Although Rose isn`t possessed by either man, the `heart of the ocean` pendant is a symbol of their desire to possess her and of her desire to be possessed. Britney appears duplicated in `Oops I Did It Again`, and complaining at losing her mind, while she sleeps upon a blanket shaped like a `Compass Rose`, that is, a direction finder used by ships to indicate North South, East and West (and those intermediate points between), relates her clearly to Rose from the Titanic as well as to the plot of The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers in which humans sleep but awake as `pod people`, whose bodies and minds have been possessed, which is one science fictional explanation for the crew of the Titanic`s failure to avoid disaster. When Britney`s spaceman gives her the gift, which symbolically represents the `heart of the ocean`, he`s trying to discover if she wants to be possessed by a lover:
`Well, baby, I went down and got it for you.`