman in the car boot, Mary Jo Kopechne, who drowned. Kennedy didn`t report the accident, presumably because he perceived it as a `bootleg` recording, and so the Yo Ho Ho of the `remasterers` refers to the `demon drink`; John`s plane crashing into the `drink` in 1999, and Marilyn Monroe`s death by mysterious drowning in a pool in 1962. Marilyn was JFK`s mistress and his assassination by the sniper Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 was because he was perceived as dissolute, whereas in fact he was ahead of his time insofar as monogamy is `demonic`. Jack`s perception was that Marilyn Monroe was his wife. Although all women are individuals, they`re `Woman`. Jackie Kennedy was America`s `Camelot`, and Marilyn Monroe was `Jackie in Hollywood`, which is fulfilment of Jesus` Christian message, `love thy neighbour`. Jack was murdered because, as a a prominent figure, he was dangerously close to communicating the truth.
John F. Kennedy`s acceptance speech at his January 20th, 1961 Inauguration contained the line: `So let us begin anew--remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof.`30 The attack on the Twin Towers on 9/11 showed that civility is a sign of weakness, because the aircraft were `civil`, and the proof of sincerity is HIV/AIDS is we don`t accept the law of God, which is that we do not need proof or to be `civil` when it comes to the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty because its a `killer disease` and we need not begin anew in our understanding of it. Redemption is the eradication of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty, and if the male alien parasitical organism does not accept woman as a species, she will replace him in God`s new heaven and Earth of Revelation. So long as one woman isn`t sufficient for one man, the question is: how many women are sufficient? If the answer is `all` then woman as a species with her own penis will win. Because `one man, one species` becomes interpretable as e pluribus unum, which is the legend on the `Great Seal` of the USA, that is,`the one and the many`, where `one` is a man and woman is `many`:
In Arabic culture alcohol is `haraam` or forbidden, and the `programmer` seems to have been suggesting that John`s plane crashed because he was drunk. If the `beast` of Revelation is the `frog` in the throat that seeks to put words in people`s mouths as a ventriloquist with a `dummy`, Britney`s Thunderbirds `puppet` in Oops I Did It Again is communicating a `worm`, which becomes the equivalent of a rum[our] in brains drunk with alcohol, and constitutes a form of `brain washing`, in which the `consumer` is unable to resist `subliminal messaging`. The effect was first noticed in Arabia where the `Master` of the `Order of the Assassins`, Hassan Ben Sabbah, gave hashish to his followers in order to programme them with notions of Paradise as the place to which they would return after carrying out their missions. If Britney is `Io` in Oops I Did It Again and Yo Ho Ho refers to `piracy` and `hacking` of recorded material, the `worm` was intended to be a shared `joke` amongst hackers with `coffin handles` like `D`Yer Hack`er` or `Captain Hook` after 9/11 and at the expense of, amongst others, the Kennedys.
Britney Spears` Criminal is her post 9/11 reflection upon what her `programmer` had done to her ten years later. Much more weighted with 50s `kitchen sink` realism after the style of dramatist John Osborne`s Look back In Anger. Criminal contains elements that relate to Yo Ho Ho but `playing pirates` is the theme rather than `pirating` in the sense of someone throwing Spears` voice from her `puppet` as the `hackers` or `pirates` laugh together at the `in joke`:
`Twas a flimsy shift on a bunker cot
With a dirk slit sheer through the bosom spot
And the lace stiff dry in a purplish blot
Oh was she wench or some shudderin' maid
That dared the knife and took the blade
By God! she had stuff for a plucky jade
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.`
In Criminal Britney`s possessed by the demoniacal influences attempting to control her. Embracing the `frog` in her throat, which is now communicating its influence to her `inner ear` and brain, she`s accepting its psychopathic directives. In Islam the voice of `iblis` or Shaitan, which corresponds to Christianity`s notions of the Satanical, is that of the demon that has no power other than to `whisper`. Acceptance, either consciously or unconsciously, of the demoniacal `voice` of the `ventriloquist`, is antithetical to the inspirational guidance of Jesus` teachings of (and through) the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete. As a spiritual developer, the Paraclete, described in the New Testament, as `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`, is that female spirit whose help brings the success, or `comfort`, that Christianity perceives as devolving from adherance to its tutelary guidance. The demoniacal influence of iblis` subglottal `voice`, who is the `frog in the throat` of the `beast`, whose gentle subvoce `hacks` are `coffins` to its targets, as on 9/11, where the `coffin handles` are perceivable as `Hi D`Yer Hacker` and `Captain Hook`, is definable as `throwing Spears` voice`. Having her voice thrown is equivalent to the `beast` having the throne of her voice, and the Vishudda chakra at the throat, representing the level of spiritual and intellectual individuality and creativity in the Hindu system, is the seat of `power`, and so the `beast` is the virality of the male alien parasitical organism seeking to usurp her. Criminal is a different instance of `hacking`, insofar as Britney`s perception of herself as more `adult` and `real` is viewed by her `hijackers`, that is, the `pirates of Her Majesty`s high C`s`, as `playing pirates`, while their `piracy` of the ship of her lines, as it were, is demoniacal:
He is a loser, he's a bum (bum bum bum).
He lies, he bluffs he's unreliable.
He is a sucker with a gun (gun gun gun) ...
But Mama I'm in love with a criminal,
And this type of love isn't rational it's physical ...`
In fact it`s `psychological`, and the result of deep programming by subvoce ventriloquism corresponding to the demonic possession the Arabians call the `whispers` of `iblis`. He`s a `sucker` suggests vampirism and the `beast` as the `frog in the throat` of the `vam` chakra, which is what `power` is called in Hinduism. Her possessor is the `hacker` in her `coffin` because he corresponds to the evil vampiristic spirit that has possessed the voice of Spears` thrown, that is, his throne`s `voice`.
Pop music has often been criticized by Christians for its lyrics, which are described as Satanism because `Satan` can be heard in `twisted lyrics`, or when played backwards. On the Beatles` White Album (1968), for example, `turn me on, dead man` is supposed to be audible when the track Revolution 9 is played backwards, and Britney`s spaceman walks backwards as if rewound in the video of Oops I Did It Again because the notion of hacking into CD software in order to record music that hasn`t been paid for, or DVDs from public libraries, is an issue in the music and film industry, which relates to Karl Marx`s notion that `workers produce value` and the value attached to the work by critics, labels and studios, and the artists or writers themselves is valuable to the extent that it is valued. However, the artist may value the work more than the product buyer or the studio or label, which means that the artist mighn`t be perceived as valuable so long as there is product. Elvis Presley, for example, made more money dead than alive. The repercussions of artists, or works being valued, or valuable because someone decides that they are acceptable to the `beast` who allows them to have the `mark of the beast`, so that they can `buy or sell`, is a concept that relates to democracy and freedom, that is, irrespective of people`s true preferences, John McCain would have won the Presidency of the USA over Barack Obama if the homosexual pederasts had wanted him to. Or, as Led Zeppelin`s Robert Plant lyricizes:
`There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure,
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.` Stairway To Heaven (1971)
Led Zeppelin `invented` heavy metal, which was new, but if the `mark of the beast` is for those who accept that homosexual pederasty decides whether you can `buy or sell`, that is, whether you`re successful or not, the meaning is subjectival. In other words, the individual buyer confers value on the work, not the artist, who values the work for individual reasons also, which have absolutely nothing to do with the seller. In simple terms, either the work and the life of the artist have intrinsic value, or they aren`t valued as created product or creator. As long as the seller has product it doesn`t care about the creator, which means that the sold product has no value to the seller, so the creator`s life is valueless. In God terms, the creator has no value for the homosexual pedlar and the sale of valueless product is what the `red dragon` of `mass consumption` represents. Consequently, the work of art only has value for the producer of it and for God, the creator, which means the creator is divorced from the economy, and so the `red dragon` of `mass consumption` consumes whatever the homosexual pederasts put a `bar code` on.
In Egyptian mythology, the spirit is the `ka` and the personality or soul is the `ba`, but in Western art, culture and civilization, the car is used to take the male alien parasite to the bar where it consumes alcohol, that is, its `evil spirit`. The aim of the parasite is to escape from the perambulator and its mother`s control to pedalling its own perambulator, that is, the `car` of `petrol` consumption, which corresponds to the personality of the `demon driven`, who needs to feel in control of its `ba`, in Egyptian mythological terms, and so the journey to the bar is `petrolled` by its `demon driver` in acceptance of its demon`s imprisoning authority. The parasite accepts its `programming` because its aspirations have been made to correspond to its activities by its need to drown its demon`s voice in unconsciousness, which the Arabians have long since recognized in their outlawing of the `evil spirit` of alcohol. Because`hashish`, and other forms of similarly brain numbing narcotics, which induce hypnagogic states vulnerable to accepting subliminal messaging, aren`t illegal in Arabia, the assassins of 9/11 undoubtedly represented demons.
In literary criticism, the intentional phallacy is that the author is prepared to accept a critical interpretation of the author`s work which flatters the author but isn`t a part of the authorial intention. Or, in computer terms, the encoded value of the work from the author`s point of view differs from that of the publisher, reader, or flatterer, and corresponds to an encryption that is extrinsic to the value placed upon the work by those who did not create it, but is intrinsically subjective and that is the encoding which has cryptic value in terms of access to the artist`s copy. In Marxist theory there is the concept of `surplus value` which is what is produced for an employer. The supposition is that the artist produces work that has a `surplus value` extrinsic to the value known of by the artist, which is exclusion rather than exclusive, whereas what the artist wants is exclusive rights to at least a copy of their work in all formats. The hypothetical perspective would be that of the star who produces vinyl records and has never heard of CDs because the label or studio is producing their work in virtual reality and doesn`t want them to be aware of their `surplus value`. In such a situation the fallacy is that the author of the work intends for the enslaver to have access to the work. The value of the work and its encoding is determined by the enslaver, although the subjective value placed upon the work by the artist isn`t a fallacy, which means that the work of the artist is encoded at those places where the work has subjective value for its creator.
If God is the Creator, the Creation is encrypted or `saved` at that point where God wants the work to be `safe`, which explains the concept of eternal Salvation and the `elect` of God, who are saved from eternity, but it doesn`t explain the Salvation of Jesus, who is saved from Nativity to Resurrection, Ascension and beyond. Salvation is continuity of an immortal body, whereas Redemption is continuity of an immortal body after acceptance of the teachings of Jesus and the Holy spirit, or Paraclete, which constitutes rejection of reincarnation, that is, continuity of memory for a number of years before rebirth and another period of development that is `damnation`. Christian Resurrection is the continuity of an immortal body with its `saved` memories over several lifetimes. If women with a penis are a species, and the valence of men is that of an alien symbiosis, that is, `feigned friendship`, it reproduces `boy sons`, which become its `poisons` as it progresses from symbiotic relations to parasitism. The `leech` feeds from the `host` body of the woman`s womb and breast, and from her art, civilization, and culture into which it has emerged, and that is also from her womb because her `producers` were there. After receiving life from her blood, and sucking milk from her breast, the `leech` proceeds to mix its semen with her blood and shit in order to produce its `biological warfare` against her `host` womb, which is HIV/AIDS. Redemption is the `conversion` of the `leech`:
`... those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage, and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels. `
If woman are a species with their own penis, `angels` are hermaphrodites, who have immortal bodies in continuity of memory, and `neither marry` nor are `given in marriage`, because they aren`t possessed by a parasite with the life cycle of a virus that periodically destroys the woman`s art, civilization and culture in war. Originally, war was a vehicle for the enslavement of women`s `host` wombs as producers of more homosexual pederasts, and the huge wooden horse of Troy that the Greeks used as a `friendship offering`, much in the way that the HIV/AIDS virus `feigns friendship` for the `host` it kills, was accepted by the Trojans and the Greeks emerged therefrom to capture the city and enslave the `host` wombs of the women to produce more homosexual pederasts, which is what the male alien virus is for.
If the virus analogy is applied to 9/11 the `civil` aircraft of the polite ticket-buying terrorists visiting New York from Boston, Massachussetts, were the equivalent of the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` of Revelation, and their flight from Logan airport was its continuation of the movie Logan`s Run in which noone over the age of 20 lives, because of the need for `economic equilibrium`. Consequently, 9/11 was an attempt by the evil to interfere with Christian Salvation. Assassins are traditionally taught that they will go to Paradise upon completion of their murderous assignments, where they will encounter women called houris who are beautiful and `pleasing`. Obviously, the maximum age for an houri would be about 20. From the perspective of the `master of the assassins`, who corresponded to Osama Ben Ladan on 9/11, after the original Hassan Ben Sabbah of the 11th century, the dawning of the 21st century constituted the appropriate moment in time to ensure that the women of the Earth would never attain to that mental and spiritual development associated in most Christian nations with `coming of age` at 21. The plan was clearly to ensure that `Paradise on Earth` was a `breeding programme` for the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and devouring war. The `Mother of Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth` corresponds to those women who view the tanks arrayed against one another for the battle for Baghdad and Saddam Hussein`s execution as `a man`, whereas woman as a species with her own penis corresponds to `human`.
If Christian Salvation meant longevity for women without their parasite, it`d be continuity of memory and bodily immortality, that is, women would never look more than 20, but would have all of the knowledge and experience of life that long lived women would have. However, the parasite would no longer have a steady supply of `boy sons`, that is, `poisons`, to prepare for wars and `biological warfares` against woman`s `host` womb and its products, which is art, civilization and culture. Instead, maintaining `rough trade`, which is a metaphor for homosexual pederasty, would further the aims of the `red dragon`, and so the terrorists chose the World Trade Centre as their target.
Jesus speaks of the `body and the blood` as his offering to his disciples, which echoes the myth of the vampire that drinks the blood of the `victim` in order to give that individual immortality. Jesus` torture and murder upon the cross is symbolic of the valence of the male alien vampire, who doesn`t want longevity for others, because it represents the antidote to homosexual pederasty and HIV/AIDS,. However, if the species of women were to drink the blood of individuals to give immortality, Christian principles would still be being observed. Jesus was conceived without male semen and so represents the individual who cannot contract the `blood plague` of the male draco, which means that Jesus` teachings and those of the female Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, are preparing the way for acceptance of the woman with a penis as a species that can reproduce herself without male semen, as Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, produced him.
From the perspective of homosexual pederasty `economic growth` would forever be non-sustainable because it depended on the extinction of the male alien parasite as a virality upon the `host` wombs of women and her product of art, civilization and culture, that is, the Earth, where the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty applies its valence of war against woman`s planet, and `biological warfare` against her species. 9/11 was a patriarchal misogynistic attempt to reintroduce possession as the basic unit of economics, where `marriage` disguises `ownership`, which is why Jesus says there`s no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven. However, marriage isn`t possession of the woman, it`s possession of the nascent `boy son` or `poison` in order to arrange more wars and `biological warfare` against women and their Earth. Although the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` corresponds to Pearl Harbour (1941) and the `red sun` flag of fascist Japan`s sneak attack on the USA and Al Qaeda`s flag with its yellow moon, the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour the `New Redeemer`. The imago is of ancient Greece, where Chronos, who was Saturn in Roman mythology, and Satan in Christianity, devours its sons. However, homosexual pederasty is what `boy sons` are, so paradoxically eating the `poisons` is what should occur, which is what God tells Eve in the Garden of Eden:
`And I shall put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed...`(Gen: 3.15)
From the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s point of view `boy sons` are for devouring, and God`s plan in Revelation is that they shoud be devoured if they don`t convert. God`s plan is for woman as a species with a penis to replace the `poisons`, which means that God doesn`t care if the `red dragon` poisons itself. The Salvation of woman as a species is God`s only concern because it`s the genuine `issue`. There were few women in the Gulf wars (1990-2011) because, although women as the `host` womb produced the `poisons`, that`s not God`s perception of what they`re for, whereas it is theirs. Consequently, there`s a division between what might be defined as the US Marine Corps valence and the Maureen `Poddy` valence, from Britney Spears` Oops I Did It Again, where `Puddin`, Poddy, and Britney represent corpses to the `red dragon` of war and `biological warfare` insofar as 9/11 represents the notion that there`s no continuity of memory over lives lived, that is, Resurrection and Salvation from previous incarnations, because, according to the Logan`s Run scenario from Logan airport to the Twin Towers, the 21st birthday of Jesus Christ should not be reached by everyone. In Oops I Did It Again Britney`s `Poddy`, from Robert A. Heinlein`s Podkayne Of Mars, is a Maureen, that is, a `Marine`, because Heinlein recreated `Poddy` from Puddin`, who was introduction in Calling All Girls (1949), and whose name was Maureen. In To Sail Beyond The Sunset (1987) Maureen appears as `I`m Mama Maureen`, which is interpretable as `the mother of a Marine`. Puddin`, Poddy, Britney, and Mama Maureen denote a continuity in terms of memory, which is what Christian Salvation is. Born in 1882, Mama Maureen, who has `rejuvenation treatment` and is `resurrected`, is prefigured in the Titanic symbolism of Oops I Did It Again where Britney represents the `Maureen Corps`.
One of Heinllein`s most famous contributions to science fiction is the `Time Corps`, which fix problems in time. However, Mama Maureen represents continuity over time, which is what Resurrection and Christian Salvation is. In the story `- All You Zombies -` Heinlein introduced his Time Corps in which the central protagonist discovers everyone is himself:
`I know where I came from—but where did all you zombies come from?
You aren’t really there at all. There isn’t anybody but me—Jane—here alone in the dark.`32
Britney Spears called her record company `Zomba`, which relates to the Egyptian notion that the personality, or soul, is the `Ba`, whereas Heinlein`s car, Gay Deciever (correct spelling; for some reason Heinlein writes `e` before `i` after `c`), which corresponds to the `Ka`, or spirit in Egyptian thought, is the vehicle that the `Time Corps` use to travel through time to fix problems.At the close of `- All You Zombies -` the character is on the verge of revealing that women are a species with their own penis. The character can`t understand what all the zombies are for because she`s a hermaphrodite. In the same way, Britney`s Maureen, which means `star of the sea`, relates to Jungian psychology`s archetypes of the collective unconscious, which is often associated with the sea, and from which emerge into consciousness in dreams, imagination and during the production of works of art, abstract images and figures that inspire the individual to growth and personal development.
The name Maureen is a `variant` of Mary, but unlike the Virgin Mary, who prefigures futanarian woman, Maureen represents an archetypal emergence of the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, from within the ocean of the contents of the archetypes of Jung`s collective unconscious and so, corresponding to the Egyptian `Ka`, that is, the spirit, she appears on the cover of To Sail Beyond The Sunset emerging from the waves like Venus. The goddess` birth represents her as a `pearl`, while Britney in Oops I Did It Again descends inside a giant`s ring to receive her `heart of the ocean`, the blue diamond for which her ring is the `setting`. In symbolic terms, Mama Maureen is wisdom, or `the pearl of great price`, and Britney`s `diamond Poddy` won`t have `cast her pearl before swine` if the `reader` can perceive the truth of her Mama`s argument, which is that the soul has to accept Jesus` teachings if the `Poddy` is to have continuity of memory over lifetimes and be Resurrected as an immortal within the `Maureen Corps` of Mama (1882-), Puddin` (1949-), `Poddy` (1963-), and Britney (1982-), whose spaceman in Oops I Did It Again dove to the ocean depths to bring her the `spirit jewel` of the Resurrection archetype of continued memory and bodily immortality through recognition and rejection of the male alien parasitical organism of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and warfare that`s `programme` is to be the disease that kills her.
In Jungian psychology the aim of development is to recognize and integrate those negative aspects of the personality that Jung calls the shadow, but women are human, whereas men aren`t, which means that shadow projections, or inabilities to perceive the truth, are a concomitant of failure to perceive that women are a species with her own penis and men are her virus. Consequently, woman`s individuation, and individuation per se, involves the recognition and introjection of those aspects of the soul that correspond - adjectivally - to `humanity`, whereas the male alien parasite has to be rejected if the species `humanity` is to have eternal Salvation.
If the penis is to be understood as the base of developmental functionality, Al Qaeda, `the base`, attacked the Twin Towers in order to reestablish `rough trade`, that is, the devouring homosexual pederasty of the `red dragon` of war, which uses `the base` as a place from which to launch its `biological warfare` of HIV/AIDS against the `host` wombs of woman from which emerges her Earth`s art, civilization and culture. The World Trade Centre is to be replaced by a single towering penis as a symbol of male defiance, whereas the Twin Towers, if woman is to stand beside man with her own penis` deveopmental functionality, the symbol of the Twin Towers would have stood. For the future will not perceive a single tower as `anything but`, in Freudian terms, repression of the `New Economics`, which would be based on Ascension to God through the power of the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, rather than possession of the female in order to destroy her.
The `New Economics` is God`s economy based on the develomental functionality of the penis, which is the `bread and the wine`, or the `soul and the spirit`, which is the `body and the blood` of Christianity, that is, the transformation of energic instinct and sexual libido into spiritual intellect, because the Sword of Logos as the Word of Microsoft and other forms of intelligent `programme based` technology can be the Salvation of mankind. But not if the marine is enshrined as the epitome of humanity`s capacity for achievement. As Britney`s Io is asking, in Oops I Did It Again, to be watched over by `our Gus` (Argus), and the rest of the departed `spirits` of the `boys` in NASA`s space programme, because of the unwanted attentions of Almighty Zeus, symbol of the father that devours the son in the Greek myth of Chronos, and of the son that devours the father, in the myth of Oedipus. Britney`s role, as Puddin` Maureen, spans generations, and represents that continuity of memory in individuality across lifetimes that is Christian Salvation and so Mama Maureen is an `awfully big marine` for Jesus:
`And then a big marine, a giant with a pair of friendly eyes
Appeared there at my shoulder and said `[Ku]wait`
`Don't worry ... I'm here ... now [there`s] ... two to dodge.` Stan Ridgeway Camouflage
The two coudln`t dodge the 9/11 suicide planes, because they weren`t with the `Maureen Corps` and didn`t have the eyes of the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, watching over them. The warning from God is that, if `Liberty` is the freedom to keep the wombs of women enslaved so that the `red dragon` of homosexual pederast can continue to produce its `poisons` in an endless cycle of devourment for its `boy sons`, woman as a species with her own penis is a better economic prospect and, if mankind does not convert from its reductive approach to economic development on the basis that a woman is an enslaved species to be devoured, God will separate the human, the humane, and the humanity that is woman as a species with her own penis, which is not the torturers and murderers that God witnessed at the crucifixion of Jesus, but the woman capable of producing perfection without male semen, that is, the Virgin Mary as the precursor of the futanarian woman, and give the `seed` of the woman a new heaven and Earth to dwell in forever as Revelation ordains:
`Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 10)
The economics of the male alien parasite is for the father to devour the sons, whereas the mother also produces daughters. If the daughter has a penis of her own and her fatherer is a woman, `New Economics` is on the horizon. However, if the 21st century is denied its evolution, a return to `basic economics` is non-sustainable economic growth. The attack of Al Qaeda, `the base`, from Logan, Massachussetts, upon the World Trade Centre, promotes a `version` of economics based on the `movie` Logan`s Run in which the `basic` is that noone reaches 21, which is what the `rough trade` of homosexual pederasty represents for the 21st century:
`There's nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm.
He's a one stop shop, makes the panties drop.
He's a sweet talkin' sugar coated candyman.
A sweet talkin' sugar coated candyman.` Christina Aguilera, `Candyman`, Back To Basics
Christian Salvation is Resurrection and memory continuation over lifetimes, which for a woman means knowledge of her own penis and its development, whereas endless reincarnations for the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty means low level technological development based on the imprisonment of woman as a breeding slave for the production of the `gay boy sons` of devouring homosexual pederasty`s war, and the `gay poisons` of homosexual pederasty`s final assault on the woman that they bore in the form of the virality they`ve created in their own image, that is, HIV/AIDS with its own `voice` and image. The ``beast` of Revelation is a `frog` and 9/11 was `blackjack` in which the terrorists `trumped` the USA`s `hand` with their `aces high`. The frogs` in the `throats` of Adam`s `Big Apple` of New York are a mockery of God`s creation of a woman, Eve, and of the Perfector of humankind, Mary, and the voice of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s antidote to what is pleasing to God, that is, the Eve of New York on 9/11, is men`s `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS` `killer disease`. God is annoyed because men are possession and consumption, whereas woman is conception and production. Laurel and Hardy made the movie Flying Deuces, but the Twin Towers weren`t deuces in `Spanish 21`, although Al Qaeda`s Flying Aces, which is the alternative title for Stan and Olly`s comedy, and was released at the outset of WWII, suggests that the eyes of the snake, that is, the grown awareness of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty, were on the Twin Towers for the sake of tempting the USA into degenerate license against the product of woman`s `host` wombs, that is, war and `biological war` upon her and the Earth, ever since Eden:
`In gambling, snake eyes is the outcome of rolling the dice in a game and getting only one pip on each die. The pair of pips resembles a pair of eyes, which is appended to the term 'snake' because of the long-standing association of this word with treachery and betrayal.`33
The attack on the `Big Apple` of New York was the declaration of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s war aim, which was that only the `pips` would remain, where the `pips` were the insignia of the generals, which correspond to the evil serpent`s `seed` after the `Big Apple`. The `Kuwait ball` was the celebration after the first Gulf War (1990-1), whereas `pip` means `blackball`, which is equivalent to queuing the eight ball again (Q8) for Gulf War II (2000-11). Not for General Stormin` Norman Schwarzkopf, who was a `pip` in the English slang sense of `zit`, that is, Schwarzkopf is `blackhead`, but General Colin Powell because `black`. `Pip pip` is what the English say in approval, which suggests that Schwarzkopf and Powell were the first and second beasts of Revelation, whether personally or just in the queue with the rest of the `pips`.
Britney`s spaceman in Oops I Did It Again represents the apologia for man`s destructivity, but the spacesuited `hero` is primitive technology in comparison to Britney`s red pilot`s suit, which identifies her as the pilot of Thunderbird 3, the spaceship, while the man in the `business suit` of NASA represents the marine commando who enslaves woman`s `host` womb for its commanders at `Mission Control`. Alan Shepard had an `inner ear` problem that prevented him from landing on the moon until 19 when he could hear his instructions. From the science fictional perspective of her red suited spaceship pilot in Oops I Did It Again Britney observes that the spaceman has `demons` telling him what to do. In terms of Jungian developmental psychology, his `inner ear` represents the undifferentiated `Thinking` function that, along with eye (`Sensation`), speech (`Feeling`) and smell (`Intuition`), constitute the four functions of consciousness in potentiam. Britney`s perspective is that Shepard could have been a pastor but he couldn`t hear the Word of God. Neil Armstrong, the `first man on the moon`, said `one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind,` but from mankind`s perspective the Earth is woman`s Guantanamo Bay, a `holding pen` where the `pig` is bred so that the male alien parasite can listen to its demonic self and, disobeying God, the Creator, while woman is kept in abeyance by `Homeland Defence`, her MCPs write their histories of plague, war and death `across the universe` in other people`s homes:
`Words... flowing out like
Endless rain...
...they slip away across the universe.
Pools of sorrow ...
Possessing ...` The Beatles Across The Universe
Economics from a male perspective is that women are possessed in marriage as producers of that which is possessing them as economic units to produce more `boy sons` that can be used as `poisons` to maintain their system of devouring homosexual pederasty which manifests itself as war, `biological war`, and HIV/AIDS or any other form of cancer that would be definable as consumption of the Earth`s and woman`s wombs` resources to no purpose other than to consume. A female perspective is to nurture what she produces from her womb after conception, which is far easier if she conceives and produces with a woman who has her own penis, and so is a member of her own species, because she won`t produce any `boy sons`. Even if she does, the Greek myth of Chronos, the Roman Saturn, and Christianity`s Satan, indicates what will happen. Chronos is `time` and `boy sons` will become extinct, which means that the poisons of pollution and corruption will disappear because women`s wombs won`t want to conceive of them:
Effectively, `abominations` are poisons, but Babyon is `Great` and the `Mystery` is that she is the victim of the `poisoners`, which are descried by some interpreters of the Bible as witches, `thou shalt not suffer a sorceress to live`. (Ex: 22.18). as witches. In the video for Lady Gaga`s Paparazi she drinks from a cup and saucer while the man with her dies on the sofa from her poisoning of him. The concept is of the woman that has `boy sons` to poison, which means that Babylon is `Great` because she`s an unwilling poisoner. Although Lady Gaga`s material is designed and conceived as challenging assumptions, she`s working within slavery and so represents a target. The danger for artists like Lady Gaga is that of provoking the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and war into attacking the innocent, which is what Al Qaeda`s attack on the Twin Towers `live` on CNN meant. MTV challenges the status quo but provocation by artists making the same statement isn`t educative. Only when a futanarian rock star with a penis of her own takes the stage at Madison Square Gardens and announces that she`s `fronting` Zip Nipplin will the challenge have shifted from avoiding possession and consumption by the devouring male alien parasitical virus to conception and production.
The paradigm for `hackers`, `pirates`, or hijackers is that of the invitation to attack the `mother`, whether country or computer, or any other system that conceives and produces, that is, it`s a valence of the possessive, and consumptive society. Systems are inviting themselves to attack woman as a producer. Whatever she conceives, or is conceived of, in her `host` womb, it`s for the parasities to devour, according to the parasites. Britney`s `Maureen Corps` of knowledge, sustained and continuous as Puddin` (1949-), Poddy (1963-), Britney (1982-), and Maureen (1882-) through the acceptance of Jesus` teachings of Resurrection and Salvation rather than reincarnation, suggests woman as a species with her own penis as conceiver and producer, whereas national governments are trying to devise ever more intricate encryption and virality to save the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and prepare woman`s final extinction. `Mama` Maureen represents the woman who refrains from using men as her sword in order to develop:
`The law, which was proposed by Knesset member Meir Sheetrit and whose regulations were approved in May 2011 by the ministerial committee for biometric applications, is likely to expose Israeli citizens to severe invasion of their privacy. Criminal organizations or foreign organizations interested in causing damage to the state and its citizens might penetrate the future biometric database and do whatever they want there.`34
Woman `traditionally` remains in the home because she`s `Homeland Defence` preparing to defend herself as a species. Jesus has been training her. If she won`t use the `sword` of her spirit and intellect to develop and defend herself, but rather adopt and adapt to the `test` paradigm of species` antagonism towards its parasite, or accept `host` womb enslavement by the alien male, she`ll be `Woman on the Sword` – as Jesus was her surrogate upon the cross. In effect, Jesus gave men time to develop, but they haven`t. The products of woman`s `host` womb have kept on struggling to emerge, as the inspirational archetypes of the collective unconscious from the spiritual `heart of the ocean` have impelled art, civilizationa and culture tfor millennia. Consequently, woman as a species has Redemption but man as a parasite doesn`t. According to Revelation perdition awaits men, and the signs of women`s victory are what men don`t want to see. Britney Spears` giant`s ring and fork in Oops I Did It Again is both woman`s triumph over what she has been able to produce and conceive, and her lament over what men have possessed and consumed of her.
Britney Spears` take on Mark Twain`s The Tragedy Of Puddin` Wilson is that, although the spaceman is able to ID the murderer, it`s him. Because he`s a man. When he touches down on Britney`s planet he`s a `NY Giant` making a `touchdown`, `one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.` The Comedy Of The Tale Of The Twins Who Weren`t is that their spaceman is `Wilson`, who`s Tom Hanks `friend` in Cast Away (2000) when he`s stranded on a desert island, a basketball with the brand name `Wilson`. When Britney hoists him into position above her he `hangs` because it`s pause for thought and not `volleyball`. `Wilson` isn`t Twain`s Puddin` but Heinlein`s and she`s the `Poddy` of his work. Britney`s from Marand her spaceman being introduced to her `Poddy`, which means that `Wilson` isn`t her twin and `Poddy` is a real friend. If it`s a suspense story, Wilson didn`t do it, but he wanted to. But he couldn`t decide whether to eat Britney`s `Puddin` and, in terms of the video`s `logic`, he was `in two minds` over her Poddy.
1 Red Dragon, .
2 Usher, Robin `Male and Female he Created them Both: Beyond Archetypes in Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction, The Science Fiction Foundation, ISSN: 0306-4964258, # 112, Autumn, 2012.
3 Rosicrucianism, .
4 Rosy Cross, .
5 Tindley, Charles Albert `We Will Overcome` in The People`s Song Bulletin, 1947.
6 Santayana, George Reason in Common Sense, volume 1 of The Life of Reason,1905.
7 Powells, .
8 Herbert, Frank .
9 10:49, Monday, 5 March 2007, .
10 Hathor, .
11 Virginia Tech massacre, .
12 VOA, .
13 King, Martin Luther `I have a dream`, 1963.
15 Hadith, Chaucer, Geoffrey The Parson`s Tale, 1390.
16 'Kaspersky Lab Invites Contributors to Help Solve Gauss Mystery', Digital News Asia, .
17 Pioneers, .
18 Logan's Run, .
19 Hesiodic Aigimios, fragment 294, reproduced in Merkelbach and West 1967 and noted in Burkert 1983:167 note 28.
20 Naiad, .
21 July 16th, 1999.
22 Sailor Songs, .
23 September, .
24 Red Heifer, .
25 The Dam Busters, .
26 Ajna chakra, .
27 Episcopal see, .
28 13th Amendment to The Constitution of the United States of America, .
29 Twain, Mark .
30 John F. Kennedy’s Presidential Inaugural Speech, .
31 Formal salutations from large gatherings of US Marines in the presence of the President or other notable figures. Lance, Steven Vulgarian Goulash: Second Serving, `Here I been thinkin' she's a prude an' she's been out back barin' her hoo-hah the whole fuckin' time,` 2004, p.85.
32 Heinlein Society, .
33 Snake eyes, .
34 Bright, R. A., ‘The Woman On The Sword’, .