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Onan On

09/06/2012 09:53



A man and a woman were divorcing on the grounds that he wanted anal sex but she didn`t. `You`re an asshole`, said the shit. `Perhaps, but I`m rejecting you,` she replied. `I have AIDS,` said he.  `I have a penis of my own,` she explained, `and I don`t want you. ` She took out her penis and masturbated it gently so that he could see the tumescent tomato of its blushings before, ejaculating creamily. `I have another,` she said. `Who is he?` demanded the shit. `I`ll kill him,` he asseverated vehemently. `She`s not you,` said the woman, `and we`re founding a species together. God says we can. It`s in the Bible:


The woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that there she may be hidden for time, times, and half a time again, before her time to be delivered comes, Revelation twelve six.`


The Shit: `So the two of you are staying with your mother?`


The woman: `The Bible says that the woman who is `hidden` in the desert shall be protected by the New Redeemer, who is born from `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` and the red dragon of Revelation, who`s the shit in the story, wants to devour the New Redeemer but can`t. The woman leaves to sow her seed amongst the stars, fights the dragon and the other shits that are its `seed`, and God gives the woman and her `seed`, that is, me and my girlfriend`s, a new heaven and Earth to dwell in forever, while the shits receive unendurable eternal pain for concealing the fact that women have a penis, are a species, and men want to murder us and the planet with AIDS or – anything else?`


`I guess I`ll just have to cast my seed upon the ground,` said the shit.



Onan On


Britney`s spaceman arrived on Mars having negotiated Freudian symbolism, that is, the `father of psychoanalysis`, Sigmund Freud`s (1856-1939) psychological interpretation of civilization, culture and art, including space rockets, as `nothing but` the repressed expression of men`s `thingies`. Masturbating for millennia, Mankind has succeeded in ejaculating as far as Earth`s nearest neighbour planet, Mars, according to Britney Spears` futuristic `scifi` promotional video for the single, `Oops! … I Did It Again`. When the spaceman, `Mars lander` reports to `Mission Control`, the audience understands it`s `nothing but` an affair: `98% oxygen.`

 In the Bible Onan is punished by God for masturbation, that is, visible ejaculation, which is which is what space travel is from a psychological perspective. Onan`s brother, Er, is slain by God (Gen: 38. 7-10), for some unspecified evil, and God tells Onan to impregnate Tamar, his brother Er`s wife. Onan applies the principle of coitus interruptus because he doesn`t want to give her his `seed`, and so is also slain by God. Onan`s `sin` is masturbation, that is, `casting his seed upon the ground`, according to Christian commentators, who follow the teaching of Jesus from the New Testament of the Bible that many feel supersedes the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the law and history, the Torah and Talmud of the `chosen people`, the Jews: `Love your neighbour as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus is wholly celibate, according to those same commentators, which suggests that, when Jesus was taken from the city of Jerusalem to the hill of Calvary by agents of the Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine and nailed to a cross of wood and left to die, he was being slain by men for not impregnating a woman, that is, for being a de facto masturbator or Onanist.

 Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after his death belies his celibacy and onanism in a declaration by the Roman guard present at his crucifixion: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) Because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, he was God`s futanarian `foot`, that is, Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigures that of `woman`s seed`, which is women`s capacity for sexually reproducing with each other to produce human technological progress through their own brains` powers for liberation from Earth to the planets and stars in colonization: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) God`s words to Eve, the first woman, are repeated iconographically in Christian symbolism by Mary`s `foot` crushing the head of the male serpent, because Jesus represents women`s futanarian human nature. Consequently, although rocketry represents male masturbation, which includes all forms of projectile; for example, bullets and missiles, starships are `woman`s seed`, which is why Onan was punished for masturbation. God ostensibly killed Er for unspecified `wickedness`, so that Onan could have sex with Er`s wife, which was recognized by Onan, who refused to accept that, to have sex with a woman, you can kill her husband. However, God`s point of view is that `woman`s seed` is for starships, whereas men are for intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), that is, specific `wickedness`, which is why he kills Er and Onan.

 Onan, whose name means `strong`, perceived the logical fallacy, which is that God will murder Onan for not having sex with Er`s wife, and God does. Similarly, Jesus Christ doesn`t have sex at all, according to the mythmakers, and so he was murdered too; even though his teaching is about how to develop and progress without murder: as God effectively orders `Onanists` to do. Onan is murdered by God because he refuses to `move up` after God has killed his brother Er and has given him Tamar to impregnate. In short, `moving up` by murder is what God advocates, and that`s rejectable. Because Onan precedes Moses and the law of God in Deuteronomy, his refusal to `move up` by murder is an example of God`s unconscious omniscience, rather than conscious knowledge. Onan`s represents the nascent perception in human futanarian nature that God is wrong in murdering Er and Onan, whereas the teachings of Jesus show how to `move up` through self-development. In modern terms, God wanted Onan to reproduce; like a photocopier. Jesus wants humans not photocopies, that is, through that process described by developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) as individual progress, or individuation. What is thought of as heterosexual reproduction equates to modernity`s photocopier, that is, a byproduct, rather than a product meeting the specifications of the designer, God.

 Society is an important aspect of Jung`s individuation process, because of notions such as `political correctness` and `politically sound`. Feminists argue that homosexuals and lesbians are `gay` and so equal, whereas futanarian women who have a penis of their own are `normal` humans by definition, that is, so-called `lesbians` are expressing love for their own futanarian human species, whereas homosexuals don`t, which is because unredeemed men are rather a parasitical organism grown in the `host womb` of the species of women. Consequently, in perceiving men and women as a species, feminism can`t be `politically correct (PC). In artistic terms, the painter Constable isn`t `PC`, because there are men in paintings such as `The Hay Wain` (1821), whereas a picture painted by God, the Artist, would have women in it, while men would be notable by their absence, or by the presence of those few shepherds who, like Jesus, were accepting of `woman`s seed` and so redeemed. Feminism is used as a barrier to genuine political correctness. The concept of equality between homosexuals and lesbians is similar to socialism in that it represents the ideology that everyone has an equal share, whereas the futanarian race of human women with their own `seed` don`t have to share: it`s their species and host womb. Men`s conservative tradition is that women share their womb, whereas the future of feminism is, as writer Virginia Woolf hinted in A Room Of One`s Own (1929), a womb of one`s own, which is politically correct.

On the red planet, Mars, Britney Spears represents `woman`s seed`, who`s endeavouring to get Onan`s masturbatory `seed` off the subject of rockets, and although the spaceman is called `Mars Lander` by `Mission Control`, a space vehicle is conspicuous by its absence. Britney appears in a red pilot`s suit indicative of her disapproval of rocket technology used to develop nuclear missiles to destroy the Earth, because the original X-15 `spaceplane` program that was cancelled in favour of the Apollo rocket program to put an astronaut on the Earth`s satellite, the moon, after pilot`s experienced `blackout` at high altitudes, and which caused planes to crash, should have been persevered with as a solution to men`s obsession with combustion, that is, fuelled explosion as a means of travel. The astronaut in Britney`s `Oops! ... I Did It Again` music video represents the Onanist`s sublimation of libidic energy into space rocket development sufficient enough to ejaculate himself from inside a Freudian `thingy` as far as the red planet, Mars. However, without `woman`s seed` the result is species` defeating. Preference for rocketry, rather than the `spaceplane` technology represented by Britney Spears` pilot on the red planet, Mars, means the development of ICBM technology for a future race war. Men who sexually repress human futanarian women, and the nascent brain power `woman`s seed` has for the developing of labor saving technology and immortality conferring medical science, prefer host womb parasitism for parasitoid devourment in warfare against her.

 Britney`s spaceman gives her a `black box`: `Britney, before you go, there's something I want you to have.` A `black box` is a recording of a plane`s progress discoverable in the event of the loss of a plane; or otherwise inexplicable malfunction: `But I though the old lady dropped it into the ocean at the end.` Britney is interpreted as alluding to the `heart of the ocean`, that is, a blue diamond pendant, which at the beginning of the movie, Titanic (1997), is dropped as a remembrance into the sea by Rose, where the salvaging of the ship is taking place. The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage to New York, the United States of America, from Southampton, England, on 15 April, 1912, after collision with an iceberg, and the call to boarding in `Oops! … I Did It Again` suggests it`s the ship Britney Spears is alluding to: `All aboard!`

 Rose`s dropping of the blue diamond into the sea is a gesture of remembrance that laments the events of the movie in which she boards the Titanic with a fiancée but takes a lover, who her fiancée seeks to discredit by having the `heart of the ocean` placed in his jacket pocket where it`s discovered. The subsequent disaster, and loss of her lover, who is drowned while helping people into the lifeboats, while her selfish fiancée lives, is the `heart of the ocean` inside the Titanic, which is Rose`s `black box`. Britney`s spaceman tells her: `Well, baby, I went down and got it for you.` The `black box` contents are the Earth`s `heart of the ocean`, that is, it`s a coffin for those who prefer ICBMs to colonization of the planets and stars as `woman`s seed`.

 In effect the story of Onan says that God is evil in the Old Testament because God invites Onan to `move up` through God`s murdering of Onan`s brother Er and God`s telling Onan to have sex with Er`s wife. In refusing, Onan effectively declares Mankind to be more interested in sublimating its sexual desires in favour of space rocket design, and is murdered by God, because ICBMs would destroy God`s creation. Although Jesus is depicted as endeavouring to change God`s consciousness through his `sacrifice`, Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven is a prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`, which represents colonization through `starships`, rather than masturbatory missile ejaculations. Britney Spears` `Oops! … I Did It Again`  represents the perception that space rocket design, and other forms of creative endeavour, are doomed, because they`re `Onanist` sublimations of the male masturbatory impulse to propel projectiles by means of combustion.

 Er was murdered by God, because God wanted Onan to reproduce with Er`s wife, and Onan refused as, effectively, Onan wanted to `invent` which, although described as `masturbation`, corresponds to that visual ejaculation sublimated as the emission of projectiles through combustion, or bullets from a gun. Jesus was killed because he represented invention. When a woman was anointing his feet with oil, the disciple Judas, who was used to stealing from the collection plate after a service, suggested that the expensive perfume be sold to raise money. When Jesus offered `bread and wine` to the disciples at the `Last Supper`, as symbols of the `body and blood` of the human host, Judas betrayed him to the Romans as a `dissident`, because he was `woman`s seed`, and so a threat to the male brained Empire of Rome. At his death, the Roman guard, Longinus, pierced Jesus` side with his spear because, as the `Second Adam`, the Holy Spirit Jesus spoke of as teaching after him, was expected to emerge from his side as the `Second Eve`. Because Jesus` teaching was a continuation of God`s plan for futanarian humanity, that is, sexual reproduction between women for liberation through human brainpower, he didn`t represent the male braining transvestite `TV` in which men and women are a single creature wearing each others` clothes that the Roman Empire wanted as `entertainment`, which is why Jesus was too inventive. God`s plan for humanity wasn`t bullets from a gun, but `starship` colonization.



 Longinus` spearing of Jesus` side was representative of men`s desire to penetrate, whereas Jesus` body represented the spirit`s shield, which is analogous to the meteor shields of `starships` in science fiction, for example, Star Trek (1966-69), which is sufficient for colonization, but men want phasers and photon torpedoes to penetrate, because their `masturbatory` impulse is to see the ejaculate, rather than have it accepted by a woman. Parasitical slavery of women`s host wombs by men produces scientists like, Albert Einstein, who posited that the universe was created by a `Big Bang`, that is, combustion, which suggests God is a bomb-maker. In parasitism, libido is channelled into intellectual work, rather than sex, which results in `masturbatory` models and technologies, for example, interstellar travel through `wormholes` by means of combustion, that is, ships like bullets, and ICBMs, whereas the human body is physically designed only for imbibing sustenance and ejaculation. Because parasites upon a host body become parasitoid in devourment of the host, that`s what men`s socio-economic history describes them as. In coercing others into sex-starved isolation sublimated as `masturbatory` activities, perverted technologies are produced. Imprisoned and stimulated by images linked to the pleasure centres of the cerebral cortex, for example, internet porn, `captives` are isolated and so `tortured` until the slaved `creatives` produce better ideas for technologies for combustive penetration in `shoot-em-up` games` systems; for example.

 Britney Spears` `Oops! … I Did It Again` image on Mars is designed to examine the `masturbatory` impulse. When men have finished masturbating, they`ll be extinct. As Onan recognized in Genesis, when he refused to impregnate Tamar, because God had murdered Onan`s brother, Er. For God, fertilization is reproduction, but it isn`t production so far as `Onanism` is concerned, which wants television, Playboy magazine, and Star Trek, so that he can fantasize and develop perverted `combustion` technologies. Onan is a Christ-like figure, because he`s a victim of host womb slavery for parasitoid nature, whereby the amphitheatres of the Roman Empire, in which individuals killed each other for the entertainment of the Romans, become the theatres of warfare where `woman`s seed` is devoured as slavery`s reality `snuff film`, rather than have the Roman war god red faced with embarrassment instead of having the red planet, Mars, named after him.

 In Genesis God kills Onan for not being satisfied with reproduction, and that`s because human futanarian `woman`s seed` isn`t present in the Bible except for allusions to God`s `foot` in Genesis and Christian iconography, that is, men have almost extinguished the foot that could have afforded humanity psychological balance. Imprisoned and coerced into isolated sublimated masturbation fantasies, women would doubtless produce perverted `shield` technologies that contain to devour, although women are better technology because they have the capacity to sexually reproduce all humanity`s brains with each other. Men`s `masturbatory` technology of ejaculation through combustion is universal death in a further `Big Bang`, which is why women are described as `hidden` (Rev: 12. 6) before they leaves to `sow` their own `seed` amongst the planets and stars as colonists.